That's a bit of a strange one Mrs Miggins, I hope it's weird in a good way.
We've got courgette, mushroom and broccoli that needs using up so probably stir fry with noodles.
Ordering a pizza (or a kebab) no idea what yet.
Yeah not sure how it's going to feel. It's there, it needs eating up and I'm having an Indian dinner so I'm going to defrost it and see how I feel. I can chuck it if it's too weird.
It's a funny one all right!!Blimey love, I can see how that'd be difficult, potentially! But it's food, made and saved to eat later when you can't be arsed to cook from scratch...or to accompany a great dinner. Think you have it right - so eat it and enjoy it or just don't balk at chucking it if it's just not what you fancy either X