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Your Favourite Sporting Achievements

Wasps training ground in Acton, Australia came up. Tag Rugby had started to become a fairly popular sport by then, I just happened to be in the final flush of ability, I doubt I could make a team in the lowest ability grade now.

I’m in there somewhere

Just watched the first game. You boys took a bit of a caning!
Just watched the first game. You boys took a bit of a caning!
Ah yeah it was embarrassing in the end but the Aussies had been playing tag since they were kids, and then League. That made the difference. The GB team now is in the top 4, along with NZ, Aus, and Ireland now. Although France are pushing as are Lebanon.
That Tom Daley Bloke in the Olympics this year, outstandingly competitive sportsman and seems like a thouroughly decent chap too which is a rare combination
My personal sporting achievement was my then nibe year old daughter doing her school sports day.

It was the javelin.

The idea was, throw the foam javalin as far as you can and then go and stand next to it.

So she did. And then looked around to see if anyone had noticed as she took one step sideways and one step backwards.

She'd managed to throw it behind herself.
Maybe a separate thread is needed for personal greatest sporting achievements (in our own view anyway)
Watching the old Olympics Team GB classics are...just... wrapped up sport emotional elation on-demand. Nothing like it. Managed to see a few of the Track Cycling memories, but didn't get stuck into the track ones in Japan.

So many of them, every time I watch them, it's typically been long enough since I've forgotten them...And even though you've told me, and I remember Kelly Holmes (for example) gets this, I won't, don't, and can't believe you until I see it all over again.

And 'all the feels' come flooding back... as if it's the first time I've seen it.

Fucking magic :thumbs: :cool: :D
I think I'd have to go with Andy Murray in 2013. Wimbledon always felt like some sort of middle-of-the-road (i.e. my Mum and Dad :D ) bonkers sporting procession, that we spent years not ever coming close (really) aside from plucky Come On Tim (in the semi's IIRC?).

Like a sporting Last Nights of the Proms, with no British participation.

Weekend key matches with the brits at advanced stages would turn my suburban hometown into a 28 days later apocalypse. for those 4 hours or so, it was all anyone could think of...and we were shit at it!

And then "this era's" Tim came along...Not Jeremy Bates, not (the OG) Come On Tim, not the Canadian Rusedski...this one has won a major...He was actually legit good...World class even.

But in an era of the Federer and Nadal (and Nole?)...Sure lightning may knock one of them out, but would the planets be that in alignment for him to do it?

I always always always thought we'd win a football world cup, before we won Wimbledon (in my lifetime) - and they are (in a pre-Murray era) fairly even statistical equivalents (citation required). It was our Man on the Moon. Our Moon.

And then he fucking did it. You could have heard a pin drop all up my street when (iirc) he aced a serve on his Match Point, but the line judge ruled it out, and we went again.

I was with my Mum watching it - I will never forget her shouting at him to make sure he visits his Mum in the crowd, as he climbed to the balcony to embrace his missus. It is probably peak Mum Striker.

Subsequent to that he evolves into a fairly flawless good egg. And all is right in the world :thumbs:
I don't think anything will ever surpass my emotions of the last 3 minutes of the Champions Leage final in 1999. Just amazing.

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