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What is this plane please

To my great delight, the crabs have decided to use my house as a nav marker - we get Voyager tankers, A400M and C-130 transports, and Wokkas pretty much every day.

The tankers are all at 15k+, the hercs and fatlass are either at 15k+ or 500ft, and the Wokkas have to fly around my chimney. Quality stuff.
To my great delight, the crabs have decided to use my house as a nav marker - we get Voyager tankers, A400M and C-130 transports, and Wokkas pretty much every day.

The tankers are all at 15k+, the hercs and fatlass are either at 15k+ or 500ft, and the Wokkas have to fly around my chimney. Quality stuff.

That's cool. We're in a similar position, our house in East London is directly in line with The Mall so we get (nearly) all the flypasts straight overhead. Red Arrows go "smoke on" at the end of our street. Stuff headed for Whitehall passes further south but we still get a good look.
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