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Weds 1st April: G20 protests - discussion, reaction and chat

Saluted and reviered? Slung in the Thames and left to float downriver more like.

Those people do not speak for me, I do not support their viewpoints or action, therefore I have no reason to support them.
it's cunts like you who need to be slung in the thames. Cunt's who're so fucking gutless and completly fucking spineless, they'll just sit back and let TBTB do what ever the fuck they like, and just follow, like a good little citizen. Go kill yourself you useless surplus cuntoid.
So, slowly but steadily tempers are rising from the hemmed in crowd - the majority of whom are anything but violence-seeking anarchists.

No doubt people's frustration will be compounded bythe rising police aggression.

It's all so fucking predictable now.
this is planned dude, they want trouble, they expect trouble, they're going to cause it by penning people in and holding them there until it kicks off. Stay safe Ed, if it all goes tits up, get thee to a safe place :)
Treason: a crime that undermines the offender's government, or disloyalty by virtue of subversive behavior
So disloyalty to the Labour government is "treason"?

You don't know what you are talking about. Try consulting a dictionary for a start.
I'd struggle to hold back....got nothing against protesting though some of those are clearly just up for a ruck...christ knows the sh*t they are coming out with though everyone watching the tv is praying for him to get put down....its pr*cks like him that ruin it for the protesters who are doing it for the right reasons....perfect way of losing public support...:rolleyes:

Had to laugh at all the brave boys behind him, pushing him forward but staying well clear themselves :D!
So, slowly but steadily tempers are rising from the hemmed in crowd - the majority of whom are anything but violence-seeking anarchists.

No doubt people's frustration will be compounded bythe rising police aggression.

It's all so fucking predictable now.

There needs to be people at the top of that street preventing any more entering and allowing those squashed into it to exit- there are too many in it, only to find that when they get within 20 feet of the protest, they are met by a line of police telling them to go back up the street. The police should not be using that method of crowd control - it leads to frustrated crushed people. Idiotic and designed to produce frustration and injuries.
it's cunts like you who need to be slung in the thames. Cunt's who're so fucking gutless and completly fucking spineless, they'll just sit back and let TBTB do what ever the fuck they like, and just follow, like a good little citizen. Go kill yourself you useless surplus cuntoid.

If you can't say it without profanity, it's not worth saying.
Had to laugh at all the brave boys behind him, pushing him forward but staying well clear themselves :D!

Them behind just looked like teenagers wanting a fight...doubt their reasoning for being there was for the greater good....
There needs to be people at the top of that street preventing any more entering and allowing those squashed into it to exit- there are too many in it, only to find that when they get within 20 feet of the protest, they are met by a line of police telling them to go back up the street. The police should not be using that method of crowd control - it leads to frustrated crushed people. Idiotic and designed to produce frustration and injuries.
So basically the police are creating confrontations and are stopping people from going about awfu*l protest?

I saw them on TV start clobbering people who had no way of backing off as they were being pushed from behind.

Not good. :(

*lawful (not awful)! :D
So basically the police are creating confrontations and are stopping people from going about awful protest?

I saw them on TV start clobbering people who had no way of backing off as they were being pushed from behind.

Not good. :(

Police officer tells protester he will have to urinate in the street as exits blocked. #imcg20 seems so?
So basically the police are creating confrontations and are stopping people from going about awful protest?

I saw them on TV start clobbering people who had no way of backing off as they were being pushed from behind.

Not good. :(

not from what I've seen...seems like two lines protesters and polis...

protesters goading and spitting... police doing nothing...I'm praying for them to unleash on the wind up merchants:)
So, slowly but steadily tempers are rising from the hemmed in crowd - the majority of whom are anything but violence-seeking anarchists.

No doubt people's frustration will be compounded bythe rising police aggression.

It's all so fucking predictable now.
you wont be disapointed then. the hemming in and baitnig of the crowd is the reason this pregnant lady had to stay away

give 'em hell ;)
If you can't say it without profanity, it's not worth saying.

it's twerps like you who need to be slung in the thames. Twit's who're so flipping gutless and completly gosh-darned spineless, they'll just sit back and let TBTB do what ever the golly gosh they like, and just follow, like a good little citizen. Go kill yourself you useless surplus bottom.
That better, cunt?
I bet the police already know when they (ie the police) are going to kick off: its part of their standard procedure when they want to shut a protest down: start pushing people around and kettling them randomly, keep being arseholes until someone reacts then start baton charging everyone indiscriminately.

That way they can keep to a timetable for allowing a bit of 'peaceful protest', but then get to clear out the whole area and shut everything down, all the while blaming it on 'a small minoriy of violent protestors intent on trouble'.

For the last 30 min the BBC hasn't been showing anything (ie other news). It has just gone back there now.
"The BBC's Mark Georgiou texts: Billy brag. Singing to protestors outside bank. "

What is it with the Plods aggressive and over-handed tactics...? :mad:
I'd struggle to hold back....got nothing against protesting though some of those are clearly just up for a ruck...christ knows the sh*t they are coming out with though everyone watching the tv is praying for him to get put down....its pr*cks like him that ruin it for the protesters who are doing it for the right reasons....perfect way of losing public support...:rolleyes:

true - there was also some dick with a big silver rod/stick of some sort who was trying to hit the police then run back into the crowd - tis this sort of thing that causes it to all kick off tbh... tis a bit sad that people can't have a civilised protest without a bunch of wannabe revolutionaries acting like dicks and trying to start a fight with the police.
Actually the issues I care about, I lend my support to, in more ways than you would imagine. But that doesn't matter, because a lot more can be achieved from the comfort of your own home than disrupting tens of thousands of people's working day.
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