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What's the likelihood I've been infected?


Is so vanilla
Went to a local bar on Monday evening. A neighbour works there. I sat at a table outside. She came over to say Hello and leant over, put her hand on my shoulder and gave me an 'air kiss', so definitely not socially distanced. I was a bit uncomfortable/taken aback she'd done that - I haven't been hugging/kissing close friends all throughout the pandemic - but it was over and done quickly, didn't say anything or make a fuss.

I was there for a couple of hours. She popped over a few times and sat at my small table, we chatted a bit, outside, but without masks.

This morning, Thursday, she sent a message saying one of her colleagues tested positive.

At around 7pm, she sent another message saying she's now tested positive.

I know the Delta variant is supposed to be much more transmissible. And I was in close-ish contact with someone on Monday who tested positive on Thursday evening, ie tonight.

What's the incubation period? How likely is it that she might've been infected/infectious on Monday? And that I might have it.

I'm supposed to have a meeting tomorrow morning, but don't know whether I ought to cancel or not. Wouldn't be able to forgive myself if I went ahead with the meeting tomorrow, but it turned out I had it and passed it on to others. But then again, don't want to be massively overreacting to what might be negligible risk.
You're double vaxed, IIRC, so not likely but not impossible. I'd cancel the meeting or ask to take part remotely.

It's a positive contact, you should isolate I'm afraid. Testing won't help for a bit, see how you feel in a few days.

Why wouldn't testing help? It's been a few days since contact.
It’s academic, surely, since your positive close contact from Monday counts you out for the meeting.
That was my thinking, I'd rather err on the side of caution, but wondered if it might be an overreaction on my part if I haven't been pinged and told to self-isolate.

I've been so super careful not to take any risks all through the pandemic, so I haven't paid much attention to the info re self-isolation and pinging and stuff. Am so annoyed and upset about the close proximity touching and air kiss.
You're double vaxed, IIRC, so not likely but not impossible. I'd cancel the meeting or ask to take part remotely.

Why wouldn't testing help? It's been a few days since contact.
Yes, I'm double vaxxed, Astra-Zeneca, which I vaguely recall reading isn't as effective against Delta variant as Pfizer.

The meeting's a site visit, so not something that can be done remotely, sadly. It'll be partly outdoors, but partly indoors. I've just emailed to cancel. Best not to take any chances.
The rules change next week. I'll mention them now so you can get some sense of what they say the right thing to do will be even after the self-isolation rules change.

As for your own dilemma due to you not formally being contacted for being a close contact, you arent overreacting and you should do what is needed in order for you to be able to look yourself in the face should the worst happen.

As of Monday, double jabbed individuals and under 18s who are identified as close contacts by NHS Test and Trace will be advised to take a PCR test as soon as possible to check if they have the virus and for variants of concern. People can order a PCR home test online or by calling 119, or going to a test site.

As double jabbed people identified as close contacts are still at risk of being infected, people are advised to consider other precautions such as wearing a face covering in enclosed spaces, and limit contact with other people, especially with anyone who is clinically extremely vulnerable. They will not be required to self-isolate while they wait for the results of the PCR test.

Personally if I found myself in that situation even after that rules change, I would use the 'limit contact with other people' bit to excuse myself from the meeting.

Thats from Self-isolation removed for double jabbed close contacts from 16 August
So advice that you should not leave the house if you have symptoms and waiting test results will change next week?
So advice that you should not leave the house if you have symptoms and waiting test results will change next week?
No, the rule changes are to self-isolation for symptom-free contacts of positive cases, so long as the close contacts are double-jabbed or under 18, not for people with symptoms. From the same page I linked to in previous post:

Anyone who tests positive following the PCR test will still be legally required to self-isolate, irrespective of their vaccination status or age in order to break onwards chains of transmission. Meanwhile anyone who develops COVID-19 symptoms should self-isolate and get a PCR test, and remain in isolation until the result comes back.
Isolate and lateral flow test just to be on the safe side. Pcr if you get symptoms. Being outside you are unlikely to have caught it but time will tell. Imho. Hi

I’ve just finished eight days from the app pinging me. I recommend cheese and wine emergency deliveries.

Bring double vaxxed from Monday you wouldn’t need to isolate.
If nobody has done the QR thingy you won't get pinged. Most chemists now have lateral flow tests, ask a friend to stick one through your letterbox. If that isn't possible mine came the next day via gov.uk covid testing. Or book a PCR by post the same way, results can take a few days though to get back by text
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