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Weds 1st April: G20 protests - discussion, reaction and chat

The protestors were at fault too, on another thread I suggested setting up a barricade and attacking behind that. Would have stopped them being penned in, I mean thousands of people all converging in one spot in a restricted area. What you gonna expect?

Barricade made of what? Attacking? This was a peaceful protest bar a small minority.
Now, I'm not afraid to use violence or to encourage its use in the right situations (i.e. where it might actually succeed) but this stupidity overshadowed everything else and allows a determined police attack that results in the death of a demonstrator to be portrayed as an appropriate response to dangerous hooligans.
Thoughtful post, w.r. And a valid point about the chances of success.
There's an article in the S(p)un about this guy who died the S(p)un spins the Police line as an "Heart Attack" but yet the article say that he was "Knocked to the ground". There another appeal for more information about how this guy came to be there "Not Breathing" in the first place. On IMC.... people must come forward with information. I had also heard that an autopsy is being planned I sure hope in hell that it isn't done by the Police...
It strikes me as surprising that none of the folk standing near the guy who collapsed managed to do anything useful like basic mouth to mouth.
My first instinct would be to get an ambulance for such a serious emergency and with the area crawling with emergency services that should have been an easy task.

Unfortunately, in my experience, the police weren't too interested in listening to anyone on the day, and I wouldn't be surprised if it took some time for him to get the help he needed.

Of course, there may have been an entirely different outcome if he hadn't been trapped in a cordon of dubious legality and with no basic facilities for hours on end.
Maybe they were all to busy bottling the police?
Troll this thread at your peril.
The protestors were at fault too, on another thread I suggested setting up a barricade and attacking behind that. Would have stopped them being penned in, I mean thousands of people all converging in one spot in a restricted area. What you gonna expect?
Sorry, what am I at fault for here?
The protestors were at fault too, on another thread I suggested setting up a barricade and attacking behind that. Would have stopped them being penned in, I mean thousands of people all converging in one spot in a restricted area. What you gonna expect?

go have your fantasy elsewhere
The protestors were at fault too, on another thread I suggested setting up a barricade and attacking behind that. Would have stopped them being penned in, I mean thousands of people all converging in one spot in a restricted area. What you gonna expect?

So my sister her mates siting down in suport of peacefull people in the climate camp had to fight the police, look i do not agree with non violance, but beating people sat down offering no resistance must be right?

Just had another call from someone in hospital, and if i think on did we not get a news report saying an hospital was being made ready just in case, he has told me blood cold info of police beating people, kicking them, and on the #imcg20 twitter myself reported at the time of the beatings, how police was stoping any images comeing out, thank fuck for servers and mobile phones, lap tops the images will come out in time.

Some of us have other things we need to deal with ie a death of a protester and forgive me one is tired been up from 5am wed, crying in rage at what is comeing through, no matter there class there polatics this is not just in any given circumstance:
My first instinct would be to get an ambulance for such a serious emergency and with the area crawling with emergency services that should have been an easy task.

Unfortunately, in my experience, the police weren't too interested in listening to anyone on the day, and I wouldn't be surprised if it took some time for him to get the help he needed.

Of course, there may have been an entirely different outcome if he hadn't been trapped in a cordon of dubious legality and with no basic facilities for hours on end.Troll this thread at your peril.

Spot on.
The trouble with this is it's the same old shit every time. Protesters will always say it was the old bill's fault and the old bill will always say it's the protesters fault, I never know who to believe.

It seems to me that the police used very stupid tactics by penning people in but then again I saw people, on a live broadcast I might add, fronting up to police and being aggressive. Yeah you could argue that being penned is gonna piss you off but I just see twats on both sides. It's a shame that you get fucking morons turning up in masks bent on trouble, all you protesters are just gonna get tarred with the same brush.
Nope. Can't see any pics there of people being battered whilst sitting down or any pics of people bottling the police whilst trying to resuscitate a dieing man. All I see there are the same pictures i've seen in the press.






enough said idd guess:
I have no idea if the medics got bottled, it is a standard slur (blame the victims) but I would find it highly unlikely, as:

1) there were not really any bottles around at the time
2) there are some pretty horrifying pictures of the guy being given CPR and there does not appear to be any fighting at that time, just gawping

That said, I certainly saw reports yesterday of police medics reaching through the lines to beat people over the head with truncheons. If this was the case, I can easily see people making no distinction between medics and regular cops.
Not really enumbers. It just shows people battered and bloodied, it doesn't show people being beaten while they were sitting down or people pelting the old bill whilst carrying out an injured man. I don't doubt people were twatted in the head by the old bill but for all I know they could've been injured in the crush that I saw or causing trouble themselves.

I'm not trying to be difficult I just want more info to go on.
just ban the stupid fuck.

Hmmmm where have I seen that before....just get rid of those whose opinions differ to yours...

As it is I'm leaving this thread boo hoo....the cyclical nature of it getting tedious...

As it is....

Police went OTT

A minority acted like nobs

As such the whole world and his dog are concerned about police tactics, idiots giving it the big one, windows getting smashed and sadly the death of someone who until further evidence is produced died could have died of anything... yet people will blame one side or the other or at least blindly postulate.

again the whole purpose of the protests are in the main being ignored....

the efforts of the legitimate protesters totally overshadowed...it is surprising more are not apathetic

Could have written this 2 days ago...
The trouble with this is it's the same old shit every time. Protesters will always say it was the old bill's fault and the old bill will always say it's the protesters fault, I never know who to believe.

It seems to me that the police used very stupid tactics by penning people in but then again I saw people, on a live broadcast I might add, fronting up to police and being aggressive. Yeah you could argue that being penned is gonna piss you off but I just see twats on both sides. It's a shame that you get fucking morons turning up in masks bent on trouble, all you protesters are just gonna get tarred with the same brush.

And so were the Police turned up masked too... didn't you notice that? And in any case how many Police died in this protest none, I saw two Police men with head wounds but they had every chance to get their "riot" gear on but chose not too, why that you think? Good newspaper coverage? Hmm me thinks... The equipment was right behind them waiting in the Police vans...had they had them on then they wouldn't had head injuries.
I'm not trying to be difficult I just want more info to go on.

You could read the Guardian links which Ed. posted further up this thread. Journalist's eyewitness accounts of 100% peaceful attendees at the climate camp being attacked by the police while they were sitting down.
And so were the Police turned up masked too... didn't you notice that? And in any case how many Police died in this protest none, I saw two Police men with head wounds but they had every chance to get their "riot" gear on but chose not too, why that you think? Good newspaper coverage? Hmm me thinks... The equipment was right behind them waiting in the Police vans...had they had them on then they wouldn't had head injuries.

I include the police in my fucking morons comment.

Again, you're making assumptions on why this guy died, he could've died of any number of different causes.

Maybe they didn't have their riot gear on in the beginning so as to not antagonise? I really doubt the police are going to purposefully get head wounds in order to paint protesters in a bad light.

I didn't mention the coverage being good or bad I just mentioned what I saw in the media.
You could read the Guardian links which Ed. posted further up this thread. Journalist's eyewitness accounts of 100% peaceful attendees at the climate camp being attacked by the police while they were sitting down.

Care to give me a link? I can't be arsed to trawl back through this thread to find it!
There's a clip on Indymedia which shows the police wading into the fluffies whilst they hold their hands up and chant "this is not a riot" https://london.indymedia.org.uk/videos/993. Makes for pretty sad viewing. If that was the sort of coverage this event got in the media I think the headlines would be very different, but that will never happen.
Not really enumbers. It just shows people battered and bloodied, it doesn't show people being beaten while they were sitting down or people pelting the old bill whilst carrying out an injured man. I don't doubt people were twatted in the head by the old bill but for all I know they could've been injured in the crush that I saw or causing trouble themselves.

I'm not trying to be difficult I just want more info to go on.

There's a clip on Indymedia which shows the police wading into the fluffies whilst they hold their hands up and chant "this is not a riot" https://london.indymedia.org.uk/videos/993. Makes for pretty sad viewing. If that was the sort of coverage this event got in the media I think the headlines would be very different, but that will never happen.
At least 90 per cent of the media were at the 'sexy' protest at the Bank Of England.
There's a clip on Indymedia which shows the police wading into the fluffies whilst they hold their hands up and chant "this is not a riot" https://london.indymedia.org.uk/videos/993. Makes for pretty sad viewing. If that was the sort of coverage this event got in the media I think the headlines would be very different, but that will never happen.

Thank you for posting that, I wanted to see for myself and not just people's hear say.

Battering people whilst sitting down? not exactly. Heavy handed lashing out with shields and pushing people back who were clearly not causing trouble? yes. Heavy handed policing? absolutely. Were the police being total cunts? no doubt about it.
Hmmmm where have I seen that before....just get rid of those whose opinions differ to yours...

Common feature of all movements that shout they are for 'freedom' I'm afraid. They sadly turn into what they most hate.
As it is I'm leaving this thread boo hoo....the cyclical nature of it getting tedious...

As it is....

Police went OTT
After a fair bit of provocation I would imagine. I carry no brief for the police but in a past life I made much of my living from being a public disorder photographer and yes occasionally the police do go in far too hard (have given evidence agaisnt the police in the past on one major disturbance) but the protestors (some of whom have genuine committed reasons for protesting but there are some who are just useful idiots for various dodgy groups and political movements) have been disserved by individuals and groups talking this up as a major confrontation. This naturally will put the police on much more of a hair trigger than they would normally be. I'm not excusing the police by any means but what we have here is a situation which has been hyped up by both some of the protestors and the media.
A minority acted like nobs

Agree there.

As such the whole world and his dog are concerned about police tactics, idiots giving it the big one, windows getting smashed and sadly the death of someone who until further evidence is produced died could have died of anything... yet people will blame one side or the other or at least blindly postulate.

Yup witness the witless crys of 'its the filth that dun it'. Shouting the odds like that before there is evidence is a good way to discredit your cause.
again the whole purpose of the protests are in the main being ignored....

Yup. the nihlistic trashers have turned attention away from some of the genuine greivances that this protest was about. Well done for a direct hit on your own fucking feet.
the efforts of the legitimate protesters totally overshadowed...it is surprising more are not apathetic

Could have written this 2 days ago...

Yup. I'm not saying that there are some cases where physical action isn't justified but those occasions are very few and far between in a democratic society (the 43 Group for example) this occasion wasn't one of them.

The pampered offspring of the European middle classes who rioted have managed to stroke their own egos and play at being a revolutionary and deny coverage to genuine causes.

BTW most of the workers I know are calling the protestors wankers. Oh the fucking irony.
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