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Your greatest personal sporting achievement

By the end of school year I was allowed to go and sit besides the football field rather than stand up and lean on the goalpost waving the attacker to go ahead and punt the ball into the goal as it wasn’t my problem.
Threw a javelin quite well the one and only time I had a go. 2nd in a class of 30 odd. :cool:

Was meant to run the 200m for my house on school sports day after winning a qualifier but bunked off like the stoner I was. :rolleyes:
Threw a javelin quite well the one and only time I had a go. 2nd in a class of 30 odd. :cool:

Was meant to run the 200m for my house on school sports day after winning a qualifier but bunked off like the stoner I was. :rolleyes:
My son was the fastest at 800m in sports day at his school, he was 13 or 14 I think. but also got 'distracted' by extra-curricular activities and didn't want to join an athletics club... Shame, until then I'd actively encouraged him to be active and he really was for a few years.
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