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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

Good video by Sarah Cooper (lip synching) on Trump's latest bat shit insane attack on mail-in voting.

I have to say, she's really good on those. She's done loads of 'em
e2a; edited to clean up post after multiquote f-up
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Good video by Sarah Cooper (lip synching) on Trump's latest bat shit insane attack on mail-in voting.

She's great. Each video is basically her doing the same thing every time, but still works. Must be she has a good script writer. :eek:
Maryanne Trump, Donald's sister, talking too freely too Mary L Trump, the disgruntled niece about how untrustworthy her brother is.

Interesting that she sonds like her brother

"this video is currently not available"

eta: the links show in my quote. hmmm
Some more stupid

“They were saying the other night, the shark,” Trump said. “They were saying, ‘Sharks, we have to protect them.’ I said, ‘Wait a minute, wait.’ They actually want to remove all the seals in order to save the shark. I said, ‘Wait, don’t you have it the other way around?’”

“It’s true. I’m not a big fan of sharks either. I don’t know, how many votes am I going to lose?”

Judge orders Donald Trump to pay Stormy Daniels $44,000 in legal fees

Some more lies to add to the 20 thousand plus (although the sooner God(s) are dropped from any state business/tradition/pledge, the better)

Trump spreads false claim Democrats dropped God from Pledge of Allegiance
What's also noticeable with that lot is how completely mainstream Republicans have been sidelined. No Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Bobby Jindal, Susan Collins, Ron DiSantis...
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What's also noticeable witht that lot is how completely mainstream Republicans have been sidelined. No Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Bobby Jindal, Susan Collins, Ron DiSantis...

They don’t want to get shit on themselves ahead of the next battle to be the ‘clean hands’ leader of the newly reasonable and sane Republican Party.
What's also noticeable witht that lot is how completely mainstream Republicans have been sidelined. No Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Bobby Jindal, Susan Collins, Ron DiSantis...

Bush, Rubio and Jindal were all yesterday's men anyway - no comeback was going to be made by them even if Trump played nice. Cruz and (especially) Rand Paul would have been more of a threat as "I hold you so" candidates, but so complete is Trump's domination of the right wing media sphere over there that both have been required to publicly humiliate themselves on a fairly regular basis and its hard to see them ever coming back from it, certainly as the constitutionalists that they pretended to be. That Trump doesn't even bother to slate Collins tells you what her impact is.

It should also be said that this isn't really Trump's doing - the lack of talent / political ability over there was obvious even in 2008 (and progressively more obvious with each cycle), all Trump did was recognize it and make it obvious to everyone else. The worrying thing (for them, anyway) is that there isn't any green shoots of recovery visible (unlike for the Democrats with AOC and her ilk) - just horrors like Loomer.
Bush, Rubio and Jindal were all yesterday's men anyway - no comeback was going to be made by them even if Trump played nice. Cruz and (especially) Rand Paul would have been more of a threat as "I hold you so" candidates, but so complete is Trump's domination of the right wing media sphere over there that both have been required to publicly humiliate themselves on a fairly regular basis and its hard to see them ever coming back from it, certainly as the constitutionalists that they pretended to be. That Trump doesn't even bother to slate Collins tells you what her impact is.

It should also be said that this isn't really Trump's doing - the lack of talent / political ability over there was obvious even in 2008 (and progressively more obvious with each cycle), all Trump did was recognize it and make it obvious to everyone else. The worrying thing (for them, anyway) is that there isn't any green shoots of recovery visible (unlike for the Democrats with AOC and her ilk) - just horrors like Loomer.
Agree with all of that, notwithstanding the fact that neither Rubio or Jindal are 50 yet. It's, more, I think, that the extremist, nativist, right-populist direction the GOP have hone ever since the Tea Party grouping started, but m,assively accelerated under Trump - all of that direction of travel has completely left even people as conservative as them behind, and rendered them pretty much politically homeless.
The headbangers have captured the party, so blind loyalty - inevitably - gets prized more than ability, with the inevitable results you mentioned there. there are virtually no up-and-coming republicans with ability, broad appeal, a generally sane aspect to them, and the beginning of a decent track record
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Is the GOP now officially a cult?
No. It is not even a party, in the sense in which that term is used in the rest of the world. It does not actually have membership, and its supporters are not obliged to do anything. They are not forced to attend meetings or donate money.
Agree with all of that, notwithstanding th3e fact that neither Rubio or Jinfal are 50 yet. It's, more, I think, that the extremist, nativist, right-populist direction the GOP have hone ever since the Tea Party grouping started, but m,assively accelerated under Trump - all of that direction of travel has completely left even people as conservative as them behind, and rendered them pretty much politically homeless.
The headbangers have captured the party, so blind loyalty - inevitably - gets prized more than ability, with the inevitable results you mentioned there. there are virtually no up-and-coming republicans with ability, broad appeazl, a generally sane aspect to them, and the beginning of a decent track record

Absolutely, though of course the Tea Party (at least its original iteration of low spending / low taxes for everyone / small government) was taken over and as you say replaced by nativism / racism very early on - both because it was less threatening to the then establishment and because it was easy to do against a black President.

Whether its terminal for them as a party is another thing though - it should be, but then again they might see a sort of perfect storm over the next four years where Trump and Trumpism are utterly discredited, Murdoch dies, the worst bits of the GOP leadership are kicked out and the Dems / Biden revert to type.
How will they ever be able to keep Trump under control? He can start talking fairly calmly and then conjure up his own rage without any help. In his conversation with Fox and Friends he couldn't even show emotion for his dead brother but insteand turned to talking about himself and how his brother wasn't jealous of his success. Trump's narcissism has advanced to the point at which he can't even acknowledge accomplishment or success of others.
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