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What DVD / Video did you watch last night? (pt3)

First time in a long time that I have sacked a film off 20 minutes in was that. Proper yanqui penis sci fi.

Last night I watched season 2 of deadwood, episodes 5-9

Meek's Cutoff Started of slow and got even slower! Not to everyones taste but i feckin loved it fer sum reason! Watched it a 4am in da morning thinkin this will get me of ta sleep! Arse* Great interaction between (Michelle Williams) an Bruce Greenwood. Me only gripe was not havin subtitles fer when the Native Indian was mumblin his head off.
Two Men and the Wardrobe early Polanski short from 1958, starts off as a silent comedy and then (it being Polanski) turns darker.

Deficit Gael Garcia Bernal's debut as a Director, slight but not bad.
Insidious: surprisingly effective horror film. You can see every strand of its DNA in other films (Poltergeist and The Exorcist, mostly) but it puts you on edge in the first 10 minutes and works its socks off to keep you there. The second half isn't as good as the first but makes up for it with a grimly satisfying ending.
Attack the block - alright, might watch again if someone else wanted to (complimentary!)
Submarine - watching for the second time, love it, makes me laugh, like the styling, awkward in places but in a kind if good way. want to watch dead man's shoes now though to.reinstate paddy :D
A film liking friend of mine said in terms of modern horror it was pretty good. Have had a good run on films recently at the cinema and at home :) I like it!
Kill Me Later. Selma Blair tries to off herself, first by jumping off the Marine Building on Burrard Street, then by jumping off the Burrard Street Bridge.

Maybe there's something about 'Burrard' that really gets under her skin.

Spoiler: she doesn't die, but goes off to live with some guy with a British accent.
Insidious: surprisingly effective horror film. You can see every strand of its DNA in other films (Poltergeist and The Exorcist, mostly) but it puts you on edge in the first 10 minutes and works its socks off to keep you there. The second half isn't as good as the first but makes up for it with a grimly satisfying ending.

This. Genuinely scary at points, though manages to have the odd funny moment to keep it from being too scary.
finally got around to Battlestar Galactica: Razor

Have to say the razor crews 'SO SAY WE ALL' moment was not as good as the galactica's
Charley Varrick Pretty descent heist movie from the 70s starring Walter matthau! Got me interested in findin a few more 70s flix if there this good. Dont understand why he hated it so much though?
Just finished Season 1 of BSG, breathless stuff. Would have been a hell of a cliffhanger, had we not already got S2 cued up :D

Genuinely don't have a clue which way they're going with the direction of the show, but loving it.

Some excellent dark moments -

Baltar convincing Boomer to attempt suicide, the red-shirts dying on Kobol for nothing

Lols at young Adama and Tigh in the S2 opener.
Skyline - brilliant effects, dodgy script, zero characterisation and a nonsensical ending. But the effects and sound design are stunningly good.

Pandorum - i do love a good 'ship in space' movie. Good effects. the last act reveal is sub-par. ben Foster is terribly cast. The monsters are rubbish. The production design is Event Horizon II.

The Fourth Kind - surprisingly effective in places but the faux documentary mixed with reconstruction doesnt work at all. needed to be entirely fictional, i thought.
The Art Of Flight - documentary about extreme snowboarding down mountains. Beautifully shot but watching footage of people slide down a mountain gets a bit boring after a while plus they come across as dicks some of the time. Could of been good if they'd put more info about the history of it and maybe some story about people who've died doing it.
Cedar Rapids - The John C. Reily character reminded me of an uncle I had (they were born in the same year funnily enoug). Film was okay. Passable. Not bad for an indie, it's just I've seen alot of the same lately.
Hellboy 2

in many ways it was more coherent than the last film- and evil elves are always good- the elves in this looked a bit like LOTR elves with attitude.

However the lack of a clockwork Nazi really let the side down.
Midnight in Paris

In one sentence:

Oh look, Paris in the 20s. It's Stein, Porter, Dali, Hemingway, The Fitzgeralds, Picasso etc etc etc etc. My fiancee isn't suitable, here's a woman in Paris that is. The End.

A total disappointment.

(okay, a few sentences)
One of the most underrated films from the 70s.Try Night Moves and Prime Cut
Prime Cut is excellent !

I watched How the West Was Won - epic western, loads of cameos, found it quite engaging - John Waye as Tecumseh Sherman! Harry Morgan (From Mash) as Ulysses Grant :D

Also watched Sea Chase, I think it was called, over the weekend - in which John Wayne played a German Merchant Navy captain, trying to get through an Allied Naval blockage in WW2
Insidious: surprisingly effective horror film. You can see every strand of its DNA in other films (Poltergeist and The Exorcist, mostly) but it puts you on edge in the first 10 minutes and works its socks off to keep you there. The second half isn't as good as the first but makes up for it with a grimly satisfying ending.

People who watched this in cinema all thought it was hilarious.
I saw it alone and was totally immersed. Genuinely creepy.
The Devil Is a Woman wiv Marlene Dietrich! What a film! Feckin brilliant! An dietrich looks stunning (Apart from her badly drawn eybrows that are way to up her forehead)
I reckon she must have been a bit like her character in real life seein as she played it so well. Gotta feel sorry fer the old guy though aintcha/The poor sod. Beautifully shot anawl definitely one fer yer collection thats fer sure
Stakeland: Half-decent vampire film with some great moments and ideas (the vamps were terrorising human survivors with the help of an insane religious order, called the Brotherhood). The characters were too sketchy and the plot too simplistic for it to be a total success though.
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