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What DVD / Video did you watch last night? (pt3)

Ken loache's raining stones The first 10 mins is comedy gold! First they gotta catch the sheep, kill it, and finally sell it ta the butchers. Still makes me laugh just thinkin about it.
Enter the Void. Very weird, a dead drug dealer watches/remembers his past life and the aftermath of his death. Watchable, trippy and interesting but a bit long.

The most graphic sex scene you will ever see.
Enter the Void. Very weird, a dead drug dealer watches/remembers his past life and the aftermath of his death. Watchable, trippy and interesting but a bit long.

The most graphic sex scene you will ever see.

I thought the death scene (toilet) was one of the most impacting I've seen for ages

2 I watched this week:

Route Irish - great, but very sad
Drive - very stylish with more gorey deaths than I'd imagined there'd be
Peter, Portrait Of A Killer - 2011 film about Sutcliffe. It was like a cross between Equus & the League Of Gentlemen (series), rather surreal but I enjoyed it's oddness.
The Keep - early Michael Mann horror film with Nazis doing battle with ancient evil in a haunted Romanian castle. It's say worse than I remember. Incomprehensible plot, hammy acting and lit like a Whitesnake video. Even the score's a bit turgid, despite being by Tangerine Dream
I have seen quite a few equally graphic sex scenes in other non-porn art-house films.
I wouldn't have thought so*, the camera in the vagina, looking down at the thrusting, ejaculating penis? Very original, I thought.

*It may have been done before, I don't have a massive knowledge of that kind of thing, only time I've seen it.
I believe that was CGI and to me it felt rather abstract. Once you see the real thing on screen, it doesn't matter to me from which perspective you see it, especially when as in this case the shot appears to be simulated.
Dogtooth - deeply silly try-hard nonsense

It's shit, isn't it ? The plot never kicks in, it's just a voyeuristic freak show that masquerades as psychological insight, when it's just about whatever the film makers pulled out of their arse. The other recently over-hyped Greek film export Attenberg is just as bad.
Linha de Passe. Well worth watching. A film about four brothers growing up in Sao Paulo and the various scrapes they get into whilst finding their way. I particularly love the final scene but won't say any more.
It's shit, isn't it ? The plot never kicks in, it's just a voyeuristic freak show that masquerades as psychological insight, when it's just about whatever the film makers pulled out of their arse. The other recently over-hyped Greek film export Attenberg is just as bad.
it thinks it's a Haneke film but is more like a brain-damaged Harmony Korine film
just finished Alien on blu ray. forgotten how sexy ripley looked at the end with the small underwear. hmm. just wanted it pull it down :D
Lars Von Trier - Melancholia

The film? I don't know. I'm still trying to work out why he allowed one of the drunk wedding guests to operate the camera?!

Project Nim. Interesting story, but for a documentary I found it too manipulative, with slushy music and reconstructions that are mixed up with archive footage. Odd how in terms of what happens this is at times really similar to Rise of Planet of the Apes, which came out at the same time.

Another Earth. Allegorical sci-fi, not as well executed as it could have been, but watchable. Preferred this to the very silly Melancholia with which it shares similarities.

Outcast. Irish/Scottish horror film about magic and witchcraft, but set on an Edinburgh council estate, which is stalked a demon who guts the tenants. Despite the low budget and some pacing issues this is an unusually original British horror flick. Kate Dickie (Red Road, Game of Thrones) is good as always in the lead and the monster, when it's finally revealed, is quite impressive and weird looking considering the resources.
we need to talk about kevin... I've not read the book but the film made him out to be a bit too Damien for me, like 'born evil', although a few times I suspected he was autistic or something. Wasn't that sure about the back and forth in the time lines either.

Good story all the same, never saw the ending coming.

Oh and cheers for the recommendations for tonight, got a few things downloading :)
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