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What DVD / Video did you watch last night? (pt3)

Working my way through Babylon 5 yet again, :) just watched By Any Mean Necessary - can't remember what number episode only that it was in series 1

Rope, a Hitchcock I'd never seen loosely based on the Leopold and Loeb case.

Enjoyed it despite the miscasting of Jimmy Stewart; cleverly edited by Hitch to make it look as if it was shot in one continuous take.

I saw this recently too. Liked it but prefer Hitchcock's later stuff.
Women Without Men. The lives of four Iranian women at the time of the British backed coup in 1953. Enjoyed it though the story was a bit muddled, the cinematography is stunning, some of the most strikingly beautiful shots I've seen in film.
Cemetery Junction. It's 'American Graffitti' done British-style.

American Graffitti is not a bad movie, but it's hard to beat the British filmmakers for this kind of human-drama type film. I can't recall getting a tear in my eye at any part of Graffitti, for instance.
Sacco e Vanzetti. An Irish actor and a South African actor dubbed in Italian are not good omens. The French version is even worse!

The documentary was more telling and thankfully didn't require the Italian histrionics.

Things haven't changed much since 1927
Animal Kingdom.

A right merry little number. Deeply engrossing and good too, tho

I only read after watching this film that it was based on a true story. I thought it was disturbing. And that mother kissing her grown up sons on their lips was cringeworthy.
Apolalypto - wasnt expecting something this good from Mel Gibson, but it was brilliant, a proper epic and portrayed the lifestyle of the people of the time excellently. 9/10
i though it was a little bit over the top as they were a bit lingering, but normal mums peck their kids on the lips too.
Normal mums? Ok. Fair enough.

I don’t have any problems with parents pecking children on their lips. Perhaps I am being judgemental, but IMO this was no pecking, OU.

I recognise that in this particular film, the impropriety of mother kissing grown up sons on their mouths is probably an allegory to animals the film’s director equates this family to. This mother is clearly in love with her children; eccentric as they are, they are the love of her life which makes her character so compelling. She is someone who would literally do anything for her children but whose love ultimately destroys them. Still, when she did it first time, I did think to myself ‘hang on a second, something’s going on here’.
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