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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

A nuclear strike from a single weapon is not going to knock out Russia's entire response in one go. Even if they didn't have nuclear subs.

Indeed, though of course this weapon (whatever it is) was probably not designed with the Russians or even a first strike in mind. In fact if this is something Trump is responsible for ordering into existence, its probably something he thinks he would be able to get away with using.
A nuclear strike from a single weapon is not going to knock out Russia's entire response in one go. Even if they didn't have nuclear subs.
I'm aware of that. I was responding to the stupid notion that these weapons could make a potential nuclear conflict winnable. Also, Russia is not the only world nuclear power adversarial to the USA...
Here's an explanation of Trump's ramblings about his new nuclear weapon: Trump reportedly claimed that the US built a secret nuke. Here's what he's probably talking about It's not new, but it's worth keeping in mind - the US has a new policy of 'limited' nuclear war. They can nuke people in a precise, targeted way, without incinerating the whole planet.

Any nuke that gets launched has the potential to initiate a nuclear response in return.

Also much as with drone strikes this is one of those policies that’ll bite em in the arse when someone else does the same thing and launches a little “tactical nuke” to police their sphere of influence
Indeed, though of course this weapon (whatever it is) was probably not designed with the Russians or even a first strike in mind. In fact if this is something Trump is responsible for ordering into existence, its probably something he thinks he would be able to get away with using.
When "you're fired" isn't enough. :(
Given how often the orange buffoon cosies up to VP ... no, this is "weapon" is for sabre rattling against mainly Ch1na. Look at how much he blames them.
Iirc, he is a big fan of Churchill.
One of the first things he did as president was to move Churchill's bust back into the oval office.

Churchill was not without his flaws but cowardice certainly wasn't one of them, Trump went and hid in the basement because there was an angry crowd waving placards outside the WH, I certainly can't imagine him on the rooftops during the Blitz
Churchill was not without his flaws but cowardice certainly wasn't one of them, Trump went and hid in the basement because there was an angry crowd waving placards outside the WH, I certainly can't imagine him on the rooftops during the Blitz

Given the prevalence of guns in 'merica - the secret service were probably worried that some have-a-go hero might get lucky with his gun, and solve loadz of problems ...
Given the prevalence of guns in 'merica - the secret service were probably worried that some have-a-go hero might get lucky with his gun, and solve loadz of problems ...

On 11/11/2011 several rounds from a semi automatic hit the White House. Didn't even penetrate the windows
On 11/11/2011 several rounds from a semi automatic hit the White House. Didn't even penetrate the windows
Not worried about the windows, glass is very easy to replace.
Just wish someone would succeed in plugging a poisoned round into that big fat arse.
(I wonder if some of that bulk is actually a kevlar vest ?)
Churchill was not without his flaws but cowardice certainly wasn't one of them, Trump went and hid in the basement because there was an angry crowd waving placards outside the WH, I certainly can't imagine him on the rooftops during the Blitz

Churchill spent much more time in his bunker during the Blitz than on any roof-top

Yes, mustn't forget, not just a coward, but a warmonger, racist, and mass murdering filth.
No, NOT a coward,. A bastard yes, but one I don't think you can blame for either the Boer war or in starting the WW! Kitchener dying before Galipolli was fully cleared up cast a cloud but fair play to the fucker for going in the trenches. As to WW2 Guy Burgess talked exactly the right man in thwarting Lord Halifax the appeaser
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He's made the performance enhancing drugs claim before. It's not much of an argument. There may be good arguments for not feeding them to athletes or rhise involved in competitive sports, but those doesn't apply to geriatric politicians. If Biden needs Smarties to work effectively then just give him Smarties.
Churchill had to be told he couldn't land on d-day war obessed imperialist yes coward no.

He might not have liked working with politicial rivals but he put country before himself.
TBF the argument over whether Churchill was akin to Trump is a bit moot - when Churchill became leader, he said this:

We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind. We have before us many, many long months of struggle and of suffering. You ask, what is our policy? I can say: It is to wage war, by sea, land and air, with all our might and with all the strength that God can give us; to wage war against a monstrous tyranny, never surpassed in the dark, lamentable catalogue of human crime. That is our policy. You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word: It is victory, victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory, however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival. Let that be realised; no survival for the British Empire, no survival for all that the British Empire has stood for, no survival for the urge and impulse of the ages, that mankind will move forward towards its goal. But I take up my task with buoyancy and hope. I feel sure that our cause will not be suffered to fail among men. At this time I feel entitled to claim the aid of all, and I say, “come then, let us go forward together with our united strength"

and not

the Wehrmacht will go away when the weather gets better
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Churchill may have been many things, a lot of them unpalatable to our modern sensibilities. Racist, war-monger, union & strike breaker were my father's opinions.
But he was the leader of a government of national unity when the country had it's back against the wall, fighting for survival.

Even before that war was fully over, he was out on his ear at the next election.

I hope that is an omen for Biden ...
He's made the performance enhancing drugs claim before. It's not much of an argument. There may be good arguments for not feeding them to athletes or rhise involved in competitive sports, but those doesn't apply to geriatric politicians. If Biden needs Smarties to work effectively then just give him Smarties.
Possibly he's hoping to get the IOC to ban Biden from polevaulting.
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