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What DVD / Video did you watch last night? (pt3)

The Sorrow and the the Pity - totally amazing! Just absolutely astounding and incredibly moving. The questioning and filming of the interviewees by Ophuls is just masterful.
Never let me go

Fack, what an unremittingly sad film. I'm not ashamed to say I cry at stuff in films but this film wouldn't even let me cry it was so grim/poignant/stark

I'm just a simple film watcher so can't go in to much of a critique with out sounding like a cock

The film is slow, and grey and doesn't really hold any suprises, which I think is what makes it even more effective.

It may take itself too seriously and I have a feeling that there is a patronising message in there for the viewer "Look how lucky you are"
Never let me go

Fack, what an unremittingly sad film. I'm not ashamed to say I cry at stuff in films but this film wouldn't even let me cry it was so grim/poignant/stark

I'm just a simple film watcher so can't go in to much of a critique with out sounding like a cock

The film is slow, and grey and doesn't really hold any suprises, which I think is what makes it even more effective.

It may take itself too seriously and I have a feeling that there is a patronising message in there for the viewer "Look how lucky you are"

Found it to be boring pretentious wankery.
I thought Kiera was suprisingly good in it (the surprise being mainly she wasn't just shit) - her anorexic figure being appropriate for once. And Andrew Garfield was superb.

It still couldn't get over the essential weakness tho - 'just run the fuck away you fools!'
I thought the story was boring, yet had pretensions to depths it didn't even start to reach. I'm lenient when it comes to these things, but it rubbed me the wrong way entirely.
Kiera Knightley for starters. I dunno, I just thought it was. You got a problem with that? :mad:

I thought she was unbearable in this, not sure thats because of technique, whether it was how she was written or whether I just don't like her full stop

I'm lusting after the teacher/guardian though:D
If a film makes you ponder the deeper shit without spelling it out I think to some extent its succesful.....If thats its objective from the start does that make it pretentious?
If a film makes you ponder the deeper shit without spelling it out I think to some extent its succesful.....If thats its objective from the start does that make it pretentious?

Nah, I like "intellectual" films as much as the next person. I just didn't think it was either intelligent or thought-provoking. As dystopia it was cack. As a tragedy it was light-weight. As drama it was turgid. YMMV.
did the book have a more sci-fi edge to it?

I found the dour normality of the film quite disturbing, if there was a more sci-fi leaning or even a "baddy" element to it I don't think it would have effected me so much

The "plot hole" of why don't they run way/fight back isn't a plot hole, the hopelessness and bovine like obedience is what makes it more disturbing. The buggers ran in logans run:D
Just watched blitz, with Jason statham

Not much beating up shit or exlosions. Best bits Aiden Gillen playing the bad guy, Zawe ashton playing a stunning but troubled WPC and Paddy Considine who can do no wrong in my book

Better than expected, brit cop drama. Statham only does statham though, congratulations to him for keeping his shirt on and not chop sueying anyone
Of Gods and Men - dunno if I liked this or not tbh. Ostensibly a film about religion and the clash between Christianity and Islam but arguably more about humanity and forgiveness. Quite thought-provoking, beautifully shot and great acting from all the guys that played the priests but slow-paced to the point that my mind started wandering at times.

A couple of nights back I watched The Counterfeiters which was quite good. True story about a Jewish forger who the Nazis allowed to live in exchange for him trying to copy the pound and the dollar. Lots of questions posed about how far you would go to save your own skin etc. Not bad.
Deep End 1970 Surreal dark comedy set in a London swimming pool. Some great cinematography, Jane Asher is terrific.
***Possible spoiler alert****

Single man. My scattergun approach to down loading stuff on the ipad seems to have borne plenty of sad/romantic/dystopian flicks this trip

I thought it was a great film, for me the "over egging it" on the imagery side was a bit of a torment but there were some beautiful bits in particular the car park gigolo scene with a background of what looked like a painted concrete wall (purple face?).

It was all about the eyes and faces, very intense, tiny facial expressions barely obvious normally on film, great acting/directing

Quite exhausting watching it. I started to panic when Firth started practicing with his shooter, I couldn't see where the film would go from there if he offed himself.

Julianne Moores english accent started well but as she acted pissed her normal accent popped up now and again, not enough to grate though

Nicholas hoult, stormed it.

Great film, ending had me all warm and fuzzy then broke my heart:)
The Hunter - Raffi Pitts film about an ex-political convict in Iran, doing shit work at the regimes behest, wife is killed in a shoot out between/with the police and he turns to individual political action (if you see what i mean). Not an action film despite it sounding like one, slow-paced deliberate examination of a couple of aspects of life in Iran, only let down by the fact that Pitts was forced to step into the lead role at the last minute and wasn't really up to the job. Well worth a watch. Maybe one for Belushi.
I watched the first three episodes of Brotherhood. It looks good, corrupt local officials, gangsterism etc.

Union racketeers not so encouraging but we can't pretend it never happened in america.
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