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Weds 1st April: G20 protests - discussion, reaction and chat

One thing about the death, it was definitely caught on camera - the square mile has more cctv than anywhere else in the world ive heard, especially so today. THe footage must come to light...perhaps a Rodney King moment in the making?

See article on CCTV footage in London being down today
What I Saw
01.04.2009 23:15

I saw the guy on the floor. We'd been getting pushed back by police lines for a while, he was quite far back, didn't see how or why he collapsed. Police were called over by protesters and around 8 came over and surrounded him while 2 medics worked on him. Sorry to say but a couple of bottles were thrown at the cops while they were surrounding him, again don't know the reasons but there had been some batton charges recently and people were angry. None hit the guy on the floor from what I saw but it was unfortunate to have happened. Everyone around shouted to everyone to stop and the medics took him away, an ambulance came a little after.

Not very nice at all, I can't blame the police from what I saw and as soon as everyone in the area knew what was going on everyone let the medics do their work. Very unfortunate, I'm sure we will find out more.
[indymedia comment]
Anyone ever been hit by one of those batons? They look pretty crappy to me, like they wouldn't hurt much. Like being hit with a drum stick.
Anyone ever been hit by one of those batons? They look pretty crappy to me, like they wouldn't hurt much. Like being hit with a drum stick.

I make those batons for a living, if it wasn't for hippies I'd be out of a job.
arguing with idiots on twitter. it's the new national sport. i should go to bed.
or stay on urban...:hmm:

hope everyone's ok down there, really, really wishing I'd just quit work and gone down coz I don't like this helpless feeling I've got sat here now.

just got to reassure myself that there's a lot of experienced people in the climate camp grouping now, and all the people I know in there have got a lot of nouse about them so they should be able to keep it together.

Just got back from the climate camp. Was there around 7pm when the police charged the perimeter, batons flying, bloody heads... No reason, no excuse.

hope everyone's ok down there, really, really wishing I'd just quit work and gone down coz I don't like this helpless feeling I've got sat here now.

just got to reassure myself that there's a lot of experienced people in the climate camp grouping now, and all the people I know in there have got a lot of nouse about them so they should be able to keep it together.


i totally feel the same free spirit.. i have a broken bone in my foot which is healing. i feel that I HAD to be there today but sense told me not to for obvious reasons. feel helpless, not that maybe i would have made that much of a difference, but the people who are using their right to protest deserve as much support as they can get.

i can only echo the worry that you have, i hope if anything some little good (although what good does that do for the gent who passed away and his family) may come out of this, IF (and i am totally opened minded) that the over reaction from the robocop policeforce had any relation to this sad occurance at todays event.

Stay safe and stay free to everyone involved.
Anyone ever been hit by one of those batons? They look pretty crappy to me, like they wouldn't hurt much. Like being hit with a drum stick.

I have, on the head and arm, didn't feel it at the time because I was so pumped, but it hurt for days after. The bruise on my arm went purple, it was quite funny..
from twitter: Police officers using anti terror outside #climatecamp to make people delete images of police under threat of seizure
Indymedia Statement

01-04-2009 23:36

Mainstream media sources, including ITV and the BBC, report the death of a protester this evening. We are not able to confirm any details about the circumstances. Anyone with hard information should contact the legal team at Bindmans Solicitors on 020 7833 4433 to clarify the circumstances of this death. All information at the moment seems to originate from the police or rumors (which we do not wish to spread any further). We will provide timely updates of confirmed information.


Indymedia in tougher journalistic ethics than ITN shock...
hope everyone's ok down there, really, really wishing I'd just quit work and gone down coz I don't like this helpless feeling I've got sat here now.

just got to reassure myself that there's a lot of experienced people in the climate camp grouping now, and all the people I know in there have got a lot of nouse about them so they should be able to keep it together.

The people running the place were excellent. The police started kettling people quietly then made a rush to 'protect' the climate exchange building at about 7pm, there was alot of tension and a few people provoking the police and the police seemed happy to oblige, but the general atmosphere of the crowd was determined but calm. They were up against the police line holding it but with there arms in the air, it was tense for a while afterwards but calmed down and for most of the rest of when I was there people were largely calm, having meetings, drum circles and some impromtu hip hop. Legal advisers and legal observers were clearly marked and mixing with the crowd, and gave lots of advice when we were let out of the kettle.

They also managed a controled 'shortening of the lines' (a managed consession of territory to a more defensible location) that really impressed me.

God help the police if people out for violence ever get that orginised.
I have, on the head and arm, didn't feel it at the time because I was so pumped, but it hurt for days after. The bruise on my arm went purple, it was quite funny..
Seemd alot of agro on the police outerlines at Bishopsgate. Dont have much info on it as I just caught glances standing on my bikes peddles.
I've got a feeling that today's protest may prove to be a bit of a game changer, with a lot of people beginning to question both the police cordon tactics and their use of terrorism legislation.
It was Westminster who were told to take their road cameras off-line. This stuff is all happening in the City of London, which is a different area.

Sorry, I always forget that London, even the city centre, is quite a big place.
Just got back from the climate camp. Was there around 7pm when the police charged the perimeter, batons flying, bloody heads... No reason, no excuse.

I think they were trying to protect the climate exchange building, they stood infront of it for the rest of the night I was there. But I also suspect it was a probe where a unit initiates contact to determine the orginisation, disposition and moral of the opposition.

There was probibly a reason. Just nothing to do with facilitating peacefull demonstrations.
The officers took the decision to move him as during this time a number of missiles – believed to be bottles – were being thrown at them", said a police statement. The ambulance service took the man to hospital where he died. -

complete and total bollocks oh yeah crate loads of fucking bottles lying around there are always piles of them round the Royal Echange!!!

Utter crap, at the time this poor fucker was dying I was trying to get it, claiming my right as a Citizen to watch whatour supposed guardians were doing - they had a very fixed idea of what their role was and fuck you if you thought different.
I cannot for one second believe that they took the original claims seriously, I saw girls trying to reason with coppers to get out at aroiund !.15 and they had fucking zero luck - by 7 they had double cordons going -from Colman st once you got to the back of the BoE that was it, you stopped - had a look down Old Jewry, didn't look any better - up to London Wall, its blocked off, cops telling up the shops up the street to close - what the fucks that about - up Moorgate - they've gone fuckin totally power mad - what that shit bag cop said to me I wont repeat - but it was right out of some mad future distopia sci-fi lunacy - WE amke the rules.
Dont get me wrong I've seen stuff like this beofre but I like a dumb twat thought we'd moved on - my fault. It still horiifies
I've got a feeling that today's protest may prove to be a bit of a game changer, with a lot of people beginning to question both the police cordon tactics and their use of terrorism legislation.

If an accurate version of events ever reaches the public domain perhaps. The stuff with coppers demanding people delete their photos especially, I can't see something like that making the papers to be honest. Various news outlets are trotting out the police justification for the use of cordons, that 'missiles were being thrown', which true or not will probably convince lots of people that the practice of arbitrarily detaining huge numbers of people is a perfectly kosher thing to do.

Only time will tell, but it's never wise to put too much faith in middle England's capacity for moral outrage IMO.
hipipol more details on what happened with the poor man that died. if you don't want to post here please write it down elsewhere. any details may prove very important, you never know.
there are photos purporting to be of the dead man online, both of him lying on the ground being treated, and being put into the ambulance.


not sure if I should post the link or not?
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