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Abandoned & unwanted plane pics

OK never mind, I don't want that at the top of the page. Nice one danny la rouge for the plane. Somewhere on google there's a picture of another one, lying on its side abandoned and forlorn. So forlorn I failed to post it :(

Instead, here's a cool photo of AMARC in Arizona.

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Why would they want them ? Lots of crashes and range when fully loaded ain't that great

Would make a better tanker & awacs aircraft for the carriers.
Augusta/Westland also make a tiltwing we will probably get talked into buying them and then find something to do with them:(
Ticks most of the boxes for UK procurement already! :D
If they can just ensure it's made in factories across fourteen marginal constituencies, will turn up 12 years after we need it and is not quite as effective as the American version whilst costing twice the unit price it's perfect.

Then we can buy them and give them to completely the wrong service to operate. A tilt rotar, excellent for moving troops and light equipment around in the tactical environment if fully integrated into the army? Let's give it to the RAF...
Would make a better tanker & awacs aircraft for the carriers...

Only ish...

Their tanking capacity is relatively small, so you'd have to use lots of them to put a big F-35 strike at long range, and of course if you have lots of V-22's on your carrier you can't also have lots of F-35 - space being finite on a carrier.

The AWAC's angle also isn't as great as is sometimes suggested - while they fly higher than the Merlin, they aren't going to be flying that much higher, and so their radar performance isn't going to be that much better.

A great tanker and a great AWAC's would be massive improvements to the Carriers/F-35 mix, but the V-22 is neither, while being very expensive, taking up lots of very limited space, and being very complicated and time consuming to maintain.

If the carriers were bigger - thank you Gordon Brown - and cheaper (again, thank you GB), then the V-22 would look like a better option, but as we are they are too compromised, and too compromising.
Ha, my sister lives there, will have to check it out when I eventually get round to visiting. Well, she lives in Ucluelet, Tofino being too trendy.

Ucluelet is cool; but Tofino does have a restaurant that makes a good burger - and it's pretty hard to beat Chesterman Beach.

When we go over there, we stay in Ucluelet, and just drive up to Tofino for a visit.
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