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Abandoned & unwanted plane pics

Mrs kebabking was grumbling about the idea of a 20yo Isuzu project - i can only see stormy waters ahead if i turn up with an SU-27 in a spares or repair state...

A private company in the US got two ex Ukranian Flankers flying on the FAA civil reg. so it can be done. Both aircraft then mysteriously disappeared from view, presumably to Nellis...
I have 8 hours on a Cessna, surely it can't be much of a leap to that. I am also, in.

Never underestimate a 172 driver! I took a Cessna air taxi in Fort Lauderdale that was flown by a gentlemen of advanced years. I could tell he had some chops by the way all the needles on the instruments just went to exactly where he wanted them whenever he caressed the yoke and throttle. So I subtly enquired into his aviation background and he casually replied: F-4D in Vietnam, RF-4E, SR-71, and F-15E in Desert Storm!
Never underestimate a 172 driver! I took a Cessna air taxi in Fort Lauderdale that was flown by a gentlemen of advanced years. I could tell he had some chops by the way all the needles on the instruments just went to exactly where he wanted them whenever he caressed the yoke and throttle. So I subtly enquired into his aviation background and he casually replied: F-4D in Vietnam, RF-4E, SR-71, and F-15E in Desert Storm!

I always used to enjoy AEF flying on Chipmunks with the world's oldest Flying Officer RAFVR's - tootling over the Wiltshire countryside at 90mph or whatever with an ex-Air Commodore who had about a million hours on Hunters, Buccaneers, Phantoms and Tornado's.
I always used to enjoy AEF flying on Chipmunks with the world's oldest Flying Officer RAFVR's - tootling over the Wiltshire countryside at 90mph or whatever with an ex-Air Commodore who had about a million hours on Hunters, Buccaneers, Phantoms and Tornado's.

I used to work with an ex-IAF officer who could win just about any round of log book Top Trumps. An enquiry into his military flying background was airily met with a response of "MiG-21,23,25,27 and 29" :eek:
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