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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

People said that after Vietnam. I'd not be so sure as the rivals of the US often prove to be pretty fucked up as well. Both Russia and China have impending demographic crises, problems of bad governance and strategic incompetence as well. Neither actually want to confront the US directly. Everybody wants to invest in the US despite its economy being fully developed because its a safe place to stash the loot. Even when the US does something grotesquely stupid like trying to reengineer Iraq into a democracy it's other countries that are actually messed up not the US. The Septics just write off a few trillion and sulk about it a bit. Multi-trillion dollar crisis in capitalism in 08 largely due to under-regulation and the Fed just sorts it out and they just get on with it while others form a circular firing squad. Wall St just gets stronger with each collapse. The US floating on a hydrocarbon bonanza. They can afford luxuries like having an oafish glorified Estate Agent playing at being President. I'd worry more about the dark continent of Europe as we look to be descending into squabbling beggar your neighbour nationalism once more.
You always find a way to put such a cheery spin on things.
He's just fired FBI Director Comey

Someone just found an excuse to get rid of a thorn, as the FBI today admitted that some of Comey's testimony to the Senate Judicial Committee about HRC's emails was incorrect. Maybe?

Murky as fuck though.
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He's just fired FBI Director Comey

Someone just found an excuse to get rid of a thorn, as the FBI today admitted that some of Comey's testimony to the Senate Judicial Committee about HRC's emails was incorrect. Maybe?

Murky as fuck though.

Crikey! :eek:
So, under pressure, Sessions recused himself involvement in the investigation of the administration's ties to "Russian Actors."

Then Sessions recommends the Head of the FBI, leading those investigations, is sacked. And the President does this?

All done without a hint of discretion let alone shame coming from the White House. Yet more centralising of power and they don't care that it's so obvious.
Thing is May's hitched her wagon to Trump and now it's looking dodgy. The Cambridge Analytica thing in today's Guardian's a really good read. Robert Mercer is a scary fucking guy. People say Bannon's bad but Mercer is far worse.
This business with Trump/Brexit/Mercer and the Russian power brokers hopefully will heat up a bit further. Could be another Watergate. It's not going away.

If the the truth gets out it will make Watergate look tame by comparison, it's not going to "go away" but it seems some republicans hope they can keep it bottled for the foreseeable.
That is untill TTT delivers on his promised massive transfer of public wealth into their hot little pockets, once that is achieved, I suspect TTT will be hung out to dry.
I reacon Al Franken'd be a good POTUS in 2020. He was great at the confirmation hearings for all the shills Trump put in (they're a good view on YouTube).
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If the the truth gets out it will make Watergate look tame by comparison, it's not going to "go away" but it seems some republicans hope they can keep it bottled for the foreseeable.
That is untill TTT delivers on his promised massive transfer of public wealth into their hot little pockets, once that is achieved, I suspect TTT will be hung out to dry.
Probably. I always thought (like Boris) that GWB 2 was a lot smarter than the persona he put on. But i genuinely think Trump is not too bright. He's a small fish in a pond populated with large sharks.
That's what I'm thinking. They're pissing off entirely the wrong people.
The stupid bugger thinks the Capitol Hill establishment is as thick and as easily controlled as his 'base'
He's learned exactly zero in his first 100 days, be nice to watch him and the republican core tearing each other a new arsehole on a daily basis.
The stupid bugger thinks the Capitol Hill establishment is as thick and as easily controlled as his 'base'
He's learned exactly zero in his first 100 days, be nice to watch him and the republican core tearing each other a new arsehole on a daily basis.
He's a useful easily disposable idiot for his backers. But he's so narcissistic he'd never see it (which is why they chose him). I read a book by David Cay Johnston called The Making of Donald Trump. The journo's a Pulitzer Prize winner and a tax expert who's followed him for decades (writes for the Grauniad sometimes). Trump is connected to 2 New York mob families who aided his construction projects (cement companies) and probably felt the same way about him that Putin and Mercer do.
It's like the Administration genuinely doesn't care how dodgy this looks. :mad:

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov is meeting Secretary of State Rex Tillerson earlier Wednesday, they said, raising the chances of Trump seeing the former.

The meeting with Lavrov would come a day after Trump fired FBI Director James Comey, who publicly confirmed the existence of an FBI investigation into Russian connections to the Trump campaign.
It's like the Administration genuinely doesn't care how dodgy this looks. :mad:

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov is meeting Secretary of State Rex Tillerson earlier Wednesday, they said, raising the chances of Trump seeing the former.

The meeting with Lavrov would come a day after Trump fired FBI Director James Comey, who publicly confirmed the existence of an FBI investigation into Russian connections to the Trump campaign.
Maybe it's like a bank job where you're on a timer dependent on the police response time. It's an asset grab so i suppose they can be brazen while they have a mandate and control. He signed a lot of executive orders early on. Isn't awful that we have to second guess our politicians in this way? I think getting that Supreme Court judge elected was a long term goal.
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unbelievable. "whilst i appreciate your telling me 3 times that i personally am not under investigation.. you're terminated. bye"

And here's what is apparently the official reason for his termination- that he was too hard on HRC and her emails.:rolleyes:

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All those people who put effort into saying there was nothing to see here, then Donald J goes and sets fire to one of his own firewalls. Never go out to bat for The Don. :thumbs:
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Not even his staunchest supporters will be able to get on board with the idea that this firing was motivated by Trump's concern and sympathy for Clinton's emails, surely.
Not even his staunchest supporters will be able to get on board with the idea that this firing was motivated by Trump's concern and sympathy for Clinton's emails, surely.

You'd be surprised. They've swallowed enough preposterous crap before. I'm sure some will say, with a straight face, that God told Trump to do it. Or similar.

More important is for enough GOP members of Congress to leave the herd and impeach his sorry ass. But so many have made their pact with the devil, so. . .

The FBI investigation is dead in the water as Hell will freeze over before Sessions allows it to continue. If they follow the usual pattern, the next FBI head will be a Mafia Don or similar.

Anyone whose given evidence so far will probably be nervous as it's likely copies are being sent to the White house already. I actually wouldn't be surprised by a few unusual deaths happening soon. The more the Administration gets away with, the further they'll push it.

When Governments hire and fire like this, openly lying through their teeth, they're sending a clear message. "We know you know we're lying and corrupt. We just don't care, and you can't do anything about it."
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