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What DVD / Video did you watch last night? (pt3)

Mildred Pierce - the recent HBO version. Didn't like it at first but it eventually got to me. The production and costume design is well lush and the music is amazing. Todd Haynes really knew what he was doing with that and the actors. Winslet, Pierce, Wood, O'Byrne and Leo were great, especially Evan Rachel Wood as the total bitch of the daughter. Was slightly unsurew what we were supposed to make of the character of Mildred Pierce. I was totally sympathetic to her and wasn't sure whether I was supposed to or not. I'm not sure how her daughter turned out to be such a horror. It is a melodrama I suppose.
Must see the Joan Crawford flick now.
I recently bought Powder Blue starring Jessica Biel on DVD.

It's like the movie Crash in that it shows the lives of different people intersecting with one another.

I thought there were some nice movements although it didn't have much of a plot.

I was surprised that it got such bad reviews.
I watched Stakeland which I enjoyed. I think it is now a rule post-Road that all american post apocalypse films must have downbeat and forlorn music playing to accentuate the air of hopelessness.
Soldier- a Kurt Russell sci fi number from the 80's. I hope he wasn't paid by the word cos he hardly utters any at all. It would make an interesting compare/contrast to Enemy Mine. A super-soldier thrown away for a new model fails to find his humanity except that he does save the women and children. Good visuals and a nice turn out of 'oh I know him/her from xxx'

But otherwise a bit by-the-numbers

I thought this was meant to be a bit funny but maybe I was getting confused with Hancock. It was a fairly decent film about post near extinction of humans, made me think of Quiet Earth until you realise what happened to the other humans. I liked it, though Smiths seemingly smooth transistion from cop to scientist was a bit questionable.
Just watched Human Centipede 2. Was pretty good, very different from the first. Like the way it was shot in black and white (With a bit of brown).
I watched Screamers the film based on the PK Dicks short stories Second Variety. Quite a disappointment really- problem was I knew when the David model turned up that it was a claw/screamer. The visual feel was nice enough I suppose, but the film itself wasn't taut enough to get that creeping paranoiac horror you get from the short stories it was based on. A wasted opportunity.

Now I am looking for some more dystopian sci fi to watch. Might cave in and watch Children of Men since I aw it once ages ago and I can't remember if I liked it or not.
Taking Sides. Interesting film about the conductor Wilhelm Furtwängler and his role in the Nazi regime. A little hard adjusting to Harvey Keitel sporting a thin moustache. I've seen him in better films. Superb sets. Stellan Skarsgård was superb as Furtwängler.

Art v Politics or Politics v Arts
Screwed, which I was a bit dubious about (being labelled a gritty brit flick) I enjoyed it, normal swathe of british "Geezer actors" not over the top, good bit of drama unfortunately watching it in a sober state:) the twists in the tale were telegraphed really obviously early on.. worth a watch though


Watched the George Harrison documentary as well all three + hours of it.

The beginning was a bit of a dogs dinner jumping from era to era, I wasn't sure how the documentary was going to fill 3 hours at the random pace it was setting. It did eventually settle down.

Lots of talking heads saying he had two sides to him, lots of positive dits about him, shit loads on his search for spirituality (in fact this was the main push)

Obviously a puff piece done by his mate Terry Gilliam, barely touching on his negative stuff, infact only his wife was allowed to touch on the negative in describing his "love of women" implying seria infidelity.

I think the person reading his diary extracts was his son.

The music was obviously worth listening to

3 hous of fuzzy warmth but not really saying much, Only the barnets and facial hair change style

Worth a watch, probably on a sunday afternoon with a smoke and a box of wine

Last episode of BSG series 1

Overall I found it quite disappointing . There's' no resolution to anything so why is it the end of the series? Also the cod philosophical bollocks with Baltar is less intriguing than it wants to be.

I'll watch series 2 though
The Cave of Forgotten Dreams. Once again, Werner conjures up some magic from heady mix of astounding nature and wacky cave sniffing doods. Highly entertaining, tho I've no idea what the 3D could have added.

AugustUnderground. A rather different style of film-making to Mr Herzogs this. Just fucking ansty.
The Hit. British gangster road movie with John Hurt and Tim Roth sent out to Spain to bring a grass (Terrence Stamp) back to answer for dropping his former crim mates in it. Bit disappointing really - it seemed like a half-decent premise and I like all the actors usually but it didn't seem to gel for whatever reason. John Hurt was satisfyingly malevolent but Tim Roth's usually better than this.
Just done the modern True grit, really enjoyed it, no idea what the plot was as never seen the original so everthing was new to me. Deffo worth a go (another indepth review from silverfish)
^^^by the number western really but done with panache and an ear for language. I intend a revisit myself at some point
The Hurt Locker. Pretty good, fairly gripping, didnt think the scene with the Brits worked but on the whole a decent war film.
Generation Kill is far petter than Hirt Locker- in fact I wish I had seen Hurt Locker first cos fter Generation Kill it was a poor echo.
A Halloween double bill...

Frankenstein Meets The Wolfman: Clumsy and unnecessary sequel/threequel that at least told its story economically (in 1hr 10mins). These days it would stretch to two-and-a-half hours and feature all manner of dodgy CGI. Lon Chaney Jr's Wolf Man transformation is still great all these years later.

The Dead: Passable retro-style zombie road movie set in an unnamed African country. A bit slow but there's a couple of moments that made me jump out of my skin.
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