Orang Utan
Psychick Worrier Ov Geyoor
Imitation Of Life - it made my eyes hurt and then made them water. Classic Sirk melodrama, surprisingly progressive for 1958!
Excellent MovieImitation Of Life - it made my eyes hurt and then made them water. Classic Sirk melodrama, surprisingly progressive for 1958!
Fucking great though eh?Bicycle Thieves - (rubbish subtitling though)
And possibly his best filmFear Eats the Soul 1974 Fassbinder about a elderly German widow and much younger Moroccan Gastarbeiter.
Lars Von Trier - Melancholia
The film? I don't know. I'm still trying to work out why he allowed one of the drunk wedding guests to operate the camera?!
What's Eating Gilbert Grape - I'm sure i'd seen it years ago. Beautiful yet sad story. Amazing performance from a young DiCaprio.
Cat People Enjoyable supernatural thriller from the 1940's.