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What's for tea tonight? (#8)

Sweet and sour chicken with mixed peppers and sugarsnap peas serve with rice.
It turned out really tasty although I was dubious about the sauce at first it was surprisingly nice.
How did you do the potato and fenugreek curry? I have a packet of Fenugreek seeds in the cupboard, and they have been there for too long, unused, unopened ....
I only had dried fenugreek leaves. Not sure what the seeds taste like, but this is what I did with the leaves:

Fried a couple of crushed garlic gloves, cumin seeds and mustard seeds. Then chucked in some cabbage and added tumeric, chilli powder, ground corriander, salt - shake it about and let the cabbage cook for a couple of mins.

Then add a handful of fenugreek, small new potatoes (or chopped up ones), bit of garam massala, lid on and on low heat for 20 mins. Check it every now and then and shake/stir, add a bit of water if too dry.

When the potatoes are done add corriander (I only had dried), turn heat off and stir in two big dollops of yogurt :)
Why is what other people have for dinner so interesting? I don't understand it, but I like to know. 553 pages can't be wrong... why does it interest us so much? What internet randoms have for dinner? Why do we feel the urge to tell strangers what we're eating? Weird innit, but here we are!!

((dinnertime urbs))

Oedipal stuff. It is a more civilised way of asking what goes on behind closed doors. A truly crude thread would ask what you did for sexual gratification.

Edit, in fact, if I could be bothered, I would go through all the posts, examine all the metaphors and explain exactly what everyone is up to behind closed doors.

See the mention of my packet of fenugreek seeds, unopened, unused. I might as well have added UNLOVED. What should I do with them to get the kind of delicious, tasty dish that someone else has just enjoyed?
Sir, this is Suburban 75. Such filth has no place here. You will have to go to the Knobbing and Sobbing thread for that.
Oedipal stuff. It is a more civilised way of asking what goes on behind closed doors.
lol, nah it's all about the food for me... I love food, growing it, cooking, baking, photographing and eating it. I like reading about it and getting new ideas. Nowt oedipal or sexual about it, well apart from some dishes :oops:
Why is what other people have for dinner so interesting? I don't understand it, but I like to know. 553 pages can't be wrong... why does it interest us so much? What internet randoms have for dinner? Why do we feel the urge to tell strangers what we're eating? Weird innit, but here we are!!

((dinnertime urbs))
*blows own trumpet*

I started the original, years ago and it's one of the biggest longest running threads. I started it cos I am absolutely obsessed with food, with creating it and eating it. It's pretty much the first thing I think about when I wake up, and I bloody love that there are loads of people on here like me, cos it's dead handy sometimes for inspiration and it's nice to share an obsession :D

No booze for us toneet. We'll be snarfing fuckoff big cheese omelettes, with some 'Mediterranean' flavoured couscous I found in the back of the cupboard, and a salad. Pudding will be some massive triple choc cookies from the Co op, and then we're gonna start Season 5 of The Sopranos.

Blissed fucking OUT :cool:
lol, nah it's all about the food for me... I love food, growing it, cooking, baking, photographing and eating it. I like reading about it and getting new ideas. Nowt oedipal or sexual about it, well apart from some dishes :oops:
There is a sensuality about it though eh Bee?

It's also, for me, the highest form of alchemy. Food and the cooking of it is almost fucking sacred to me, no word of a lie. Good food is made with love and care in it, and it shows.
There is a sensuality about it though eh Bee?
aye, look at my last five words ;) there is definitely with some dishes, taste is a sensation (that sounds like a bloody advert! :D)... and when I have good food, then happy chemicals are released... was more the oedipal reference I was objecting to, don't get that?

Or do you mean sensuality in the preparation? Or both? (I'm getting hungry talking about this).

I'm with you on the alchemy though, some of the nicest things I've eaten have been a combination of the fewest ingredients that just work :)
Hang on, something's amiss here: the board software seems to have muddled up Soj's posts with Cheeyspoof's

:mad: :eek:

I love food, but sacred? And I don't want none of this alchemy lark - I ain't trying to make a amulet of purest green when I'm cooking. I'm generally trying to showcase the ingredients to their best advantage. Love cooking mind - it's a fundamental everyday pleasure.
can't you use the term alchemy (in a loose sense, like chemistry) for getting the right combination of flavours together?

and ey up, how you doing sir? :)
Ach, for me there's far too much of that dubious hokey pokey and focus on magic elixirs of life in the term alchemy for me to apply it to the kitchen. Cooking's generally about refining and perfecting existing flavours and processes to me, not coming up with new and remarkably different tasting dishes from unpromising ingredients. That's not to say that there's no love or freedom in cooking, but I'm dubious about terms which imply some kind of magical qualities inherent in the inspired chef. Cooking's far more about dedication, love and enjoying food than searching for mystical breakthroughs ifykwim.
There is a sensuality about it though eh Bee?

It's also, for me, the highest form of alchemy. Food and the cooking of it is almost fucking sacred to me, no word of a lie. Good food is made with love and care in it, and it shows.[/quote]

Word :cool:

There's nothing better than good food and good company (and perhaps a glass or two of wine).
Even just a simple family meal with us all sat round the table is special to me.
*blows own trumpet*

I started the original, years ago and it's one of the biggest longest running threads. I started it cos I am absolutely obsessed with food, with creating it and eating it. It's pretty much the first thing I think about when I wake up, and I bloody love that there are loads of people on here like me, cos it's dead handy sometimes for inspiration and it's nice to share an obsession :D

Blissed fucking OUT :cool:

OK, then it's an oral fixation - still Freudian. Oral, anal, genital, oedipal, same difference.

PS I love the thread and foodies and inspiration. Well done
Depends how urgently you cram it down. Many a shootout at the buffet table / hog roast could have been avoided by a full analysis.
Hang on, something's amiss here: the board software seems to have muddled up Soj's posts with Cheeyspoof's

:mad: :eek:

I love food, but sacred? And I don't want none of this alchemy lark - I ain't trying to make a amulet of purest green when I'm cooking. I'm generally trying to showcase the ingredients to their best advantage. Love cooking mind - it's a fundamental everyday pleasure.
Oh cock off :D

I mean, the kind of stuff that happens to fennel bulbs, and roasted peppers, the mix of spices...stuff that starts out one thing and becomes something else entirely, I'm NOT on about me being fucking magical you dick
It was going to be chilli con carne....then the sun came out and its going to be tuna, pasta, sweetcorn bake with an inch of grated something on top....havent put the mince back in the freezer yet though as it's clouding over again.

Will be baking a banana and choc chip loaf for later...this week I'll be using bicarb and not baking powder...I thought I could substitute one for the other, but it came out bitter tasting last week?
Will be baking a banana and choc chip loaf for later...this week I'll be using bicarb and not baking powder...I thought I could substitute one for the other, but it came out bitter tasting last week?

Does the recipe include bicarb? I normally use baking powder in cakes, I'm not sure it would be the baking powder making it taste bitter?

Jacket spud for me tonight, with tuna, mayo and gherkin
Does the recipe include bicarb? I normally use baking powder in cakes, I'm not sure it would be the baking powder making it taste bitter?

yes the recipe said bicarb...i only had baking powder so shoved that in....it was a bit flat-ish and bitter-ish.....but that could be my crap baking skills then....:hmm:
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