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When does Buffy get good?

danny la rouge

More like *fanny* la rouge!
I know, I’m 30 years late. But I thought it was a kids’ show when it came out. Ive just watched 5 and a bit episodes of season one, and it’s getting worse and worse. It’s like a play put on by the Crackerjack team.

When people say it’s good, do they mean actually good, or is this some postmodern meaning. And if it really does get good, when does that start? Because I’m going to skip to there.

Not sci fi, fantasy, but Buffy the Vampire Slayer popped up on Paramount. I’d never seen it, probably mainly because I thought it was for tweens, and I was in my 30s when it came out. But many people on here have said it’s “one of the greatest programmes ever made”. So I thought I’d give it a go.

Am I missing something, or is there a radical change later in its run? It’s cheesy fun and all that, but I’m on episode 5 (by far the worst so far), and it’s like something out of the 60s. Really shonky, obvious, wooden, rubber, and kind of like Adam West Batman meets early Lindsay Lohan.

Are people liking it ironically? I’m up for that, but it’s not at all what I was expecting. Or rather, it’s exactly what I originally expected but had been led to believe otherwise…

Oh my god, I just started the next episode about a school trip and a pack of hyenas, and it’s even worse. It’s terrible. I can’t watch this even with irony. It’s actively atrocious.

(From the La Brea thread).
Ohh, season 1 is kinda crappy. Episodes 7 (hello Angel) and 12 (season finale) are worth seeing, otherwise.....

Season 2 is distinctly better, although it still has its share of filler episodes. You can probably miss all but the last two and not miss much, except the wonderful Cordelia. The two What's My Line's are well worth it as well as Bewitched Bothered and Bewildered and probably a couple more.

Season 3 is when it starts to get really good. Faith :). Spike :) :)
Oh my god! That was it being good? lol, I’m out. And I watched the whole of La Brea!
No - the seasons got progressively better with one exception i think as it went on. Last couple of seasons are best but you probably want to have watched it from the beginning to understand all of what's going on i think. I still like it a lot.
Ohh, season 1 is kinda crappy. Episodes 7 (hello Angel) and 12 (season finale) are worth seeing, otherwise.....

Season 2 is distinctly better, although it still has its share of filler episodes. You can probably miss all but the last two and not miss much, except the wonderful Cordelia. The two What's My Line's are well worth it as well as Bewitched Bothered and Bewildered and probably a couple more.

Season 3 is when it starts to get really good. Faith :). Spike :) :)
So start with season 3? Is that the consensus?
What I’ve seen (5 and bit episodes) feels like it’s for younger kids. I don’t think I’d have been into it when I was 15. It may be about 16-year-olds, but it doesn’t feel like it’s for them.
Maybe 18-25 then. We watched Heartbreak High without shame at around that age.

Either way now you’re too old. Have a cold shower and don’t think about what you haven’t done.
It's probably quite hard to get into if you didn't watch it from the start, tbf. A lot of what makes people rave about it is stuff from the last few series, but that won't carry across so well for people who don't know or care about the characters as much.

I'd say look for a quick series 2 recap to watch (there's bound to be one on YouTube or somewhere), then start series three but kind of watch it while part of your attention is on something else and fast-forward the fighty bits.
Well, I tried season 3 ep 1 (Anne), and it’s a little better than the hyena episode, but not much. I think this isn’t for me.
Not properly rewatched since I was a teenager but have been vaguely intending to get around to it at some point, dunno about the claim that it gets better with every season - season 4 had Riley in it ffs!
Not properly rewatched since I was a teenager but have been vaguely intending to get around to it at some point, dunno about the claim that it gets better with every season - season 4 had Riley in it ffs!
Riley was awful. Tara / Anya / brainchipped Spike though...
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