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What's your favourite three sports, in order.....

I played golf when I was a kid. My parents bought me a set of second-hand clubs for a few quid and junior membership of the local nine-holer for about £30 a year. It is very expensive when you become an adult – and maybe depending on where you live before that – but I'd walk to the course and play once or twice a week for a bit, so it's not that expensive. I'd also go out looking for balls in the out of bounds so I never had to buy any. But of course it is more expensive than a knockabout with football or cricket.

I really enjoyed playing golf. Shame about the nobs who run golf clubs, though. Even at a tiny course like ours, my mum was told off for wearing jeans – she was about 60 at the time.:rolleyes:

ETA: Admitting to liking golf is probably the equivalent of admitting to being middle class on here, lol.
Nah, because in Bobsleigh, F1 etc the 'vehicle' is vital, not some kind of remedial scooter to help supperannuated, unsportsmanlike types to the starting line.

No sport has people wearing tassled moccasins either.
It's a fair point, why are you avoiding commenting on that issue? This forum should be no more sacred than Suburban chat, surely?

FWIW, I'd actually advise giving it a little time and seeing how it works out, but the double standard and evasion seems weird. You started the other thread about how active it was for a start? Didn't you want comment? or was it only certain comment that you were after?
I never really got the whole dress code thing - shoes, yes, as you can slip and tear up the course/injure yourself without them - but surely your choice of trousers is whatever you feel comfortable in.

The only counter-argument is that of etiquette, essentiully if you conform to the dress code it's anticipated that you'll conform to the broader etiquette.

A cynic might suggest the dress code exists only to shift expensive items from golf shops.
I never really got the whole dress code thing -
Snobbery and power-craziness, a thinly veiled agenda to keep the oiks out. Even at a tiny club like mine was, with a prefab clubhouse and nine shortish holes – it was full of the kind of nobs who change from their golf clothes into a suit to have a drink afterwards.
I think that Golf punk magazine thingy was started by one of the people from the band no doubt, possibly the one who worked on the simpsons for a bit as well.


San Shou, MMA and off road motor bike stuff

Are probably the ones I would take time to watch along with some of the olympic things like the javelin and caneoing.
Oh i'm wrong just checked its by one of the dudes who did loaded.

Swear he had something to do with it, meh.

All about equal

International cricket
American Football
Boxing (big fights)

Can't be doing with

To watch... football, road cycling, then a tie between rugby league and biathlon.

To play... football, tennis, cricket.
to watch (because, let's face it - that's the only thing i can comment on)

I'll nominate pairs synchronised diving - but it represents all those olympic sports that are more closely related to dance. (ice dance, gynmastics) - diving wins because it's quick, episodic and silly. perfect evening in with booze and mates.

rugby union. grammar school girl and had several rugger-bugger boyfriends. old habits die hard, tho i don't much bother these days.

men's tennis. tho it can go on. i used to like watching agassi. you want to watch a player who has as much chance of fucking up as playing poetry.

hate - the second half of football - i can sustain some interest for an hour tops.
motor racing. the dullest spectator sport ever, other than...
golf. fucking hell. a game played at strolling pace. borrrrring.
1. Cricket 2. Football 3. Speedway

The top 2 used to be reversed, but I'm struggling to see the sport for the shit that surrounds it in the case of football.

Bottom 3, for balance

1. Basketball 2. Rugby 3. Any winter sport, apart from maybe speedskating
to do:
swimming or cycling (can't decide)

is dancing a sport, I like that a lot :D I like playing tennis too...

to watch:

actually I keep changing my mind, help!
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