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What DVD / Video did you watch last night? (pt3)

Have you seen/read Kiss Of The Spiderwoman, belushi/Reno - it references Cat People a hell of a lot. Ace book/film about a political prisoner who keeps himself going by recounting old favourite movies to his cellmate.

Both read the book and saw the film. The film omits the Cat People references and I found William Hurt's performance too obvious Oscar bait, so I much preferred the book. As a kid I identified with the cat woman in a similar way as the main character did in the book, queer sexuality and some such.

The sequel Curse of the Cat People is also great, if quite different. The first film was a pasychological thriller about female sexuality and repression, the second one is about child psychology
Ides of March, all star cast, lead role was good, bit of a basic storyline maybe. Watchable enough but not brilliant.

Project Nim. Been wanting to see this as I meant to take the kids to see it when it was on briefly at the cinema. It wasn't that good tbh, just a chronology of events and 'talking heads' with people involved with the chimp, interesting enough but glad I didn't pay to see it.
well, expendables 2 is on the cards, only this time someone who isn't sly will be writing the script. Maybe that will be better.
The Spirit of the Beehive... Friend at work has been telling me about this for ages. Really charming film, beautifully shot, comparisons to be drawn with Pans Labyrinth and part looks like it was taken straight from Whistle Down the Wind which is one of my favourites. Ana in the lead role is every bit as wonderful as Bruno in Bicycle Thieves too, great performance.
I saw Thor over the christmas period. It was fucking awful. The first mistake was incapacitating odin early on, thusly removing any potential for allfatherly smiting.

No way near enough blood. Norse legends should be knee deep in spleen anf horror. This sanitised shit was a fucking joke. Idris Elba phones in a performance as the gaurdian between realms. The frost giant were shit as well. Avoid
I saw Thor over the christmas period. It was fucking awful. The first mistake was incapacitating odin early on, thusly removing any potential for allfatherly smiting.

No way near enough blood. Norse legends should be knee deep in spleen anf horror. This sanitised shit was a fucking joke. Idris Elba phones in a performance as the gaurdian between realms. The frost giant were shit as well. Avoid

I thought it was enjoyable enough. The Marvel Asgardians were always a bit too techno and glitzy for my liking, but even so.
I saw Thor over the christmas period. It was fucking awful. The first mistake was incapacitating odin early on, thusly removing any potential for allfatherly smiting.

No way near enough blood. Norse legends should be knee deep in spleen anf horror. This sanitised shit was a fucking joke. Idris Elba phones in a performance as the gaurdian between realms. The frost giant were shit as well. Avoid

It not about Norse legend though, it's a family film that was based on a crappy superhero comic that took a kernel of inspiration from Norse mythology. I thought it was watchable. Reminded my of cheesy 80s "fish out of water" comedies like Splash and Star Trek IV.
I'll give you the fish out of water aspect, that was amusing, although it sort of reminded me of when superman gives up his powers rather than splash. I think I had hopes higher than realistic for this, the last comic book thing I saw was the (best of the franchise imo) x men first class. And this was no way near as good.

For tonight I've lined up that mexican sci fi film you and others have given praise. I'm hoping it will be a bit more subtle than your average sci fi offering
I'll give you the fish out of water aspect, that was amusing, although it sort of reminded me of when superman gives up his powers rather than splash. I think I had hopes higher than realistic for this, the last comic book thing I saw was the (best of the franchise imo) x men first class. And this was no way near as good.

For tonight I've lined up that mexican sci fi film you and others have given praise. I'm hoping it will be a bit more subtle than your average sci fi offering

The Spirit of the Beehive... Friend at work has been telling me about this for ages. Really charming film, beautifully shot, comparisons to be drawn with Pans Labyrinth and part looks like it was taken straight from Whistle Down the Wind which is one of my favourites. Ana in the lead role is every bit as wonderful as Bruno in Bicycle Thieves too, great performance.

Watched that last Summer, it is a great film and an incredible performance from an actor so young.
just watched dark city cos i think someone must have mentioned it here - can't remember who and when. it seems quite fitting that i don't remember.
it's odd cos i'm pretty sure i haven't seen it before, but i've had dreams very much like it.
it seems quite original at first, with the changing scenery, but there's something very familiar about it - there are shades of blade runner, brazil, bioshock, city of lost children, hellraiser, even who framed roger rabbit - some of these 'texts' were made before dark city, a couple after, but none of this seems to matter as the look and idea of the film seem to come out of an unconscience that is part of my own imagination, and presumably other people's too - a collective unconscience/dreamscape. i've been reading a lot of philip k dick recently so i apologise for this bollocks.
is it any good?
interesting, mind.
makes me want to get on the ketamine again.
I Saw the Devil...good revenge film although not as violent and gory as I thought it might be, there were only a few scenes and I didn't think they were as bad as in Kill List, although maybe thats because I expect more graphic stuff because it's Korean.
just watched dark city cos i think someone must have mentioned it here - can't remember who and when. it seems quite fitting that i don't remember.
it's odd cos i'm pretty sure i haven't seen it before, but i've had dreams very much like it.
it seems quite original at first, with the changing scenery, but there's something very familiar about it - there are shades of blade runner, brazil, bioshock, city of lost children, hellraiser, even who framed roger rabbit - some of these 'texts' were made before dark city, a couple after, but none of this seems to matter as the look and idea of the film seem to come out of an unconscience that is part of my own imagination, and presumably other people's too - a collective unconscience/dreamscape. i've been reading a lot of philip k dick recently so i apologise for this bollocks.
is it any good?
interesting, mind.
makes me want to get on the ketamine again.

Piranha 3D (In 2D). Inventively Gory, entertainingly, occasionally dodgy effects. And in ludicrously bad taste. I just took it in the same, "not to be taken seriously - just enjoy the ride!" spirit as Snakes On A Plane and had a blast.

Spies Like Us. Terrible full frame 1.33:1 transfer in Mono, from Warners. The New Blu Ray has a 1.78:1 transfer and the 6 track Dolby mix. Terrible transfer. Film isnt much cop either.

The Trip. made me hungry.
I Saw the Devil...good revenge film although not as violent and gory as I thought it might be, there were only a few scenes and I didn't think they were as bad as in Kill List, although maybe thats because I expect more graphic stuff because it's Korean.
Massive let down that one for me.
I watched Cowboys & Aliens. I wanted and expected it to be a rollicking bit of cleverly done nonsense and I was only partly disappointed.

Mate and I lolled about all the cowboy cliches at the start but agreed it had to place itself *bang* dead centre into western territory before it started playing about. Thought it only really started to get going when Harrison Ford turned up but it went downhill as soon as the woman was revealed as
a mysterious all-knowing alien being, come to save the human race and avenge her own through sacrificing herself after wasting 1/2 of the movie talking in riddles

The aliens were a bit crap. And why did the only three women in the whole thing to look the same? Uh. I had had a few drinks but we had to rewind it to check who was who.
i'm currently watching a pokemon film. someone please come hit me over the head with a brick, it will be less painful
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