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Weds 1st April: G20 protests - discussion, reaction and chat


Tons of pix in the galleries at http://www.climatecamp.org.uk//node/552. A few at the very end of the day with cops attcking sit-down protests and chasing people out of the area.
LOOK at those protesters! They're ASKING for it by intimidating those poor cops in their aggressive sitty-down manner.

Thank heavens the cops had those shields to protect them from all those hands held in the air.
Good post.

The problem is how to deal with kettling (if unable to prevent this from happening in the first place). There is no communication between demonstrators when this occurs. There needs to be a common time/direction of movement known by those inside and outside, how this is transmitted is another story.

Is there a danger for the police that by persisting with these tactics they'll push demos deeper underground and won't know what's coming up? Wildcat protests without prior Met Police approval?
i tried to get to the climate camp last night, but it was surrounded by riot police. so a few people sat down and pitched up just on the edge of bishopsgate....
my acquaintance got batoned on the head... there was fuck all joy in getting him seen by a paramedic (once the police had cleared everyone out the space) - we waited for an hour for one (one patted me on the head and told me that a colleague would be here "in a sec", then fucked off..). i know last night was busy, but i do worry about head injuries...
anyway. four staples in his head at around four this morning.
and the riot police have got my makeup :mad: :mad:

there was far, far, far too much baton-happyness last night.
Shame the vast majority of the mainstream media were too busy focussing their lens on the minority of troublemakers at the Bank Of England protest....

That was a set up - princes street was blocked, so people walked down threadneedle past rows of cop vans, turning right on the corner of the bank into the lane that lead to the RBS - the cops let people down ther, to where and RBS branch without covered windows was waiting - I came out of work for a n hour walked round the outside, between about 12.45 and -1.10.
Was back later at 3ish having watched the shit go down on the work TV - and the vans had been pulled accross threadneedle - now at 1.00 the cordon was already laid from Mansion house to the corner of Princess street - a deliberate gap was left leading to that RBS, anyone walking around, looking for a way in would find that they could ONLY have got in doown that ally

As I walked back up moorgate round 1.10 it seems to be to be very peaceful, more like a picnic - well other that some awful noosebleed speed techno being played in front of the Mansion House.

By the time I got back to the same area at 3, it was VERY different all roads blocked and cops well hyped up

By 6-15 or so when I got back there, real lock down, you could not get within 100 yards of the inside wall of the kettle, I was told "We have closed it", v threatening, some guys were being made to wipe chalk (chalk!!!) anarchy signs someone had drawn in a bank doorway, went to take a pic with my camera, told by one copper if I did so he would have to take the camera as "evidence" ( But then I had probably drawn attention to myself by asking if he "felt brave and big" telling others what to do - might have got away with it if I'd just kept my trap shut, but I've never been much cop at that) - by this point a number of the riot suited ones were staring at me - maybe it was my shouting they should be ashamed, etc - so I thought I'd better leg it. Got to the globe at Moorgate, just got served the pint, when the bar was ordered closed by the cops, it seems that the road past moorgate to old st was one of the chosen peole drive routes, we all got tured out, I fucked off so full of a desire to harm a copper that it scared me
Is there a danger for the police that by persisting with these tactics they'll push demos deeper underground and won't know what's coming up? Wildcat protests without prior Met Police approval?

The other danger for the cops from kettling is this:

When they push in to try to divide a crowd, or when a crowd comes up behind them because they're kettling a demo, they're surrounded too.

And there's nothing more dangeous on the streets than a bunch of frightened, surrounded, testosterone-poisoned riot cops.

I know that senior police know this.

But still they do it. Maybe the Federation should have a word about officers deliberately getting their members surrounded by angry protesters?
That video confirms what I seen around 7pmish..... I did not see the start so was not 100% certain it had not been provoked but that video is close to confirmation. The behaviour of the protesters at camp climate was exceptional and seemed that they were defusing the situations not the police.

Many of them were just young kids, 16, 18 and 20 year old girls and lads from uni and middle class families. They were fluffies and every other prejorative you can hurl at them. But they were a credit to themselves and the cause they represent.

Edited to add, the video is definently several hours before we were notified a section 14 had been placed on the demo, if that info helps clarify the legal situation to anyone more knowledgable.
Good post.

The problem is how to deal with kettling (if unable to prevent this from happening in the first place). There is no communication between demonstrators when this occurs. There needs to be a common time/direction of movement known by those inside and outside, how this is transmitted is another story.

My mobile kept dropping out, so ther may also have been some blocking
The blackberry didn't, but then its GPS so yer fucked that way
Oh the orginisers informed us around 10ish that MPs and the press were being denied entry into the camp. I think there were a couple of Green MEPs (or at least one) inside already though. The police obviously did not want too many eyes of societies watchdogs around.
I'm looking forward to the trial of the RBS window breakers - it could be a disaster for the police because they will be cross-examined about whether they planned entrapment of the demonstrators all along.

The police have already confirmed there were officers inside RBS when the windows were broken - which solves the mystery of why they weren't boarded up. Let's assume they were a FIT team - it would be a waste to have any general purpose officers in there.

So the defence may be able to show provocation - the police planned in advance to pen the protestors in front of a target which they knew to be a focus of public anger.

Plus the police had arranged for the target to be undefended (unlike all the other buildings in the area) so they could hide a FIT team in there. Surely that's also a mitigating factor? Any insurance company would say the police were partly responsible for the damage.

Maybe none of it was planned, but when it's all picked over in court we ought to be able to find out the truth for once.
12:36 Police on ground floor of Earl St Convergence Centre

12:34 Report of Police entering Rampart with shields, building fully surrounded

12:30: 100 Riot police with door opening equipment and armoured vehicles are outside the Earl St Convergence Centre

12:28: Police officers are climbing RampARTs.

12:20 Bank is swarming with police, eveyone there is being searched under Section 60

12:14 Police are getting out ladders outside RampARTs social centre

11:44 Police are stopping and searching people outside the Earl St convergence centre. They are taking people's phones saying that they have been stolen if people do not cooperate. Legal advice is to stay inside the convegence centre at the moment.

Unlikely the police planned to trap people by rbs as the line they were trying to hold on threadneedle street got broken by people pushing from the sides and trapping police in the middle.

A few people made a move for the revolving doors in the front of the bank. Police came at them. I would imagine that was when they went inside the bank.
I've never seen anything like that video from the Climate Camp. That is totally shameful.

The police were just agitating surely? What was the goal of that charge?

I can't believe they did that. I feel really naive that I didn't think they'd do that to peaceful protesters.
I've never seen anything like that video from the Climate Camp. That is totally shameful.

The police were just agitating surely? What was the goal of that charge?

I can't believe they did that. I feel really naive that I didn't think they'd do that to peaceful protesters.

They enjoy that kind of stuff. Makes them feel powerful. Thick, little inadequates that most of them are.
I've never seen anything like that video from the Climate Camp. That is totally shameful.

The police were just agitating surely? What was the goal of that charge?

I can't believe they did that. I feel really naive that I didn't think they'd do that to peaceful protesters.

Please don't feel that way. It's not normal for people to not distrust the police as much as is truly needed, as they are seen as protectors of peace. But now you know what they're up to, never forget it. Ever. because it's just a little taster of what's in store :(
Please don't feel that way. It's not normal for people to not distrust the police as much as is truly needed, as they are seen as protectors of peace. But now you know what they're up to, never forget it. Ever. because it's just a little taster of what's in store :(

What can we do? How about sitting on the ground Gandhi-style, not even raising our hands to protect our heads while the police club us? It worked for Gandhi.
What cause would that be? Freedom to shoot palestinian children perhaps?

No but as you've brought the subject up I've always considered that the relevance and effectiveness of a demonstraton is in inverse proportion to the number of Palestinian flags being carried on it. :rolleyes: The tragedy of the middle east is a tragedy for all and is not helped by ill informed wankers waving Pal flags and chanting 'Palestine from the River to the Sea' and similar slogans as I've heard at other demos.
Look, I was not a protestor, I work in the City, have done for years, the IRA have blown me up twice (well knocked me to the ground with the blast - so pretty fucking close) some twat Jihadi nutters nearly got me in Russell Sq so I KNOW what a fucking real problem for the cops is, BUT, I SAW them smacking at figures with their shields, I SAW truncheons raised then get brought down, I dont know exactly who they were hitting because my self and a number of other concerned Non protestors were prevented by yet more cordons of police from getting close enough to see detail, to note numbers of the cops behaving that over excited well armed hooligans.

This was NOT re-edited video, this had not been photo-shopped, I fucking SAW it, I KNOW what happened

I have NOT said that this footage is edited nor have I implied that images have been shopped you are most likely confusing me with another poster. I've been in situations where the cops get out of hand, been given the truncheon treatment myself at Wapping. I'm of the opinion that this is six of one and half a dozen of another situation. The police expected trouble and geared up both physcially and mentally for it. I do not condone abuses of power by the police but neither do I think that those on the protestors side are angels either. Those from the far left and the anarchist groups who talked up the prospect of violence must share the blame for what has happened. You can't poke a pitbull and not expect to get bitten.

The poster who made the comment about non violence I agree with, in 99% of the time NV actions are the way to go especially in a democracy. The sight of cops beating up those who are obviously not violent does a lot more fucking good than hoolies smashing shit up (I know that smashing shit up doesn't change anything as I tried it years ago and it didn't fucking do anythinmg positive).
You on the other hand choose to make offensive and idiotic pronouncements on the basis of the sort knee jerk bollocks you claim to despise

Not knee jerk bollocks more due to me having a vast experience of being an observer at such events not just those of the left but those of the right as well. I've seen the police go in hard when it is necessary and when it is unecessary.
You really are a total waste genetic material

Oooh look a new insult I'll file it with the others. :rolleyes::D

There is much to be angry about where we are economically, politically and cuturally but the quiet angry voices have been drowned by the actions of a bunch of twats and the reaction of the police to said twats.
It's fucking vile :(
Anyway. I wasn't there so there's no point me moaning about it from here. Actually seeing that has made me feel more inclined to get involved.

I truly hope that footage gets out.

Me too, and I'm shamefully apathetic. It's Mayday soon isn't it... :hmm:
Edited to add, the video is definently several hours before we were notified a section 14 had been placed on the demo, if that info helps clarify the legal situation to anyone more knowledgable.

37. Unlike processions, there is no general requirement to give notice of a public assembly (i.e. a static protest) to the police.[41] However, under section 14 of the Public Order Act 1986 a senior police officer may place conditions on a static protest, similar to those which may be imposed in relation to marches.[42]


So what legal right existed for that pushing we seen?
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