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What DVD / Video did you watch last night? (pt3)

I'm so bored with the "slob best friend" cliche character in comedies, be it him or Nick Frost. Surely men have other types of friends.

Platonic female friends?

I have not seen many comedies lately so his role didn't bother me much.
50/50 great film mind!
I watched This is England '86 tonight. Missed out on it the first time and I remembered as the new series is on and I'm recording it. Watchable but nowhere near as good as the film.
Enter the Void, seen it several times. I like it.

Great film to watch when you're out of your box and it's got one of the most intense death scenes I've seen in a film.

I've tried to watch it with 2 different friends and they've made me turn it off part way through. It isn't for everyone.
Vertigo. Well, I've been trying to watch it in bed the past few nights but the mrs keeps fucking moaning that she cant sleep. So I'm about 2/3 of the way through it :mad:

Got Citizen Kane next. Trying to give the old school films their due, they must be in all the top film lists for a reason :)
Finally got round to watching The Iron Giant after loads of people banging on about it here.
It's brilliant of course. the animation is superb, particularly the way water is represented.
and the story is pretty subversive for a mainstream kid's animation film.
didn't cry at the end though, so i must have a heart of stone. :D
Senna, which wasn't as good as I'd expected. Interesting all the same but there were some clips I couldn't see the point in, Alain Prost and Selena whatsherface on a chatshow for example.

Just watched Tyrannosaur which I wasn't that sure about either. There's a major scene in it that didn't click with me straight away, not sure if I just missed something very subtle.
The Assassination Of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford. Been meaning to watch this for a while. Really good, I thought. Some fantastically awkward bits when Brad Pitt was jokily interrogating the rest of his gang. Didn't expect Nick Cave to pop up at the end either. I thought the soundtrack sounded a bit like the one for The Proposition. Him and Warren Ellis have found a good niche making spookily atmospheric music for decent Westerns there.
The Ides of March, good story line re American political organisation in which aside from being wheeled out to applaud the candidates their is a conspicuous absence of any activity by the voters.
Stone with De Niro/Norton. Not bad, slow and atmospheric, odd ending. I think it was trying to subvert stereotyped roles or something but it turned out a bit dull.

TT: Close To The Edge - fucking ace. I think I'm in love with Guy Martin.
Super8 - It was OK, the other two people I watched it with thought it was brilliant.

Might watch Drive or The Ides of March tonight
A Room For Romeo Brass last night, enjoyed it although i was drunk as a monk.

Friday night was Speed (Keanu "iam an F.B.I.......AGENT!" Reeves :cool: followed by Dead Mans Shoes. Was the first time i'd watched it since the first viewing, even better on the second watch.

Also attempted to watch Inception last night but i passed out half an hour in (probably a lucky escape from what i've read/ heard)
I never knew that ... However I thought mawkishness relates to over-sentimentality.

It got too much and annoying for me, but I do like the film despite that. I wanted to love it. I liked the 'monster,' and its plight, I thought it was done very well, as was the small town setting and the awkward boy and girl stuff with a tragic connection.
I watched a Bill Hicks bio in which not a bad word was said about him and a lot of his 'set' engaged in epic self mythologising like they were the rat pack of early 80s comedy. Bit of a haigiowhatsit
I also watched Bat21 in which a grizzled (he was born that way) Gene Hackman evades the Viet Cong after being shot down over viet nam. A bit shit, but hackman pulled it along.
Snowtown - self-consciously gritty and grim crime story set amongst the lowlives of northern Australia. Based on the grisly Snowtown murders, but only tells the story from the weakest perpetrator's point of view, lessening its insight and impact. Frankly dull. Animal Kingdom did the small town grubbiness vibe much more effectively. It tries a bit too hard to emphasise the desperation and squalor of the underclass as a background to the ultaviolence - 'ooh look poor people. look how they smoke all the time and get wasted!'

The Inbetweeners - don't know why I bothered

One Day - this wasn't so great either. Hathaway isn't very convincing, though Jim Sturgess is in the part of his character's arc as an obnoxious tv host. Doesn't save it from being a whole heap of meh though. Hathaway's character would never hold out for such a dick.
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