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What's your favourite three sports, in order.....

It's strange, as while I will happily watch almost any form of competition, sport or otherwise, golf leaves me really cold.

It's just *thwack* walk, walk, walk... *thwack* :confused:

It may be a different thing playing it, as most sports are, but I can't say it's a great spectator sport.
Funnily, enough I'll happily play a game of golf on my mobile and I enjoy crazy golf, but there's nothing about the real thing that appeals.
In north Cardiff, years ago. There's really not much I like about it, I'm afraid. The snobbery, the stupid clothes, the ridiculous motorised carts, the shoes, the caddies, the daft bags, the racism, the horrendous waste of land held for the use of a tiny minority, the corporate associations/boss-toadying potential and most of all the sport itself. Which is shit.

I'm sure there's some real salt-of-the-earth, honest-to-goodness golf cubs out there, but none of it holds any appeal for me.

Muich of what you post is really only relevant to exclusive courses - I've never seen a caddy on a course in my life - but I'll concede there is still a remnant of snobbery in many places.

As a number of golf clubs are closed societies, they tend to attract people who value this exclusivity. No different to the Burlington Club, just with the veneer of a sport around it.

The overwhelming majority are just sports clubs. Same as a tennis club, bbowls club etc etc.

Many golf courses are really struggling as people are opting not to be members - and for good reason, who wants to play the same course week in, week out? Most courses now accept that they'll be 'pay-and-play', which naturally breaks down snobbery as it's open to all.
It's like a walk puntuated with a bit of stick swinging, surrounded by wankers in funny outfits.

To be fair I quite enjoyed the odd game of pitch and putt in Bath. But that was as much to do with the company, rum and weed as anything.
Funnily, enough I'll happily play a game of golf on my mobile and I enjoy crazy golf, but there's nothing about the real thing that appeals.
Oh sure, crazy golf is good fun, but there's a much higher windmill/walking ratio involved. It's also playing the 'business end' a lot quicker - all that hitting down the course just to get to the green seems a bit unnecessary to me :hmm:
Golf's not a sport. IMO. Sport's supposed to be enjoyable for either the participants or the spectators or sometimes even both. Golf's neither.

Darts. Now there's a sport.

Hmmm. Millions of people would disagree. But then, I suppose you're used to being in that situation.
I like golf and used to play a pile of it and pitch and putt when I was younger.

I'm going to take it up again soon as it's something you can play until you drop dead which is good
It's like a walk puntuated with a bit of stick swinging, surrounded by wankers in funny outfits.

To be fair I quite enjoyed the odd game of pitch and putt in Bath. But that was as much to do with the company, rum and weed as anything.

Thsat's certainly one of the attractions - the company, I mean.

Not sure where these funny outfits come into it, I wear a pair of trousers with a polo shirt. Not exactly skin-tight lycra, is it?

*anticipates a response of a picture of Ian Poulter*

Cricket first by a mile
Football less and less

Then will happily watch most others on a take it or leave it basis.. some boxing (went a bit downhill for me after the Benn, Eubank, Watson era), Rugby (pacific island teams and 7s, as they throw the ball about more), Tennis (mainly mens as it tends to be more competitive but happily missed all of wimbledon), Athletics mainly for Usain Bolt and Jessica Ennis (a-hem), cycling road races (prob. for the same reason as cricket..).

Golf is dull. Over-hyped Super Sunday types are a bit of a no no as are odd sports at the winter olympics
Count me as another who doesn't get golf. I'll admit I respect the skill involved in getting the ball into the hole because I'd probably spend all day trying to get past the first hole but I consider it in the same way as darts. It may require a certain skill to perform but if you can play entire game without breaking a sweat, it's not a sport.
1. Football
2. Rugby Union (Internationals only)
3. Beach volleyball (women)

Coming close would be F1, boxing, weightlifting, basketball, cricket, and athletics. Tennis is a bit meh, I watch a bit when Wimbeldon is on but otherwise its pretty dull.

I have no time whatsoever for Golf, Horses, or Snooker.
Count me as another who doesn't get golf. I'll admit I respect the skill involved in getting the ball into the hole because I'd probably spend all day trying to get past the first hole but I consider it in the same way as darts. It may require a certain skill to perform but if you can play entire game without breaking a sweat, it's not a sport.

It's certainly not the most intensive.

It's knackering playing long courses, but I suppose any 5/6/7-mile walk carrying a bag of clubs up and down hills would be.
But then you can get a old man cart and wibble around.

It's not a sport. Sport doesn't need mobility aids and pastel colourways
But then you can get a old man cart and wibble around.

It's not a sport. Sport doesn't need mobility aids and pastel colourways

Most people get carts to speed the round up, or to cut down on lugging the clubs (not good for bad backs) Pros never use them, but then pros don't carry their own clubs.

Pastel colourways?
To watch:

Cricket – Football – Tennis

To play:

Tennis – Snooker [these are the only two I ever play now, but I liked playing cricket/football as a kid]
The thought of actually taking part in any sport fills me with horror, but to watch:

1 - F1 / any motorsport
2 - Downhill skiing
3 - Bonkers winter sports like bobsleigh, luge etc
I think the problem with golf is that it requires such a large expensive set of equipment and half of Oxfordshire to play. There's no jumpers for goalposts for golf (excluding crazy golf obv).
I think we need to find out if golf is indeed the most hated sport on urban. I'll start a poll.
This is going to be your attempt to boost the numbers of threads in the General Sports Forum, isn't it Ed?


I'm joshing slightly, but you do seem to be avoding the issue that this place seems actually quieter than the Suburban Chat forum actually was.
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