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What DVD / Video did you watch last night? (pt3)

Snowtown - self-consciously gritty and grim crime story set amongst the lowlives of northern Australia. Based on the grisly Snowtown murders, but only tells the story from the weakest perpetrator's point of view, lessening its insight and impact. Frankly dull. Animal Kingdom did the small town grubbiness vibe much more effectively. It tries a bit too hard to emphasise the desperation and squalor of the underclass as a background to the ultaviolence - 'ooh look poor people. look how they smoke all the time and get wasted!'.

Totally agree, I don't know why people rate this film. It also did a really bad job in making clear what the relationships between the many characters were. This became a much more interesting story when I read up about it afterwards, but you shouldn't have to do that with a film.
Regarding The Inbetweeners, i rate the show cos the comedy is based on how they lose/ humiliate themselves.

Just don't understand the film, it was terrible.
Totally agree, I don't know why people rate this film. It also did a really bad job in making clear what the relationships between the many characters were. This became a much more interesting story when I read up about it afterwards, but you shouldn't have to do that with a film.
yes, i had to do some reading up too. it wasn't clear who'd been killed and when. the main sidekick to the killer barely said a word and it was never shown clearly that he'd apparently had an abusive relationship with the blonde cross-dresser in which he'd been allegedly raped.
I watched Inbetweeners as well, it was a bit crap wasnt it. A few funny scenes but felt very Hollywood and stereotypical of the sort of comedy the Inbetweeners had created.

Watched also, Limitless, which was pretty good. Better than I'd expected.

Troy. meh, not really my thing.
Rise of the Planet of the Apes.

Unmitigated shite. 90 minutes long and the hot ape action doesn't really start til the last 20 minutes. There's an hour of guff about Alzheimer's to get through first.
Rise of the Planet of the Apes.

Unmitigated shite. 90 minutes long and the hot ape action doesn't really start til the last 20 minutes. There's an hour of guff about Alzheimer's to get through first.
Really? I've been quite looking forward to watching this too...
I enjoyed it UNTIL the apes broke out. It helps if you see it as a prison movie rather than an ape revolution action movie
it's brilliant all the way through and jon lithgow is in it so end of.

i watched black mirror. Enjoyed a lot. sumptuouse gaffs and sci fi
Zombie evening: Episode 3 of The Walking Dead and Return of the Living Dead.

Season 2 of The Walking Dead is shaping up to be better than the first season, which I found a bit underwhelming.

I saw Return of the Living Dead at an allnighter at the Scala cinema several decades ago and haven't seen it since. It's dumb, but still fun and it reminded me that I need to listen to The Cramps again.

Pretty good. Though Thor's a deadringer for Terry out of True Blood which was a bit weird.

In celebration of the 100th anniversary today of the first use of a get-away-car in bank robbery, by the anarchist Bonnot Gang ("Bande à Bonnot") i watched The Tiger Brigades - an action adventure type film about the motorised police group set up to catch Bonnot (and the other individualist anarchists practicing expropriation at that time). Don't expect a serious look at the politics of it all, though there is a very strong anti-banker undertone running through it and it didn't demonise Bonnot -instead it emphasied the seriousness of his/their political commitment. I could have watched Philippe Fourastié 's film on the Bonnot Gang but the copy i have have does not have subs.
One day, just one day, I'd like to see you posting that you've just seen Dumb and Dumber or something as asinine as that and how much it made you guffaw.
I watch all that stuff but don't see the point of posting about it - it's not like people don't know about them ones.I watched the killer elite one the other day but what good would it have done to mention it? Dumb and Dumber was brilliant btw.
Know what you mean. Saw Skyline and Limitless last night and didn't see the point in mentioning them here, even though I just did.
Did I mention that I finally got around to watching "Let the right one in" the other night.

What a great film, certainly sticks in the mind for a while afterwards.
I don't know how bad people say it is but it's pretty awful. FX don't even look that impressive. There's nothing original about it except maybe the ending
One Day -

It was ok.

Read only a small sample of the book as I'm not a romance novel reader.
Typical love story of two people going around in circle before taking the courage of being together. Ended with a tragic ending.
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