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    Lazy Llama

Where do you get your news from?

Yes I can't watch tv news or listen to it on the radio, just too depressing. With written word you can look at headline and flick on to the next one if you're not interested.

Last time I listened to radio news was radio 4 in 1980 as I recall - I used to listen to it on the drive into work, then I changed and instead listened to music and after a week or so noticed that I was feeling noticeably happier :)

Used to get the Observer religiously of a Sunday and go to pub to read it and do crossword. Not done that for a good 30 years now either.
Nope, both on YouTube, tho you’d be incorrect to classify Icke as ‘news’ imo - more like entertainment ;)

Wink all you like. Not falling for it.
David Icke has some quite interesting content tbf.

Or is Icke a far right extremist too? :hmm: ;)
Yeah, I’ve said as much that some of the stuff he’s talked about before has been interesting, quite liberal and anti- police state/authoritarianism.
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I did use to look at Reddit but found that I was getting strange browser behaviour that I put down to having clicked on innocent looking links that turned out to be dodgy :( does that still happen?
It's entirely possible you clicked on something dodgy, but nowadays both Reddit algorithms and browser security have improved quite a lot - I've never had a bad experience related to that.
I was a bit disappointed with Duckduckgo that the three top stories they recommended for me yesterday were from the Mail, Express and Sun :mad: .

That and if you search something like 'verrucas' (just as an example, not that I've had to, you understand) the first couple of responses are 'Verrucas at amazon' and 'Best prices for vurracas on ebay'.
How much does a decent verruca fetch on eBay these days? (asking for a friend)

I get most of my news either here or from the BBC website
BBC, Guardian, Leeds Live, Independent, Urban, Sky, Belfast Telegraph, Irish Times

for US news (esp. Trump stuff): CNN, Politico, The Atlantic, Newscorpse among others.

(My old man - a paid up communist - read the Daily Telegraph. When I asked him why, he said “To keep tabs on the buggers of course!”)
For local news, Leicester Mercury (which is a bit shite but much better since they got rid of all the fash cunts in the comments section). For fairly decent news on the old country, Salford Star. Otherwise, the Grauniad (yes, I know it's shite), BBC News (yes, I know it's double dog shite), Morning Star (mostly shite). Of the non-shite, I look at Union News, the ACG site (obviously - though I tend to know what's being posted there before it get posted up :facepalm:) and good old Urban75 of course.
BBC website mostly.

Right wingers reckon it's too left wing and vice versa, so by my reasoning it must be relatively unbiased!

Emphasis on the word 'relatively'.
It's a bit short on news though... So many stories dont get covered or if they are are buried out of sight.

I mainly look on BBC purely to see how stories are being spun
Radio Four and Times Radio (it's a bit clunky, but I prefer the longer format interviews), a couple of podcasts, the Times a couple of times (Ha! Geddit!!!???!!!) a week, here, local facearse page to see what cats have been run over, and I follow some hacks on twitter.

Used to read the Grauin most days, but not since they lost at their minds over the EU referendum.
Here -- a lot :)

I must be about the last Urban standing who most days gets paper newspaers -- Guardian and Observer, especially at weekends. Both have big faults (especially Observer :hmm: ) but they can both be pretty damned useful and informative (especially about science at the moment. Also obituaries :oops: ).

Also at various odd times : Al-Jazeera, 24 hour BBC news, occasionally C4 news.

US : I've been looking at the NY Times on line a fair bit since 'all this' ...... but more the Black Lives Matter and Trump Stupid Shit threads on here.

For weather (important!) : netweather.tv.
am i weird that i never weather? it's never gonna be that much of a surprise, so why bother? it's not going to affect behaviour or owt, so eunnggghh.
Mostly........RT, World Service, a lttle Al Jazeera now and again for a laugh....all through the internet
I also try and look at sites Like Guido and Socialist worker to find the edges of the page
I don't watch TV in the conventional sense
I look at the Met office on my phone, it is surprisingly accurate and I like knowing if it is going to rain.

Yup, the (default) weather app on my iPhone is very accurate, especially for when it’s going to rain.
I look at the Met office on my phone, it is surprisingly accurate and I like knowing if it is going to rain.

It does though keep showing sunny weather in two days which it keeps moving to two days away along the lines of 'Jam tomorrow'.

I did find a website that of a morning said things like "It will start to rain in <nearby village> at 15:27 "

I found that strangely reassuring but I can't find it again :(
I look at the Met office on my phone, it is surprisingly accurate and I like knowing if it is going to rain.
clouds tell you that though. i just look out the window prior to leaving the house. knowing what the weather is going to be like has very little impact on my behaviour so i tend not to bother
am i weird that i never weather? it's never gonna be that much of a surprise, so why bother? it's not going to affect behaviour or owt, so eunnggghh.
Depends where you live I suppose.
Bristol's weather is quite changeable due to the proximity of the sea (without the massive compensation of actually being close enough to enjoy it).
So I always check the weather and rain radar to decide whether to wear a jacket on the bike.
Sky News and the AP portal aren't blocked here so I check them for breaking international stuff, plus you can read various usually blocked stuff republished on MSN, then a couple of local ones to find out where Xi Jinping has made a speech today and what those beastly Americans have been up to in their nefarious campaign against China's peaceful rise.
For weather I find the Met Office app pretty good.

For news I mainly use the Guardian and Twitter, but also the non-paywalled bits of various newspapers and other outlets - New York Times, Irish Times, FT, Independent, Globe & Mail, Daily Mirror, Al-Jazeera, and so on - and smaller online news outlets like Byline Times. I don't subscribe to any current affairs magazines/sites, but do end up reading columns in the New Statesman, Economist, Project Syndicate, London Economic, and so on.
The Met's weather app is invaluable to me for planning the day and the week's work, because I work as a gardener.

It's not perfect, but it is pretty good most of the time, as long as you apply a bit of common sense and watch the clouds etc as well.

Interesting to see the thread had become "where do you get your weather forecast from?"
Interesting to see the thread had become "where do you get your weather forecast from?"

Yes, I thought that :D, the thread only took a weathery turn after I chucked in a throwaway line at the end of my post ..... :eek:

.......it's often important for us though because festivals, and even in this abnormal year, I can't shake the habit of checking (in the summer especially!) :)
"For weather I find the Met Office app pretty good. "

Yep, I enjoy flying so weather is always on my mind and whilst there are loads of fancy apps and websites around these days, I find the Met office has all the information needed
TAFs and METARs (Aerodrome weather briefs) of course but thats probably of little interest to anyone unless they want data specific to a small area
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