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What's for tea tonight? (#8)

I probably will, tbf :D ...but I'm shitting it all the same! :rolleyes: :facepalm:

I'm figuring it'll be fine once I get this first week out of the way :cool: (by which time I will hopefully also have begun to figure out who the notoriously bitchy/moany ones I was warned about in my interview are :hmm: ...like, so I know who to *avoid* afaic... :D )

I have to do paperwork stuff in the morning and that's the bit I'm dreading most for some reason :confused: :hmm: I reckon once I can get stuck into some actual work, it'll be alright :)
last night was Macaroni Peas! needed something quick to serve up to my parents on their last night here. Have had a GREAT holiday. Now back to reality. Bah.

Ooooh, hope the first day is going well sheo!

I'm not back into the cooking game yet since holidays... will probs have to go shopping. but maybe dhal cos it's easy and delicious. yeah, dhal it is...
Leftovers, with add-ons. I had the rest of the lentil curry, then fried up some German cheese sossies to go with the rice and beans from last night. Decent combo.
Thank you, crusty! :cool: :D

I only did just over a half day AND there were no kids in today (so it was just cleaning)...and I'm STILL knackered! :facepalm: :oops: :D
Mainly cos it was so bloody hot today outside, tbf, so was sweltering in the kitchen (plus you're on your feet all the time, obv).
It's just the Year 7's tomorrow but will be a full day..then the whole lot back on Thursday...fuck knows what state I'm going to be in by Friday, lol. :D

Am keeping my fingers crossed for some cold weather on it's way now that the hols are over :p

Came home and nearly sat on my arse for the rest of the day but figured since I'm bound to be even worse tomorrow, I ought to get back up again and do some washing and cooking and that :hmm: so I did a sausage and mushroom thing in a creamy/mustardy/thyme sauce (of which half has gone into the freezer) which my son and I just had with new potatoes and green beans...and 2 dinners worth of tomato/basil pasta sauce (one for the freezer and one for Thursday which is the first day I also have my daughter back again).
Am thinking that more regular batch cooking is the way forwards (I've always done a fair bit...but I'm going to stockpile from now on)! :cool:

I also found a couple of toffee something or other pudding things in the downstairs freezer which I'm trying to empty (cos I REALLY do not need two freezers on the go :facepalm: ) so we're having those for pudding.
Excellent range of macaroni cheese meals concoctions consumed tonight, well done urbs :cool:

Lamb and pork belly shepherd's pie with peas and sweetcorn.
We went to Ikea at the weekend and didn't have time for lunch so bought some frozen meatballs.

So, ikea meatballs, chips, peas and creamy sauce.

Then a bit of pavlova for when Bake off is on. : )
Glad it went well sheo. :) You sussed out who the moaners are yet then? Please feel free to join the drag thread with detailed critiques of their personality flaws. :D

I had some chicken in this spicy Louisiana sauce
(Pain Level 8) according to their website. Really tasty, cajun style, very nice.
Had a big salad with it.
Felt lazy and hungry, so large helping of feta, tomato and cucumber salad with oregano and balsamic dressing, hot new potatoes with garlic & chive mayo. Apple pie and custard for pudding.
veggie chilli for me tonight as the boy is away for two weeks so I can make tomatoey things. it's been so long since I made one though! anyone got any fav recipes?
mmmm, my chilli is bubbling away nicely already and making me HUNGRY! but, just found moths in the bloody rice again so need to go to the shops before tea. Booo....
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