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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

I think the fact that the release of the information coincides with the release of his book is a little too coincidental.
Yes - that makes me uneasy. Ditto the fact that Woodward said specifically the release date was deliberately fixed to time with the Presidential election run-in. I happen to agree that it's good that Americans have that information before they vote in the election. But March, April and May was also before the election.
200,000 dead = nasty taste in mouth.:(
Yes - that makes me uneasy. Ditto the fact that Woodward said specifically the release date was deliberately fixed to time with the Presidential election run-in. I happen to agree that it's good that Americans have that information before they vote in the election. But March, April and May was also before the election.
200,000 dead = nasty taste in mouth.:(
I'm struggling to believe that even if the information was to hand, that it would have made a jot of difference. I'd like to think otherwise but apathy and indifference, combined with disbelief, makes me think that no matter what evidence was to hand, the result would have been the same.
I'm struggling to believe that even if the information was to hand, that it would have made a jot of difference. I'd like to think otherwise but apathy and indifference, combined with disbelief, makes me think that no matter what evidence was to hand, the result would have been the same.
Unfortunately, you may well be right. It might have blown over in a day. Be interesting to see the impact of this book over the next few weeks.
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Trump is spinning this.
"DONALD TRUMP has sensationally admitted that he tried to downplay how serious the coronavirus pandemic was in an attempt to prevent the American public from panicking."

It wouldn't surprise in the slightest if that angle works for him.
to be honest, we don't actually know just how this will play out, and with who, and where. In the system by whixch Americans elect Presidents, geography is actually all-mportant. what matters is Michigan, Wiscnnsin, Pennsylvania, and Florida, and (to a lesser extent) Texas, Georgia, North Carolina, Arizona, and Ohio.
Nowhere else really counts.
The good news is, the Cheeto Benito needs to win all of those bar Michigan and Wisconsin to be sure, and it's running against him.
e2a: and Biden is a Pennsylvania native
to be honest, we don't actually know just how this will play out, and with who, and where. In the system by whixch Americans elect Presidents, geography is actually all-mportant. what matters is Michigan, Wiscnnsin, Pennsylvania, and Florida, and (to a lesser extent) Texas, Georgia, North Carolina, Arizona, and Ohio.
Nowhere else really counts.
The good news is, the Cheeto Benito needs to win all of those bar Michigan and Wisconsin to be sure, and it's running against him.
e2a: and Biden is a Pennsylvania native
The scary thing is that we're actually worrying that Trump might win, because it's a possibility.
The scary thing is that we're actually worrying that Trump might win, because it's a possibility.
sure, it's bloody scary. The whole past 4 years have been alternatively blacklycomic, and absolutley terifying. But all we can do is hope, and take comfort from the fact that that the steadiness of Biden's num bers - in this data age - have been steady
sure, it's bloody scary. The whole past 4 years have been alternatively blacklycomic, and absolutley terifying. But all we can do is hope, and take comfort from the fact that that the steadiness of Biden's num bers - in this data age - have been steady
But isn't it frightening that we're even contemplating the possibility that the tangerine cunt could be voted in again?!?!
The fact that there could (possibly) be enough fuckwits in America to make this happen?
I think the fact that the release of the information coincides with the release of his book is a little too coincidental.

Or more importantly coincides with a couple of months before the election? I doubt it would have made a difference to Trump - it's made no difference so far, he's just dismissed it as he dismisses everything. Releasing it close to the election might make an even more important difference if it helps get Trump voted out.
yes, All very true.
I guess the point I was trying to make is that hardcore - both Trumpist ultras, and GOP uber-loyalists who would vote for neonazis so long as they ran on the GOp ticket - are beyond hope, and too far gone, and there's not enough of them to deliverr the Presidency on their own
In fact, they didn't do that on their own, for either Bush or trump, it needed a whole lot of voters beyond those two camps, in both cases. It's those other, non-ultra voters, and independents who I hope will be really shaken and affetced by this

Have you considered whether that group may have grown in the last four years?
America certainly seems more divided and partisan that it was pre-2016 election.
There are so many of these stories that the ramifications of any of them don't really have time to sink in because the media on to the next scandal. Calling the military losers and suckers is already old news, not talked about, practically forgotten, because we've moved on to trump saying he deliberately downplayed covid. Now some spy gets arrested. More scandals next week will wipe this week's from memory. And his base will be only marginally effected. It's all irrelevant. The only thing which I think continues to pose a real threat to trump is the jobless numbers in the swing states. If employment numbers in Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and North Carolina improve through September and October then trump has every chance of winning the EC again - - but I'm fairly confident that they won't (improve)
This is encouraging though:

I presume this is because of his disregard for the value of their lives because of covid. Would be nice if it happened to the tories in the UK, too.
Trump is spinning this.
"DONALD TRUMP has sensationally admitted that he tried to downplay how serious the coronavirus pandemic was in an attempt to prevent the American public from panicking."

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany defended Trump's decision to convey the seriousness of the virus in private, but downplay it in public.

"The president was expressing calm. The president was hopeful that we would be able to manage this and handle it in a way that we can make it go away as quickly as possible," she said.

"The president rose to the occasion and did just that."

And did just that?

How on earth can she come out with a line like that, totally delusional.
And did just that?

How on earth can she come out with a line like that, totally delusional.

They're lying.
If he cared he would not have made a feck of masks.

Anyone stupid enough to believe his lies and the White House press secretary's crazy comments, is literally brain dead.
We had a good idea how serious COVID was at the start of the year. Singling Woodward out for not repeating what was already pretty much common knowledge is a bit unfair as the messenger is as important as the message. Trump had the role and the responsibility to tell people the truth but he sat on it - and did so as his medical professionals largely looked on. Who would his base believe anyway?
We had a good idea how serious COVID was at the start of the year. Singling Woodward out for not repeating what was already pretty much common knowledge is a bit unfair as the messenger is as important as the message. Trump had the role and the responsibility to tell people the truth but he sat on it - and did so as his medical professionals largely looked on.
That's pretty much what Beau of the Fifth Column argued
Who would his base believe anyway?
To paraphrase Croucho Marx "Who are ya gonna believe, me or your own lyin' ears?"
Iirc, he is a big fan of Churchill.
One of the first things he did as president was to move Churchill's bust back into the oval office.

At a campaign rally in Michigan, the president invoked the British World War II slogan “keep calm and carry on” as he defended his effort to “downplay” Covid-19’s threat to the US. The posters carrying the slogan were never actually released.
“As the British government advised the British people in the face of World War II, keep calm and carry on,” he said. "That's what I did."

The slogan, which has seen a revival in pop culture and memes within the past decade, was rarely used after designs emerged from government offices in the late 1930s, becoming instead an ironic lost message from a period of chronic unease.

The president compared himself to Winston Churchill and falsely claimed that he “would oftentimes go to a roof in London and speak” to the country during the Blitz bombings, which began 80 years ago this month.

While Churchill would sometimes watch the raids from the roof of the Treasury – to the alarm of this bodyguard – he did not broadcast to the nation from there.
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