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Washing up bowls

What do you think of washing up bowls?

  • Absolutely love them, great place to leave the dishes until I have time to wash them next week

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This thread has shamed me to unload and reload the dishwasher and wash up the bits that don’t go in there (good knife, old plate) and put the hot water on for the rest
I couldn’t be arsed with a dishwasher. I’d close the door and forget about it. There’s a metaphor there, but I also mean literally. I like washing up by hand. I lived in a house with a dishwasher once and never used it. Didn’t even open it out of curiosity, although I know they have racks and things because I’ve seen them on adverts - I was just vaguely aware of it as a potential cupboard that had been taken out of action. The thought of having to bend down repeatedly to put things in and then bend down repeatedly to unload them would bore me to tears.
I would save the water for plants but then I have water butts for that.
We have water butts and IBCs here but I still hate wasting usable water.
I use a washing up bowl so I can save the water for plants but the outside of it and the sink it's sat in are both clean, and I tend to lick plates and pans clean first so there's very little grease or food scraps. All the people who just fling plates in the sink still covered with half their meal give me the boak
Posted this on the other thread but actually I realised earlier the waste pipe from my kitchen sink just empties out onto the ground outside (yeah I know) so I can probably stick a bucket under the building to collect it from there instead of the sink. Washing up bowls are still useful to have though, just not for washing up.
I used to have one, but don’t in this flat. I am still considering whether to get one, because I keep forgetting to pour the dregs of my tea or coffee down the sink before filling it up, and the advantage of the bowl was that it didn’t matter.
I recently got one of those Joseph Joseph bowls that has a twist plug in the bottom. I love it. Before I had the same problem ad moose

And my sink is manky and this bowl hides that reality
I have one of these and a dishwasher, if I still had a sink and a bit (2 plug holes) I wouldn't bother but the ability to soak things or be starting the washing up in the bowl then draining the veggies is really useful.
Wouldn't all the water from the washing machine keep the pipe flushed out? :hmm:
Yea but it gets all full of soap scum and ming, microfiber slime. I like to bang a bit of drain cleaner down every now and then and keep it well flushed through. I've dealt with enough blocked waste pipes. MIL was washing little socks made of tight material in my kitchen sink once. Pulled the plug and somehow they got sucked through the outlet. That one took over a day to fix. When you cut sections of old waste pipe out, you'd be amazed how nasty they are inside.
We have a dishwasher but also a plastic bowl in the sink, there are a few things that need washing by hand such as wooden utensils because the dishwasher destroys them over time.
I (mostly) do the dishes both by hand or by loading the dishwasher however every once in a while Mrs Q will examine the state of the bowl and and order its replacement if she considers it is getting manky
Nope, it’s gross. Why put a bowl in a bowl?
I have a dishwasher but I forget to use it. Prefer to wash it up myself anyway. Have a small side sink to rinse but usually rinse in the main sink. I like washing up. It’s the only household chore I bother to do.
I have one but it doesn't get a lot of use as an actual washing up bowl I have a smallish stainless steel sink and it's surplus to requirement. I last used it at the weekend to soak my feet.

However, if I had one of those lovely big Belfast style ceramic sinks I'd definitely have one in there permanently.

I have a ceramic Belfast sink which I inherited with the house. It looks cute but it is a destroyer of plates, bowls, glasses etc so a washing up bowl helps to minimise the damage.
This is our problem too. We also don't have a built-in draining board so I have a silicone one which catches the drips.
It’s been a bone of contention between me (sink) and my Ma (bowl) for years but we try not to let it rise to the surface for the sake of family harmony.
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