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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

How much truth is there in Trump's allegation that Biden/the Democrats generally have weaponised the Department of Justice against him? Do they not have separation of powers in the US?

I've seen it said that if Trump were not standing again there would be no prosecution.
Sounds like bollocks to me - if it weren't Trump he'd be inside now for incitement to riot.
Sounds like bollocks to me as well, which makes it odd not to hear universal refutation. I'm assuming that's because it's so daft everyone can see it's daft but OTOH I don't know much about the mechanics of the US legal system so I don't know how open it is to political manipulation (apart from PoTUS appointing the Attorney General and Supreme Court judges, of course).
How much truth is there in Trump's allegation that Biden/the Democrats generally have weaponised the Department of Justice against him? Do they not have separation of powers in the US?
None, in the sense that he's managed a pretty bang-up job of 'weaponising' the DoJ against himself purely by virtue of being a fucking bellend who's done all his perpetrating in plain sight.
I bet Walt Nauta didn’t see this bus coming

the FBI it was hunter Biden all the plans are on the laptop along with his dick pictures

odd thing about the maga lot rainbows on a beer can omfg

oggoling picture of someone's son's dick oh yeah
Not only ogling. I did read that Marjorie Taylor Green was to be investigated for disseminating porn to minors, because she emailed those dick pics to every one of her constituents whose email address was on file, regardless of age, as some kind of ‘the filth I’m encountering in DC on your behalf’ round robin things politicians do. It’ll be hilarious if anything comes of that. No drag performances or safe sex guides for Georgia’s children - just a big close up photo of a man’s hard on emailed to them by their representative.
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It’s actually very impressive btw, for anyone who hasn’t seen it. Having heard so much about it, I was forced to search Google images for ‘Hunter Biden dick pics’. I can well see why he’d want it captured forever in all its glory, and how some women went gaga over it. So there’s one good thing the Republicans have done. It all seems like a great big nothing, but at the heart of it there is at least a great big something. IMHO Marge has backed the wrong horse by riding the Trump train instead. There are no mushrooms at the Biden’s thanksgiving dinners.
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'When I shouted FIRE, the audience in the theatre said it was the best stampede ever. BIGLY.
‘Ask anybody, everybody says so’ (and just at this point nobody can ask anybody anything about anything anyway because Lee Greenwood has gone bigly loud on the last verse, and the rally is reaching a crescendo of ‘lock her up’ chanting). Asking will have to wait for the stampede for the drive thru covfefe queues.
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