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War propaganda, 'Realists' and neocons, and the denigration of the war sceptics

I don't believe I expressed an opinion on those governments, or anything else but the fact that much of the world remains sceptical about this war. I would now add that I agree that this is understandable and inevitable for a variety of reasons, some of which are hinted at in the short piece quoted. And it isn't only those three governments that remain sceptical, as is also made clear.

While it is indeed primarily a conflict between Russia and Ukraine, Russia and Ukraine is not the whole world.
Neither is the West. What I find interesting being over here is that whilst Portugal is staunch EU and NATO, its former colonies and areas of influence in Brazil and Africa aren't and those former colonies and areas of influence get more media coverage here in the newspapers and news than they do in the UK.
clearly its the old alliances from the soviet era that have continued to this day, just as are the continuity special (neoliberal) relationships on the other side of the old iron curtain. The more important bit from that link though seems to me to be "emphasis on the need for a negotiated peace, rather than a victory for Kyiv" - though above all the thoughts of CELAC are basically irrelevant - US led NATO will do what US led NATO wants to do
The USA and Europe really do not want the Russian status quo to collapse destabilising the country and seems to me have neither the will or desire to defeat it's military in Ukraine whatever the odd gung ho merrikan general and British politician might say in public
Looks like the west was sceptical but encouraged the Ukrainians to go ahead anyway.

Western leaders knew that Ukrainian forces were very unlikely to dislodge Russian forces from entrenched positions in the counteroffensive which began in the spring, the Wall Street Journal reports.

Deep and deadly minefields, extensive fortifications and Russian air power have combined to largely block significant advances by Ukrainian troops. Instead, the campaign risks descending into a stalemate with the potential to burn through lives and equipment without a major shift in momentum.
Western military doctrine holds that to attack a dug-in adversary, an attacking force should be at least three times the enemy’s size and use a well-coordinated combination of air and land forces. Kyiv’s troops lack the mass, training and resources to follow those prescriptions.
No Western military would also try to breach established defenses without controlling the skies.
Zelensky acknowledged in an interview with The Wall Street Journal in May that Russia has air superiority at the front and that a lack of protection for Ukrainian troops means “a large number of soldiers will die” in the fight.
Ukraine had hoped to find gaps in Russia’s fortifications, flood troops through, and cause the kind of havoc that its forces achieved last year among enemy ranks. Instead, unexpectedly dense minefields slowed Kyiv’s initial attacking forces, leaving them exposed to strikes from Russian aircraft and rockets.
This author (of whom I know fuck all), references Mearsheimer, of whom I do know something. The article reiterates what one or two on here were saying from the start. A completely avoidable war, and another (destined to be more or less forgotten) tragedy.

'While Ukrainian resolves is indubitable (their country is under attack) so is Russian resolve, which westerners willfully do not understand. People outraged about China building up its military in China refuse to understand how Russia feels about enemy troops on its border. Mearsheimer breaks this threat perception down into two parts. First is how threatened Russia felt by NATO fiddling with Ukraine before the war and how much more threatened it feels now. Now the West is talking about killing Putin, regime change, and dismembering Russia. This only strengthens Russian resolve, making Ukraine an existential fight for them as well.'

'What is highly dubious is American resolve. First off they have no skin in the game, and second their military has been losing wars and abandoning allies for decades. That’s their business model. The great American innovation in empire has been figuring out that there’s more money in losing wars. You can loot your own treasury, fuck over your allies, and do it all far from home (using the most fossil fuels of any single entity, so fucking over the planet also). It’s the greatest ‘bezzle’ in history, and Ukraine is just the latest mark.'

'Since resolve is roughly equal on the Russian and Ukrainian side and actually drained by the Americans, all that’s left is population and artillery. Here, as mentioned, Ukraine is fucked. Russia wins by sheer attrition, but it’s a terrible victory which merely moves their NATO problem a few years forward and few oblasts over. If you go by Western propaganda Putin started this war for fun, but if you follow the record, he actually did everything he could to avoid it. As Mearsheimer said in response to a question (and as anyone can look up)”

To people who say this violates the ‘rules-based order’, what is that exactly? Under the ‘rules-based order’ America ‘pre-emptively’ attacked Iraq, and Iraq is nowhere near America. Ukraine is right next to Russia and hostile troops were amassing there. The example America and NATO have set is to attack wherever you feel like based on completely made up threats. Russia more than anyone is following the rules based order because they actually were threatened by NATO and complained about it for decades.

Of course, ‘rules-based order’ just means rule by the latest incarnation of White Empire, doing whatever the fuck they want. The only rule being violated is any other country having a concept of national security, which makes America feel very insecure. And so they will keep poking at Russia, and China, and anyone who defies them, obliterating their own allies and potentially the whole planet on their way down.'

It is true that American resolve is weak; but a Russian victory in Ukraine is perceived by Poland and the Baltics as an existential threat.

Should the next US administration be a far-right one which pulls support for Ukraine, this won't change their resolve. There's already been murmurs about Poland and Lithuania potentially sending soldiers to Ukraine themselves; that could be a real possibility if US support dries up, a Polish led coalition including the Baltics and possibly Czechia going into Ukraine as a non-NATO action.
It is true that American resolve is weak; but a Russian victory in Ukraine is perceived by Poland and the Baltics as an existential threat.

Should the next US administration be a far-right one which pulls support for Ukraine, this won't change their resolve. There's already been murmurs about Poland and Lithuania potentially sending soldiers to Ukraine themselves; that could be a real possibility if US support dries up, a Polish led coalition including the Baltics and possibly Czechia going into Ukraine as a non-NATO action.
Seems incredible to me that the likes of Poland ,Czechia are free to take any such unilateral action in a situation where their own territory has not been encroached upon?
Seems incredible to me that the likes of Poland ,Czechia are free to take any such unilateral action in a situation where their own territory has not been encroached upon?
Excuse me? Russia started this shit and only a complete moron would suggest to Poland that a short bloke with weird hair invading his neighbours is going to be satisfied with just Ukarine. They occupied Poland for 50 years filled their forests with dead. Poland and the Baltics know they are next if vlad gets his way. there are 20000 polish volunteers already in Ukarine
Excuse me? Russia started this shit and only a complete moron would suggest to Poland that a short bloke with weird hair invading his neighbours is going to be satisfied with just Ukarine. They occupied Poland for 50 years filled their forests with dead. Poland and the Baltics know they are next if vlad gets his way. there are 20000 polish volunteers already in Ukarine
Only a complete moron would repeat the canard that Hitler was short, when he was average height for the time (5'8"/9" apparently). And I think you'll find much of what's currently Poland was held by the russians for rather longer than 50 years.
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Only a complete moron would repeat the canard that Hitler was short, when he was average height for the time (5'8"/9" apparently). And I think you'll find much of what's currently Poland was held by the russians for rather longer than 50 years.
I used to work in a school that was built as a Russian cavalry barracks in Kielce. The ceilings had to be high enough to allow a mounted officer with helmet to ride through with ease.

Paul Massaro works at the 'Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe' a US Government organisation which advises the Biden administration. Cocaine fuelled neo con on $322,843 per year posts on NAFO Twitter and Discord , speaks like he posts on NAFO Twitter and Discord.

Seems incredible to me that the likes of Poland ,Czechia are free to take any such unilateral action in a situation where their own territory has not been encroached upon?

They are reportedly considering it.

It wouldn't be approved by NATO but it doesn't have to be. Loads of NATO members take military actions that are non-NATO. 2003 invasion of Iraq for instance.

Lukashenko has also claimed he is trying to prevent the Wagner troops based in Belarus from attacking Poland, so it is possible that Polish territory will be encroached on at some point.

Excuse me? Russia started this shit and only a complete moron would suggest to Poland that a short bloke with weird hair invading his neighbours is going to be satisfied with just Ukarine. They occupied Poland for 50 years filled their forests with dead. Poland and the Baltics know they are next if vlad gets his way. there are 20000 polish volunteers already in Ukarine
True. He won't be satisfied with just Ukraine no more than being satisfied with just Donbas and Crimea. His primary concern is the future security of Russia and geography is as important as geo-politics in that regard. I doubt Poland yet makes his list of sovereign states but I think the Baltics would mean more to Putin than Poland. The thing about this is it's one thing to be dissatisfied with your security situation and another to start a world war. However, I think it's important to be honest with ourselves and view the West the way Russians do. Putin no doubt had an inflated and misguided confidence in his military due to corruption and terrible management but so does NATO in itself. NATO looks weak because it allowed itself to dwindle in resources and leadership. We tend to see oursleves differently than how our adversaries see us.
The likes of Poland......?

Not the right sort of NATO member I suppose
Meant no more than that not myself being familiar with the provisions of the NATO treaty I suppose there must be articles within it designed to prevent any ludicrous tail wagging dog situation from arising.
Polands armed to the teeth and takes its military seriously bit like the old east germany one of the few countries that took the cold war seriously they were rather annoyed to discover Nato was mostly pissed after work and at weekends. :D the russians were pissed 24/7
theres several thousand poles volunteering with Ukraine .
wagnar set foot on polish soil and belarous will hear this :D
In what world could the Russians, with the depleted state their armed forces are going to be in after this adventure, possibly invade Poland or any other NATO country?

This is the kind of hysterical nonsense we were hearing during the first six or nine months of the war: a country whose military, it was clear from the start, was hampered by severe problems, and has an economy roughly the size of Italy's, was going to trample all over Europe. Quite a different proposition than the clearly feasible one of leaving behind a fucked-up failed state Ukraine, and surely not genuinely believed by anybody other than the massed ranks of armchair generals.
True. He won't be satisfied with just Ukraine no more than being satisfied with just Donbas and Crimea. His primary concern is the future security of Russia and geography is as important as geo-politics in that regard. I doubt Poland yet makes his list of sovereign states but I think the Baltics would mean more to Putin than Poland. The thing about this is it's one thing to be dissatisfied with your security situation and another to start a world war. However, I think it's important to be honest with ourselves and view the West the way Russians do. Putin no doubt had an inflated and misguided confidence in his military due to corruption and terrible management but so does NATO in itself. NATO looks weak because it allowed itself to dwindle in resources and leadership. We tend to see oursleves differently than how our adversaries see us.
Who exactly are 'We'?
Who exactly are "we"?
Us. The also-rans. The shitmunchers. The ones expected to do and believe as they're told. Etc etc. However, the post I replied to seemed to imply that this 'We' and the 'We' who take the decisions for us are as one, all sharing the same interests.
Us. The also-rans. The shitmunchers. The ones expected to do and believe as they're told. Etc etc. However, the post I replied to seemed to imply that this 'We' and the 'We' who take the decisions for us are as one, all sharing the same interests.
Do you see yourself differently from Russian invading forces?
Back on topic.

In what world could the Russians, with the depleted state their armed forces are going to be in after this adventure, possibly invade Poland or any other NATO country?

This is the kind of hysterical nonsense we were hearing during the first six or nine months of the war: a country whose military, it was clear from the start, was hampered by severe problems, and has an economy roughly the size of Italy's, was going to trample all over Europe. Quite a different proposition than the clearly feasible one of leaving behind a fucked-up failed state Ukraine, and surely not genuinely believed by anybody other than the massed ranks of armchair generals.
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