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We dont have nor will have Christmas lights at home. Don't mock. Listening to You and yours recently, someone noted for their lights in Nottinghamshire said to the reporter his lights had less of her carbon footprint
than all her recent flights (recording from 2+ years ago). They went on to state a silly amount the electricity costs the Americans for these lights each year.
A quick search for the UK - £4 million a year ....https://www.fool.co.uk/personal-finance/your-money/learn/christmas-lights-cost-brits-nearly-4m-a-year-heres-how-to-keep-yuletide-energy-costs-down/
than all her recent flights (recording from 2+ years ago). They went on to state a silly amount the electricity costs the Americans for these lights each year.
A quick search for the UK - £4 million a year ....https://www.fool.co.uk/personal-finance/your-money/learn/christmas-lights-cost-brits-nearly-4m-a-year-heres-how-to-keep-yuletide-energy-costs-down/