cheeky, or standard?Nandos
cheeky, or standard?
Small pasta and small garlic bread, after we accidentally a big lunch in Carluccio's.
I haven't made a chilli for about 2 years! I need to sort that out. Maybe Sunday will be chilli dayChilli con carne what's already in the slow cooker.
Don't fancy rice with it though so might do some wedges for a change.
I love a good fish pie. I mix mine up with some tiny macaroni in the white cheesy sauce, plus mashed sweet potato / butternut squash on top. Chili flakes stirred through it pie. again. But its so tasty. Pollock, salmon, mushrooms and sweetcorn in a cheesy white sauce. Not pastry pie obvs- think more ocean pie than pastry backed pie. Real mash as well, not the convenient but never quite the same powdered stuff.
I love a good fish pie. I mix mine up with some tiny macaroni in the white cheesy sauce, plus mashed sweet potato / butternut squash on top. Chili flakes stirred through it too.
It's impossible to wreck tho.
I've planned it all and am looking forward to it already :
roasted turkey leg
rice n peas
chopped avocado and mango with lime juice