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What DVD / Video did you watch last night? (pt3)

A bit of South Korean wild west..........The good the bad and the weird..

Subtitled modern western/comedy chase flick with plenty of violence

Not hugely impressed, filled a couple of hours (probably 50 minutes too long)

FUnny in parts, wouldn't break a leg to see it

Jackie Chan rip off?
22 bullets Jean do dar french bloke. (leon chap)

Subtitled gangster revenge flick, watchable (especially for tidy copper) Nothing out of the ordinary jumps out at you.....Thesaurus out "Formulaic"

Eta Why do all gansters drive hi powered black audis, is it some sort of product placement
A bit of South Korean wild west..........The good the bad and the weird..

Subtitled modern western/comedy chase flick with plenty of violence

Not hugely impressed, filled a couple of hours (probably 50 minutes too long)

FUnny in parts, wouldn't break a leg to see it

Jackie Chan rip off?
Not at all.The strong narrative and lack of single hero pretty much shows that. Great film.
Shutter Island - Fanbloodytastic :)
I felt really cheated by Shutter Island. I worked it out ten minutes in (on the boat to the island), and thought to myself "no way are they doing that, Its too lazy and we've seen it before in much crappier movies". (Identity with John Cusack. Murder, multiple personality disorders, builds up false identity to cope with psychological stress of murder)

Thus: -

Shutter Island: Leo Di Caprio plays a man who has lost his wife and children in tragic circumstances, and enters a falsified reality where he has to confront this loss, in which she comes back to mess with his head, before it is revealed to be false.

inception: Leo Di Caprio plays a man who has lost his wife and children in tragic circumstances, and enters a falsified reality where he has to confront this loss, in which she comes back to mess with his head., before it is revealed to be false.
Yep - felt very cheated by Shutter Island. In Inception Leo plays the same one note character with an identical backstory and motivations. Scorcese felt like he was slumming it - reminded me a lot of a remake of his own Cape Fear. Shutter Island is a film I've no love for.
Michael Moore's Sicko. Yes, I know...a little late but never mind.

While he maybe preaching to the converted (self) I think he does an admirable job bringing to the fore what the mainstream media wouldn't touch with a ten foot scalpel.

With a few exceptions it re-affirmed my contempt for the greatest shit hole on earth.

The Tony Benn interview was very good on the extras.
stormed through two tonight

"The road with vampires" Stake land


The private lives of pippa lee, which was a suprising watchable drama/tiny bit of comedy chick flick, but "grown up" great cast, Robin Wright Penn is compelling in the lead role. Worth a watch
Midnight in Paris - bit of an indulgence into the golden era of art in Paris rather than a romantic film, which made me enjoy it more and the mrs enjoy it less.

Attack the Block - liked it, some funny lines and makes you warm to the lead characters after initially hating them. Cant wait to see Sket, which is probably gonna be a nastier version of this, but with girls, and no aliens. So totally different....but with the same lingo :D
Children of Men. Cant believe the people of Bexhill were terribly happy about the future portrayal of their quaint little town. Good film though.
Children of Men. Cant believe the people of Bexhill were terribly happy about the future portrayal of their quaint little town. Good film though.

Mind you, if you've ever been to Bexhill, you know the geography as presented in Children of Men is totally false. Bexhill is not on an open plain but surrounded by hills. Similarly, see Dungeness in Robin Hood - Dungeness is flat, not hilly. typical Hollywood fail.

Im watchign "The Objective", a 2008 military thriller set in Afghanistan. Quite good so far.
It's not typical Hollywood fail. There's nothing wrong with it. They're shooting locations. It doesn't have to make geographic sense at all.
I crimped and watched the human centipede, which TBH was quite entertaining in a camp, badly acted sort of way, I doubt I'll be following the leading ladies careers very far, I've seen lines delivered better in pron films

But for a horror it was disturbing in an ordinary way.

I was, however, deeply tittilated by the topless ladies shuffling round on their hands and knees in a restricted manner. May be I should indulge in a bit of that sort of action while surfing for filth

Worth a watch just to see what all the noise was about
I watched episode1 of series 3 of In The Thick of It.

How this program passed me by I don't know, but Malcom us a genius character
"Fantastic Four" on the telly - yeah it's shit but I was happy watching Chris "Captain America" Evans and shouting "Flame On!" occassionally.
A bit of South Korean wild west..........The good the bad and the weird..

Subtitled modern western/comedy chase flick with plenty of violence

Not hugely impressed, filled a couple of hours (probably 50 minutes too long)

FUnny in parts, wouldn't break a leg to see it

Jackie Chan rip off?

Nah, no way.
You should check out Tears of a Black Tiger - zillion times superior.
GBANW gave me a fuckin' headache. Annoying camera work.
It's not typical Hollywood fail. There's nothing wrong with it. They're shooting locations. It doesn't have to make geographic sense at all.

Yeah, I watched Run Lola Run with Berlin girl; she hated it because the geography is all wrong and there is no possibility that Lola could make it between the different locations in the timescales given :D
Love is the drug.

JAke Gillywhatsit and ann hathaway fucking all over the place with a low level message about the drugs industry and uncurable illness.

Driven charmer salesman meets hippy artist with uncurable and terminal (eventually) illness.. push me pull me, fall in love, everthing sort of ends up alright....

Non standard but manipulative heart string puller but has some great characters in it. plus obviously the leads naked and fucking like rats in a bucket (Anne hathaway has an exceptionally fine body)

Look out for Jake gillywhatsits millionaire fat gimp brother, very funny and Oliver Platt as over the hill sales manager.

I think I'm becoming shallower and less choosy in what I watch and like, chuck in a bit of nudity and it gets a thumbs up from me...need to get out more often.....

Anyhow, despite the above I enjoyed watching it, save it for a sunday afternoon take cycnical head off and enjoy, its gotta better than reality tellybox shit
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