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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

As with Brexit, the bastards are all at each others' throats. What's not to like, as they say these days?

I have to say that I'm still sceptical about the hidden Russian hand - whatever else Vlad P. may be, he's not a fool, and only a fool would put any trust in The Dong.

Vlad didn't have to "trust" TTT with anything, just give him the opportunity to dig himself into a hole of greed and corruption that can at some future point be used as leverage, doesn't have to be a complicated web of intrigue and treason, just give him the the opportunity to do 'deals' that will appeal to his narcisstic ego, but that in the cold light of day would be politically damaging.

I have to say that I'm still sceptical about the hidden Russian hand - whatever else Vlad P. may be, he's not a fool, and only a fool would put any trust in The Dong.

Putin is about promoting division, destabilisation and confusion surely? Trust isn't the issue or objective.
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Yes of course but was replying to comment about Putin:
I have to say that I'm still sceptical about the hidden Russian hand - whatever else Vlad P. may be, he's not a fool, and only a fool would put any trust in The Dong
I am pretty sure that the phrase "useful idiot" ("polezniye duraki") is of Russian origin.

As is the word "maskirovka" (roughly translates as "deception", but is in reality usually "deception of such complexity that nobody believes anyone would actually do that").
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Yes of course but was replying to comment about Putin:
I have to say that I'm still sceptical about the hidden Russian hand - whatever else Vlad P. may be, he's not a fool, and only a fool would put any trust in The Dong
And so what if there is an 'hidden Russian hand' here? It's nothing, and nor is what the Russians are doing in Ukraine, or anywhere else, compared to the bloodbaths the US has financed and supported across the world for decades, and will continue to do.
Oh, and the ambassador, to add someone from the General Flynn affair to someone from the Steele Dossier. And, of course, he had a quick chat with Henry Kissinger, because, well, because...

I can't remember the film now, but one of those portmanteau sketch things had a skit with a man who believed he was invisible but wasn't. It was funny when Joe "Stumpy" Peeps was doing it. It's not so funny when it's the owner of the largest military in the history of the world.
He isn't the owner, the danger, is that he's deluded enough to think he is.
Don't forger the Koch brothers:D
I sometimes feel a bit conflicted about whether the Citizens United verdict just made obvious what was going on anyway. Money buying influence. I suppose it makes it easier so its a bad thing (don't forget about Sheldon :D). Seriously though this Mercer guy (due to his ownership of Cambridge Analytica which influenced both Brexit and Trump (and he is involved in Breibart News) is deeply involved in this shift to authoritarian nationalism on both sides of the Atlantic. Scary dude. Take a look at him.
And so what if there is an 'hidden Russian hand' here? It's nothing, and nor is what the Russians are doing in Ukraine, or anywhere else, compared to the bloodbaths the US has financed and supported across the world for decades, and will continue to do.

Yeah, that's always been my justification for selling smack to schoolkids. Luckily, I've never had to use it on anyone who's not an idiot.
Yeah, that's always been my justification for dealing smack to schoolkids. Luckily, I've never had to use it on anyone who's not an idiot.
Don't forget the supercilious smirk while you're dealing.
I sometimes feel a bit conflicted about whether the Citizens United verdict just made obvious what was going on anyway. Money buying influence. I suppose it makes it easier so its a bad thing (don't forget about Sheldon :D). Seriously though this Mercer guy (due to his ownership of Cambridge Analytica which influenced both Brexit and Trump (and he is involved in Breibart News) is deeply involved in this shift to authoritarian nationalism on both sides of the Atlantic. Scary dude. Take a look at him.
And so what if there is an 'hidden Russian hand' here? It's nothing, and nor is what the Russians are doing in Ukraine, or anywhere else, compared to the bloodbaths the US has financed and supported across the world for decades, and will continue to do.

Is that how it works? It's all relative?
I think many people have been poo pooing the idea that there is any Russian connection with the election or the Trump administration, and I don't mean just his loyal followers. I think it's where they've been looking at it to narrowly - that "intervention" means "trying to take over the country" as was the fear back in the old cold war days. The Russian government wants an American Government that will, at best, make choices that are favourable to Russia (e.g. dropping sanctions, doing business that will further enrich the wealthiest, etc.). At worst, they'll just poke their beaks out and let Russia do what it wants wherever they want to. I agree with what many have said here - there already seems plenty evidence of involvement that tracks back to Putin, but I think the purpose has been to sow instability, mistrust, confusion and exhaustion among Americans, and legislators, so they are more likely to give Russia a pass and less like to pull them up on anything.

I have no idea whether Trump is the clever man playing the fool to get what he wants or if he really is a fool. It's not all about him, anyhow. There are plenty in his cabinet and wider circle who no doubt see it in their own financial interests to lift sanctions and forge lucrative links with Russian leaders and oligarchs. It's not really an arm wrestle over ideology US-Soviet relationships appeared to be say 30 or 40 years ago. These days, it's all about exploitation and wealth accumulation - the kleptocracy. That's why I tend to speak of his administration, or the administration and GOP congress. Every single one that hasn't stood against him when they had a chance is complicit in what's happening. Some are more than that - instigators and agents, driven by greed.

I think there are too many Americans who are still clinging to the idea of American exceptionalism - the "this can't really be happening here," like the frog in the stewpot that hasn't realised the water is getting hotter and hotter. Then there are the folk who backed trump because they like his policies (e.g. banning abortion, reversing rights for women and minority groups, halting immigration, etc.) They probably have reservations, but are able to push those aside if they think they can get what they want.

As authoritarian regimes traditionally do, this one is toiling to remove as many opportunities for holding the administration and congress to account. The not so veiled threats also send a clear message to anyone who thinks they can stand in the way. It won't just be America that suffers if the nation's decline continues like this.

So, I'm pretty gloomy on this at the moment.
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