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What's happened to classic,old-fashioned political scandals?


Dear Forumers,

In the past it seemed that there were many classic scandals in British politics. Such as the Profumo Affair, Labour MPs faking their own suicides, Conservatives having a lot of gay sex with rent boys, and Liberal leaders shooting people's dogs. But these days a lot of the political scandals just seem quite tedious and basic in comparison.

Some people say that politicians are still having a lot of gay sex, but there have not been any stories since the 1970s about Liberal leaders shooting people's dogs, for example.

Veronika Oleksychenko
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Dear Forumers,
In the past it seemed that there were many classic scandals in British politics. Such as the Profumo Affair, Labour MPs faking their own suicides, Conservatives having a lot of gay sex with rent boys, and Liberal leaders shooting people's dogs. But these days a lot of the political scandals just seem quite tedious and basic in comparison.

Some people say that politicians are still having a lot of gay sex, but there have not been any stories since the 1970s about Liberal leaders shooting people's dogs, for example.

Veronika Oleksychenko

Would this be the kind of thing that is being referred to?

"Letters purporting to be from a Brexit-supporting Russian woman living in the UK have prompted claims of a targeted “disinformation” campaign after an allegedly “fake persona” was used to send anti-EU messages to regional newspapers ..."

Mystery as ‘Russian woman posing as local resident’ targets newspapers with pro-Brexit letters in ‘disinformation campaign’
why are your hats all so funny. You used to have funny hats why don’t you have funny hats anymore.
imagine being this shit at understanding the political climate in the UK. What a waste of time. Where are your hats?
all this woke bollocks. you can't go round shooting dogs these days...
Dear Puddy_Tat,

I respect that you have a point of view and one that is perhaps to be expected. But I cannot imagine Sir Ed Davey shooting someone's dog as part of his attempt to cover over a gay sex affair, in order that he might therefore become Prime Minister. I doubt that it is the sort of thing the Liberal Democrats would do these days.

Veronika Oleksychenko
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I would reckon that on at least a monthly basis, politicians do something that would have been an instant resignation when I was a boy.
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Dear Forumers,

In the past it seemed that there were many classic scandals in British politics. Such as the Profumo Affair, Labour MPs faking their own suicides, Conservatives having a lot of gay sex with rent boys, and Liberal leaders shooting people's dogs. But these days a lot of the political scandals just seem quite tedious and basic in comparison.

Some people say that politicians are still having a lot of gay sex, but there have not been any stories since the 1970s about Liberal leaders shooting people's dogs, for example.

Veronika Oleksychenko
Could you please read and maybe if yiubhave something worthwhile to add participate in some existing threads rather than just spamming us with new ones please. Maybe get a flavour of the place before posting about your hobby horses.
Dear Puddy_Tat,

I respect that you have a point of view and one that is perhaps to be expected. But I cannot imagine Sir Ed Davey shooting someone's dog as part of his attempt to cover over a gay sex affair, in order that he might therefore become Prime Minister. I doubt that it is the sort of thing the Liberal Democrats would do these days.

Veronika Oleksychenko
Dear Puddy_Tat,

I respect that you have a point of view and one that is perhaps to be expected. But I cannot imagine Sir Ed Davey shooting someone's dog as part of his attempt to cover over a gay sex affair, in order that he might therefore become Prime Minister. I doubt that it is the sort of thing the Liberal Democrats would do these days.

Veronika Oleksychenko
That's because you have no imagination rather than Ed davey being a decent human being
Dear Puddy_Tat,

I respect that you have a point of view and one that is perhaps to be expected. But I cannot imagine Sir Ed Davey shooting someone's dog as part of his attempt to cover over a gay sex affair, in order that he might therefore become Prime Minister. I doubt that it is the sort of thing the Liberal Democrats would do these days.

Veronika Oleksychenko
He would have been too busy shooting postmasters through the back of the neck to be bothered with great danes.
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