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What's for tea tonight? (#8)

I don't have any cooking mojo tonight and am feeling uninspired, so I'm going to have a chicken and mushroom pot noodle just so I've had something.
I don't have any cooking mojo tonight and am feeling uninspired, so I'm going to have a chicken and mushroom pot noodle just so I've had something.
I don't know what was up with this, pot noodles have got me through various periods of illness in terms of just getting something into me, and I'm generally a fan of instant noodles (whether in a packet or a pot) as a quick snack or lunch, but this one just smelled and tasted absolutely rank.
You know like when you go into an eatery and you can tell they've not changed the oil in the deep fat fryer for a while so you decide to eat somewhere else?
Like that.

Hope I'm not coming down with Covid
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OK apparently they changed the ingredients since I last ate one, I can't work out what the difference is because I can't find a list of the old ingredients (just various info stating it has changed), certain cereal products affect my digestive system in a very negative way as well as giving me headaches and joint pain (eg. last time I ate a bowl of muesli I was in upper digestive pain for several hours and felt unwell for the rest of the day, I am not sure whether it was the oats or the malted wheat flakes, I don't really get on with either) so I am going to assume it is that - and probably never eat one again. :(
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I made a large bowl of salad.

I used a lot of chopped tomatoes, chopped cucumber, salted them and sprinkled them with dried garlic bits. After half an hour I combined the juices from the toms and cucumber with a lot of high quality olive oil to make a dressing for a ripped up iceberg. I added capers wrapped in brown anchovies. Tossed it all together and served with tiny Boston new potatoes, and tuna steak.

I've not done a salad for a while so to resurrect this, which was an almost daily meal in Spain, was a very welcome feast.
Last night, stuffed myself.

Toasted Pita bread with 2x 1/4 pound burgers in them with cheese and a different sauces for each one then cut in half
Frozen double pepperoni pizza with added various salamis and garlic sauce
3/4 of a cheesecake
Cornetto or whatever lidls version is called.
Had some bacon that needed to be either frozen or used, so decided on bacon, red pepper and peas with long grain rice, bit of chicken stock and saffron in there too, easy one pot food after last night's thankfully shortlived (and therefore almost certainly a food intolerance issue) digestive apocalypse :D
Surprise risotto was lush.
Bacon, onion, red pepper, peas, chilli flakes, garlic, arborio rice, white wine, chicken stock, pinch of saffron and of course bit of butter and parmesan beaten in at the end and finished off with some fresh oregano and basil from my windowsill garden and a bit of black pepper - om nom nom!

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