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What DVD / Video did you watch last night? (pt3)

Ah also tried to watch the retreat.

Cillian Murphy,Jamie bell whiff and Thandie Newton make a dogs fucking dinner of the pandemic virus, end of the world style flick

I couldn't watch the "Plot development" or overwrought acting so fast forwarded half way through to the point where I saw the guns, blood and axes come out

Its basically a character piece, three "serious"? actors vibing off each other. What you get is a clunky back story of misery, painfully acted out over a dull first 1/4 of the film followed by jamie bell parachuted in as duty psycho, which he overacts.

Injected in is a WTF is happening plot, whats true, whats false blah blah blah. Unfortunately Bellwiff fails to "Do" enigmatic and kinda just shouts through the film while staring manically.


they all die violently, and to be honest I was quite relieved when they did

ROOOBISH and no Thandy newton tits, use the DVD on a pole on a bit of string to scare the pigeons off your allottment runnerbeans
Racing through Battlestar Galactica S2 at the mo, just watched the 'Resurrection' 2-parter, fuck me that was tense (and brilliant).

Not that it really started off light-hearted, but loving how dark and fucked up it's getting.

Cool to see Michelle Forbes again, she pops up in everything doesn't she?
Snowtown about Oz serial killer John Bunting, seen from the point of view of his step son Jamie Vlassakis who is drawn into the killings. Good film but very grim. Not one to watch if you need cheering up.
BTW, Isn't someone on here related to him?

... and last week a film, which I enjoyed enough to start a thread about but didn't mentioned on here.

Margin Call - A film about 24 hours at an investment bank at the start of the global economic collapse in 2008 (supposedly based on Lehmans Brothers, the CEO here is called John Tuld and the CEO of Lehman Brothers was called Richard Fuld). When one junior worker gets a tip off, from a just fired senior collegue, he realizes that the shit is about to hit the fan with the bank's finances and the emergency esculates up the corprate chain of command as they realize the implications of what's about to happen.
Kevin Spacey & Zachary Quinto give great performances as the leads & Paul Bettany & Jeremy Irons are also brilliant, even Demi Moore isn't bad.
This might not be an accurate film about how the subprime morgage crisis hit the banks (but there's Inside Job for that) but it's a damn good thriller from first time writer / director J.C. Chandor.
*********SPOILER ALERT******************* :D

Assassination games. John Claude van Damme and Scott Adkin play opposing hit men who join forces and kill some bad people.

I liked the look of the film, I think some one obviously had hold of the purse string and did the lot in an eastern european country, including hiring most of the non lead characters going on the names on the credits.

Anyhow it had a strangely lit, washed out sepia feel to it which was quite appealing

JCVD has toned up and bulked down in old age and this was less about doing the spilts and kung fooing people, more about dramatic presence and his dour almost sad character.....He didn't have to act much, just seem distant a bit stern and utter few words (ie act like a stereo typical hitman)

He pulled most of this role off (adkins as well) by wearing only black clothes. If I ever graduate as a hitman I will wear colourful garish clothes and edgy fashion accessories, no one will suspect me.

The plot was based on their motivations, Adkins on wife in coma, JCVD on 1. Being a killer robot interested only in cash/diamond 2. Seeking his humanity through contact with a beautifull (aren't they all) whore from next door, who gets brutally slain before she has the chance to get her kit off, which is a shame.

A fair bit of double dealing goes on, bad guys get filled in, although not as efficiently or spectacularly as action flic gimps would want

Every bad guy gets slain, THE END

As a PS who the fuck is this Adkins guy, he appears to be attempting to develop a Jason Statham like type casting thing for himself... He is certainly wooden enough delivering his lines. Throughout the film he appears to be either swallowing half his vowels, covering up an accent or struggling to work out what he wants to sound like.

I'd describe it as like a south african brought up in Scotland trying to put on an english estuarine accent, can anyone clear this up. Not dissimilar to how I'd imagine spacemonkies girlfriend sounds like, from the "racist apple staff thread"
I Am Love Tilda Swinton is superb in a film about the decline of a wealthy Italian family. Beautifully shot and with a wonderful score I found it entrancing to look at. The obvious comparison is with Visconti, but it's not as good as The Leopard.
I watched Attack the Block with my brother, 1st time for him. He laughed like a drain, I didn't feel it stood up to a repeat viewing
She works a lot.

I swear its her as the politicians wife in Brotherhood (i'm on episode 7 now).

Took me half the episode before I realised she was the Maenad in True Blood S2, and in quite a few Prison Break episodes :facepalm:

Last night, watched Zodiac.

Felt a little overlong, but held my interest for most of the time.

The first half of the film is superior, althought the acting is better from Gyllenhall and Ruffalo in the latter stages.

Downey Jr. plays his standard schtick, getting a little boring now.
Layer cake, absolute classic brit gangster film, more watchable than Top Gun IYSWIM, once its on you've just gotta keep watching

Craig daniel sporting some mighty well cut clobber as well.
it's got a brutal beating scene in it, filmed in the Regency Cafe in Pimlico, which used to be local cafe at work.
V for Vendetta (as girlfriend had never seen it and wanted "something actiony")

Forgot how good it was (dumbed down politics / not as good as the GN / etc arguments aside).

The two standout sequences, Evey's imprisonment with the 'Valerie' letter and Finch's 'guess' at how things will go down (intercut with the dominos) are breathtaking.
I Am Love Tilda Swinton is superb in a film about the decline of a wealthy Italian family. Beautifully shot and with a wonderful score I found it entrancing to look at. The obvious comparison is with Visconti, but it's not as good as The Leopard.

Beautifully shot. Great score.
But as a film, the finished product was hugely overrated. It kinda died up it's won arse.
Rango - kids' animation movie made for adults, crammed full of nerdy film references. It's great, esp for film nerds for spotting which bit is nicked from which film. The plot is a standard western with Chinatown thrown in. The characters are all lizards and creepy crawlies. It's ace!
oh, and I also saw The Modern Antiquarian on YouTube. I'm no fan of Julian Cope, but this is (unintentionally) hilarious. Cope, dressed as an early 90s outdoors raver, visits a bunch of old monoliths and dolmens and barrows, whilst staying at Travel Lodges (he doesn't like B&Bs - 'just give me the keys, bitch'), and encounters various Reeves & Mortimer style oddballs on the way. He rambles on about the stones in a semi-mystical but quite informative way. If Alan Partidge had gone to Glastonbury in the early 70s and dropped acid, he'd have been Julian Cope.
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