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Weds 1st April: G20 protests - discussion, reaction and chat

linky no work :(

But i agree with you 100%.
You have to click to get through Indymedia's dodgy security certificate. Basically it's the fluffiest, most passive crowd you've ever seen being attacked by aggressive hooligans in helmets and riot gear. Everyone is holding their hands up and some are getting a shield in their face for their troubles.

It's an utter disgrace.
Thank you for posting that, I wanted to see for myself and not just people's hear say.

Battering people whilst sitting down? not exactly. Heavy handed lashing out with shields and pushing people back who were clearly not causing trouble? yes. Heavy handed policing? absolutely. Were the police being total cunts? no doubt about it.

You will note that that is in daylight. IIRC from the Twitter feeds, much of the battering of sit-down protesters happened later on in the evening, I believe.
There's a clip on Indymedia which shows the police wading into the fluffies whilst they hold their hands up and chant "this is not a riot" https://london.indymedia.org.uk/videos/993. Makes for pretty sad viewing. If that was the sort of coverage this event got in the media I think the headlines would be very different, but that will never happen.
that really is quite shocking brutality, on what excuse can they say that they needed to wade in like that i wonder?
You have to click to get through Indymedia's dodgy security certificate. Basically it's the fluffiest, most passive crowd you've ever seen being attacked by aggressive hooligans in helmets and riot gear. Everyone is holding their hands up and some are getting a shield in their face for their troubles.

It's an utter disgrace.

I just get a page load error, but I've downloaed it, and now I'll have to download vlc (or I'll wait to watch it when I get home)

I've just had a blazing row with my boss over this. He reckons (still blinkered by the daily mail) that all protesters are jobless scum who deserve to be beaten. How I'm going to make it through the day with comments like this, I don;t know. he can be an ignorant cunt at times.
I actually wanna put that indymedia video on you tube but can't get orbit to grab it. Is someone else on the case? I really think that needs to be shown to a wider audience because that is not right at all.
that was ott. I would understand I'd the violent people were using the peacefuls as cover...but that is wrong.
I actually wanna put that indymedia video on you tube but can't get orbit to grab it. Is someone else on the case? I really think that needs to be shown to a wider audience because that is not right at all.
I can't do it from here, but I hope somebody can.
Thank you for posting that, I wanted to see for myself and not just people's hear say.

Battering people whilst sitting down? not exactly. Heavy handed lashing out with shields and pushing people back who were clearly not causing trouble? yes. Heavy handed policing? absolutely. Were the police being total cunts? no doubt about it.

That accusation though came from events around the Bank of England, not here
That accusation though came from events around the Bank of England, not here

Oh I thought it was at the climate camp. It's irrelevant now anyway because this video proves the police were heavy handed.

I'm not a protester myself, i've never been on one and I don't often agree with protesters methods. However, the climate camp was a peaceful protest and one that wasn't causing any harm. I can totally understand there being a police line there, like the one shown at the beginning of the film, but to wade in like that at people who are clearly stating their peaceful intentions is really wrong and i'm actually quite appalled by it.
thanks to the people on the ground for the film, there is more to come yes an utter disagrace i have tears and one is meant to be an hard man, just seen mates from sheffield geting beaten..
that really is quite shocking brutality, on what excuse can they say that they needed to wade in like that i wonder?

I've watched quite a few videos like that where peaceful protests escalated into something nastier because the police starting pushing people with shields and waving truncheons about without provocation.

Fucking depressing to see.
I actually wanna put that indymedia video on you tube but can't get orbit to grab it. Is someone else on the case? I really think that needs to be shown to a wider audience because that is not right at all.

We need more videos like this, and more peaceful protests like this. The image of protesters holding their arms up while being attacked will make a lot of the 'Daily Mail' readers view the police in a very different light.
I've just emailed the guy to get him to upload it to youtube or send it to me to do it. I'm normally indifferent to protests and things like this because I feel so fucking powerless but this has stirred something. Just getting this to a wider audience is very important.
We need more videos like this, and more peaceful protests like this. The image of protesters holding their arms up while being attacked will make a lot of the 'Daily Mail' readers view the police in a very different light.
Shame the vast majority of the mainstream media were too busy focussing their lens on the minority of troublemakers at the Bank Of England protest....
This is not film of sit-down protests getting stamped on/kicked/battered, which I believe happened much later in the dark. I haven't seen any pix of that but I have seen enough first person/eye-witness reports of it to make it highly believable.

But we're splitting hairs here - the cops had a plan, our people walked into it and the cops carried it out. Simple as that. Except for the detail of whose actual head got whacked, none of this happened by chance. This was planned, rehearsed, trained for by the police. I mean come on, how many times are we going to blindly wander into these situations and get clobbered, over and over again. Why is anyone surprised at the police behaviour?

From our side this was almost a re-run of Stop The City in 1984, which was a tremendous success and which the cops learned from. We didn't and in 1985 when we tried it again the cops crushed us. Then after a sensible gap, J18 (1999) turned the tables on the police again, another one for us. But they figured out how to stop that happening and we just keep trying to do the same things over again and losing. They analyse what happened and respond, we just sit around reminiscing and try to act it out again. When are we going to learn?
From My Sister:

I was not present at the detah of this man, however I was at the G20 protests all day yesterday and witnessed unprovoked police brutality like nothing I have ever seen before.

At Bank I witnessed people being beaten around with batons being ordered to move when they had nowhere to go - We were already being crushed in a police kettle. This was the kettle were we had been pushed by police into the RBS building and held there, assaulted and then the police stood and watched while a small number of people reacted by breaking RBS's windows. The police allowed this to happen for a good hour before stepping in to move the crowd on.

In the evening outside Climate camp the police were again being excessively heavy handed and a large group of protestors outside the kettled Climate Camp (of which I was part) decided to sit on the ground to show that we were none threatening and not give them any excuse. The police then proceeded to kick people who were sat down in the face. (It is worth noting that the polce had already blocked that road off so at this point the protestors were not even stopping traffic).

The group were then chased by Riot Police the length of Bishopsgate as far as Kingsland Road (a good 20 minute brisk walk). We ran through complete fear, anyone in their way was being beaten. Some people attempted pulling barriers etc into the road to try and slow police down but with no avail.

At the point they stopped chasing us a number of people dispersed. Some of us returned to the Camp to try and check if people there were ok. Some people had been let out, the camp had been cleared and those unnaccounted for we assumed were in police cells of hospital beds.

By contrast a large protest took place yesterday afternoon at trafalgar square with several thousand people from the same groups / organisations as the other demos, but with one exception, virtually no police presence. At this demo, there was no violence, no damage. The demo took place, the speakers said there piece then everyone went home. Coincidence ?

There were headlines of Violence Sweeps City and Protestors Clash with Police etc yesterday morning before any demos had even started. I guess the police had to justify their £7m bill somehow which they couldn't if all was peaceful so provoking a few clashes to jusify their presence seemed to be the order of the day. . .
The pampered offspring of the European middle classes who rioted have managed to stroke their own egos and play at being a revolutionary and deny coverage to genuine causes.

BTW most of the workers I know are calling the protestors wankers. Oh the fucking irony.

What cause would that be? Freedom to shoot palestinian children perhaps?

Look, I was not a protestor, I work in the City, have done for years, the IRA have blown me up twice (well knocked me to the ground with the blast - so pretty fucking close) some twat Jihadi nutters nearly got me in Russell Sq so I KNOW what a fucking real problem for the cops is, BUT, I SAW them smacking at figures with their shields, I SAW truncheons raised then get brought down, I dont know exactly who they were hitting because my self and a number of other concerned Non protestors were prevented by yet more cordons of police from getting close enough to see detail, to note numbers of the cops behaving that over excited well armed hooligans.

This was NOT re-edited video, this had not been photo-shopped, I fucking SAW it, I KNOW what happened

You on the other hand choose to make offensive and idiotic pronouncements on the basis of the sort knee jerk bollocks you claim to despise

You really are a total waste genetic material
We need more videos like this, and more peaceful protests like this. The image of protesters holding their arms up while being attacked will make a lot of the 'Daily Mail' readers view the police in a very different light.
If they ever get to see it. As usual, the widely distributed version will omit such evidence.

Tons of pix in the galleries at http://www.climatecamp.org.uk//node/552. A few at the very end of the day with cops attcking sit-down protests and chasing people out of the area.
This is not film of sit-down protests getting stamped on/kicked/battered, which I believe happened much later in the dark.

That's what it sounds like. If it is what happened, doubtless there was a rationale for it. By late evening most of the journalists had probably retired to the pub and it was too dark for the remaining ones to film or photograph what they saw...
the cops had a plan, our people walked into it and the cops carried it out. Simple as that. Except for the detail of whose actual head got whacked, none of this happened by chance. This was planned, rehearsed, trained for by the police. I mean come on, how many times are we going to blindly wander into these situations and get clobbered, over and over again. Why is anyone surprised at the police behaviour?

From our side this was almost a re-run of Stop The City in 1984, which was a tremendous success and which the cops learned from. We didn't and in 1985 when we tried it again the cops crushed us. Then after a sensible gap, J18 (1999) turned the tables on the police again, another one for us. But they figured out how to stop that happening and we just keep trying to do the same things over again and losing. They analyse what happened and respond, we just sit around reminiscing and try to act it out again. When are we going to learn?

Good post.

The problem is how to deal with kettling (if unable to prevent this from happening in the first place). There is no communication between demonstrators when this occurs. There needs to be a common time/direction of movement known by those inside and outside, how this is transmitted is another story.
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