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Weds 1st April: G20 protests - discussion, reaction and chat

Anna Branthwaite's testimony has been almost universally ignored by the TV and print media. Let's hope it gives the story more life when they're looking for a new angle. The grauniad have been doing a good job of leading the news agenda on this, so let's see if they try to make the link.
Aye but when there's a court case though (on assumption it gets to one, which seems very very likely - if not unavoidable now), her evidence will be a key part of it won't it ? It certainly ought to be

Iirc, there was something in the Guardian a way back saying her statement had already been given to the IPCC
It should be, yes. The question is whether she can identify the officer in the assault she witnessed. It's not necessarily the same guy at all. One of the dog handlers present appears to be the one that allowed his dog to bite at least one, possibly two, men a few minutes earlier; several of his colleagues were roughing them up during the same incident. Two dog handlers let their dogs get close enough to Tomlinson that it's not clear whether they bit him (the IPCC asked the pathologist to consider dog bites explicitly). One of them pokes Tomlinson forward quite roughly.

There's a lot of coppers in the frame. As Donna says, they'll use that to muddy the waters and prevent a conviction if they can. I just hope that the public outcry when they do it is bigger and scarier than any of the bastards thought possible.
Livingstone on BBC2 now - this would never have happened under my watch. It did. Over and over.
i can certainly recall him promising to "crack down" on "violent protestors" when in office (or at least promising that the cops would) as well as using similarly inflammatory language as was also a factor in the build-up to the latest round of protest and provocation.
Livingstone on BBC2 now - this would never have happened under my watch. It did. Over and over.

He's been out of office over a year now and he's still whinging and moaning.

FFS get over it. If anythiggn it proves how much of a meglamanic he became. Just as well he was voted out really.

and yes and yes to it happening whilst he was in charge. what a Twat.
Except there is now a clear public interest in whether officers choose to hide their numbers or not, as evidenced by the front page of the Standard today and the mass of media attention generated by this issue.

That's the difference - and it's a big difference now.

man i wish i had hope like you. I really do
I think one reason these protests will have a very very serious going over is that the authorities really dont want a repeated fiasco while the olympics are in town. And given the merryment during the olympic torch relay last year I can see the police really really really wishing London had not won right about now.

IOC have areadly banned further torch rallies... it'll be only allowed from the host country to the stadium as they didn't want the oylimpics policitised!!
Livingstone on BBC2 now

Livingstone's being paraded by the media as the Eton Bell-end has refused to comment. Not excusing Livingstone, but what the fuck Boris? You're mayor of London ffs. Cowardly shitbag.

Filth forums are still full of desperate little cunts excusing the assault, or at best playing the "one bad apple" line. Also revelling in the alcoholism/shoplifting/heroin(?) angles. ACAB.

Here's a typically merry snippet about Nicola Whatserface:

As for being an ex-grammar school girl, I have the sneaking suspicion she went to the same school as I did, though obviously not at the same time as she is considerably younger than I. However, when I was at that school, there was a girl of about the same height as her who made everyone's life a misery because she had parental problems. She attacked me three times (at least). The first time I folded my arms and turned the other cheek. After this rather painful experience, I thought "sorry Jesus" and defended myself so vigorously that I had to wash her blood (nose) from my hands.

What a Hewo!!!

Source: http://www.policeoracle.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=11474&PN=26
Oh, excellent choice for the next drip-drip bit of scandal from the Guardian. :)

Krishnan Guru-Murthy has also tweeted that Channel 4 News will be airing "Significant new info on the Tomlinson case" at 6.30pm tonight.
I have to say the media, especially the Guardian, are doing a grand job of keeping this going. I've never seen anything like it. :confused:
I have to say the media, especially the Guardian, are doing a grand job of keeping this going. I've never seen anything like it. :confused:
10 years of slow building frustration and the creeping terror laws, widening police powers, bogus terror scares, dodgy dossiers taking us to war and the endless pinickety attacks on liberties that have crept into the national culture found a lightening rod in the Tomlinson case that opened up a rich vein of police arrogance.

This is more about how fearfull middle class and working class people feel about where Britain is going than about protesters.

But the journalists who have found themselves harrassed and even beaten by the police covering demos and anti terror stories themselves probibly have an axe to grind.

Its as if a huge part of the country has had this appatite for a story that can run and run.... from de Menzies to the Forrestgate terror arrests, to the use of anti stalking legislation against the Oxford ash tipping protester to RIPA laws being used against people getting kids into the right school.
From what i have heard, the majority of senseless police assaults were at CC. Counelss others occured but the CC attack seemed uiversally indiscriminate.

Another sad fact is that if Ian Tomlinson hadn't died, little if not nothing would have made the papers yet many of us have seen similar and worse police behaviour in the past go unrecognised. (never in a protest context myself however, it was my first).
Watching through the various vids on the Guardian site it is the one with the Police threatening the Press reporters with arrest that i think could be the next 'shock release'.

Police knocking protestors about is shocking, but not unexpected, and to a lot of Joe Public pretty unsurprising. Threatening the press and preventing them from documenting (on camera) is surely a stupid move on their part!?

Its also a very English kind of oppression, very polite.:rolleyes:.. i love the bit where the cop says "i want you to go away for half an hour and possibly come back...":

Aye. Most people are shocked at the footage. Most protesters are shocked that the media are showing it.

I think DD's right. It's caught the public mood, and there's a whole bunch of pissed off journalists who have been let off the leash by their editors.

Which is nice. :)
Watching through the various vids on the Guardian site it is the one with the Police threatening the Press reporters with arrest that i think could be the next 'shock release'.

Police knocking protestors about is shocking, but not unexpected, and to a lot of Joe Public pretty unsurprising. Threatening the press and preventing them from documenting (on camera) is surely a stupid move on their part!?

Its also a very English kind of oppression, very polite.:rolleyes:.. i love the bit where the cop says "i want you to go away for half an hour and possibly come back...":

A telling quote in that video is the Policeman's response when asked "Do you believe in a free press?"

He replies "The only thing I believe in the papers is the date"

Plus of course asking them to "Do me a favour and go away for half an hour" while quoting an erroneously applied piece of legislation
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