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Weird planes

philfire posted a vid of a basketball being thrown off a damn, I had a hunt around and I found this

Magnus effect


vid of a remote controlled aircraft using this method of lift

More comedy from Iran: the Qaher 313 stealth fighter aka the "Conqueror".


I think the wings were made by cutting up bits of a MiG-17. I've never been in an F-22 cockpit but I don't think the ejection seat in that is secured by a bit of garden gate hardware from B&Q.

Russian crop spraying jet powered bi-plane. PZL M 15 Belfegor. (Curtesy of the 'Pilot as Fuck' Facebook page. I haven't linked to it but worth a look if you don't know it).


Supposed to be the slowest Jet aircraft in production. Wikipedia also says its the only jet powered bi-plane, but a quick google came up with this, which is more cool than weird:

(or fucking mad, one of the two.)
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it did appear to take off at a very low speed.
I asked someone at Dubai airport why all the Russian airliners needed so much more of the runway to take off than the others.

I wondered if it was some particularly second-rate aspect of the planes, but was assured that it was the vast amounts of baggage, mostly items bought for their hard cash value back home, that the things had to fly with.

Perhaps the Antonov was full to the eyebrows with Pontefract cakes, Wensleydale, and equestrian wear?
I've thought of a couple more...

Blackburn B.20. Yes, retractable hull flying boats were a thing.


General Aircraft Fleet Shadower. Definitely falls into the 'I'm not going up in that fucking thing' category.

Why on Earth does Doncaster have an airport?

Doncaster actually had one of the very first airports on earth - 1908/9 IIRC!

The current airport is the former RAF Finningley - Closed in the 1990s/post Cold-War drawdown IIRC and taken over by a private concern.
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