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Sports that deserve a wider following

Jockey Racing; in which a load of the vicious little shitgremlins get whipped on the arse and made to run around and jump over hedges while giving a horse a piggyback. Any that fall over are shot because it's too much faff to give them medical treatment. If they make it to the finish alive and actually win, the horse they carried gets named SPOTY.
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cat racing

MMA in a convertible car. How the fuck did this get past the monkey tennis stage of planning?
Have you seen the medieval MMA they do with a full suit of armour and a sword? Sometimes there's team fights too for added lols.

I do Brazilian jiu jitsu / submission grappling (the rolling-around-on-the-floor, non punchy/kicky bits of MMA basically) and one of the latest things is "combat jiu jitsu" which is just grappling but you're also allowed to slap people. It's more brutal when people are actually competing but watching a round of sparring descend into a slap fight in the gym is always hilarious.
Have you seen the medieval MMA they do with a full suit of armour and a sword? Sometimes there's team fights too for added lols.
My daughters other half does this. The first time I met him I walked the pair of them to his car as they were leaving and he opened the boot and there was a the best part of a suit of armour in there and two swords. He got very upset when I asked him about his 'reenactment' hobby.

Every time I see them now my daughter cringes in case I ask about his play fighting 🤣

He's very serious about it. Bless.
Have you seen the medieval MMA they do with a full suit of armour and a sword? Sometimes there's team fights too for added lols.

I do Brazilian jiu jitsu / submission grappling (the rolling-around-on-the-floor, non punchy/kicky bits of MMA basically) and one of the latest things is "combat jiu jitsu" which is just grappling but you're also allowed to slap people. It's more brutal when people are actually competing but watching a round of sparring descend into a slap fight in the gym is always hilarious.
Must admit, I may well look this up - full suit of armour, swords, AND fighting !
you're also allowed to slap people. It's more brutal when people are actually competing but watching a round of sparring descend into a slap fight in the gym is always hilarious.

i very much want to see this.
Table tennis is massive here so obviously not actually that short of a following but reckon it deserves to be as big internationally as the lawn/clay version.

i watch it when i get the chance, it's mind-boggling.
Table tennis is massive here so obviously not actually that short of a following but reckon it deserves to be as big internationally as the lawn/clay version.
One of the sports that have fallen off the radar since the satellite-broadcastation of sports. Back in the 80s, TT would feature on Grandstand/World of Sport quite regularly. British number 1 Desmond Douglas was semi-famous. I have no idea who the British no1 is now.
One of the sports that have fallen off the radar since the satellite-broadcastation of sports. Back in the 80s, TT would feature on Grandstand/World of Sport quite regularly. British number 1 Desmond Douglas was semi-famous. I have no idea who the British no1 is now.
liam pitchford i think
Link, explaining the horseless dressage thing? I only get a couple of results, from Youtube which I CBA watching. Is it just people jumping over fenses in a paddock? :confused:

Human horse jumping is when humans jump the obstacles themselves, no horse. They approach the jump on all fours in a kind of canter, imitating the horse. Then they raise their front end (their arms) and jump over and land on their hands, then follow through with their legs. Seems to be done exclusively by teenage girls.

Human dressage is more like the dressage that horses do (or are made to do). So it’s like a kind of ballet, with set routines and steps where they cross their legs or change which is the leading leg. With the added extra detail that sets it apart, which is that the participants actually have a stick horse or hobby horse that they carry with them during the competition. A toy horse-head on a stick, with the stick between their thighs and the head held in their hands. There are team events and individual events and international tournaments. And they dress properly. Men‘s teams in top hat and tails, women’s teams in the dresses normally used for riding side saddle. It’s about one step away from the Pony Play kink.
Tejo.. great game to play, there is a skill, and beer and bangs. All good.

This reminds me of my uncle and cousins pitching horseshoes in South Carolina. The sound of the horseshoes hitting the stake was part of the excitement. The dirt in SC is red clay and there were hollows around the stakes from the long afternoons of the horseshoes landing there and spraying up the dirt. They’d sit on plastic chairs and drink from the bottle and spit chewing tobacco and holler at each other in the strange Southern country cadence that I’ve heard nowhere else. Everyone’s britches would be soaked to the knee in the fine red dust that was sifted and stirred by their game. The sharp sun beat down but we were safe in the shade of the huge walnut tree where the pitch was situated, and the big old hound dogs with bulbous ticks on their floppy ears would roll and sag in the shade of the slat-sided trucks.
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Kabbadi kabbadi kabbadi kabbadi kabbadi kabbadi kabbadi kabbadi kabbadi kabbadi kabbadi

There seems to be a great deal of standing around and warming up and chatting involved here but I like the wrestling bits.

It looks like there’s some element of Red Rover/British Bulldog involved too.

I suppose it shows one of the purposes of sports, which isn’t war and conflict so much as display of strength and prowess.
Have you seen the medieval MMA they do with a full suit of armour and a sword? Sometimes there's team fights too for added lols.

I do Brazilian jiu jitsu / submission grappling (the rolling-around-on-the-floor, non punchy/kicky bits of MMA basically) and one of the latest things is "combat jiu jitsu" which is just grappling but you're also allowed to slap people. It's more brutal when people are actually competing but watching a round of sparring descend into a slap fight in the gym is always hilarious.

This is genius.
Karakucak Güreşi AKA Yagli Gures is good. Turkish wrestling with the participants slathered in oil

This reminds me of my uncle and cousins playing pitching horseshoes in South Carolina. The sound of the horseshoes hitting the stake was part of the excitement. The dirt in SC is red clay and there were hollows around the stakes from the long afternoons of the horseshoes landing there and spraying up the dirt. They’d sit on plastic chairs and drink from the bottle and spit chewing tobacco and holler at each other in the strange country Southern cadence that I’ve heard nowhere else. Everyone’s britches would be soaked to the knee in the fine red dust that was sifted and stirred by their game. The sharp sun beat down but we were safe in the shade of the huge walnut tree where the pitch was situated, and the big old hound dogs with bulbous ticks on their floppy ears would roll and sag in the shade of the slat-sided trucks.
I'll never write anything as good as that, but sport is stupid and if it brings people together to play and chat that no matter what it is, that's a good thing. And the pace of your family's game or Tejo, allows for that
That looks like brilliant fun to me. Needs more space around the court for better views of the action.
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