This author (of whom I know fuck all), references Mearsheimer, of whom I do know something. The article reiterates what one or two on here were saying from the start. A completely avoidable war, and another (destined to be more or less forgotten) tragedy.
According to John Mearsheimer, who predicted the war in the first place
'While Ukrainian resolves is indubitable (their country is under attack)
so is Russian resolve, which westerners willfully do not understand. People outraged about China building up its military
in China refuse to understand how Russia feels about enemy troops on its border. Mearsheimer breaks this threat perception down into two parts. First is how threatened Russia felt by NATO fiddling with Ukraine before the war and how much more threatened it feels now. Now the West is talking about killing Putin, regime change, and dismembering Russia. This only strengthens Russian resolve, making Ukraine an existential fight for them as well.'
'What is
highly dubious is American resolve. First off they have no skin in the game, and second their military has been losing wars and abandoning allies for decades. That’s their business model. The great American innovation in empire has been figuring out that there’s more money in
losing wars. You can loot your own treasury, fuck over your allies, and do it all far from home (using the most fossil fuels of any single entity, so fucking over the planet also). It’s the greatest ‘bezzle’ in history, and Ukraine is just the latest mark.'
'Since resolve is roughly equal on the Russian and Ukrainian side and actually drained by the Americans, all that’s left is population and artillery. Here, as mentioned, Ukraine is fucked. Russia wins by sheer attrition, but it’s a terrible victory which merely moves their NATO problem a few years forward and few oblasts over. If you go by Western propaganda Putin started this war for fun, but if you follow the record, he actually did everything he could to avoid it. As Mearsheimer said in response to a question (and as anyone can look up)”
To people who say this violates the ‘rules-based order’, what is that exactly? Under the ‘rules-based order’ America ‘pre-emptively’ attacked Iraq, and
Iraq is nowhere near America. Ukraine is right next to Russia and hostile troops were amassing there. The example America and NATO have set is to attack wherever you feel like based on completely made up threats.
Russia more than anyone is following the rules based order because they actually were threatened by NATO and complained about it for decades.
Of course, ‘rules-based order’ just means rule by the latest incarnation of White Empire, doing whatever the fuck they want. The only rule being violated is any other country having a concept of national security, which makes America feel very insecure. And so they will keep poking at Russia, and China, and anyone who defies them, obliterating their own allies and potentially the whole planet on their way down.'