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War on Woke: Conservative Cultural Campaigning

One person's extremism is another persons common sense so that is a very dangerous road to start going down, As for whether students should be 'exposed' to views/ideas that other people don't approve of. Well students (university at least) are adults and they are supposed to be intelligent adults at that so they should be allowed to make their own minds up.
Yep, and a further difficulty that the Tories face wrt to HE students is that their privatisation/marketisation of the sector has effectively turned students into consumers...and their own market driven beliefs dictate that the consumer is the ultimate arbiter of what is 'produced'.
Speaking of cancel culture, I am amazed* that the US right wing media hasn't paid more attention to the story of Rebekah Jones - who says she was fired after refusing to manipulate virus statistics in Florida, back in May 2020. Subsequently her home has been raided by the local cops, and a warrant was sworn out for her arrest.

* this is a fib
Whether or not the Tories can win votes with this bullshit war on woke depends to some extent on whether people understand the revising of history to be linked to something that can bring benefit to them I reckon. On the terrain of the past alone the Conservatives will have a natural edge.
You only have to look at how popular this anti-woke sentiment is, and who the most popular media outlets and youtube channles are, to know it is probably a winning strategy for the tories - even though it shouldn't be. There seems to be plenty of people out there who care more about this shit, and protecting statues, than trying to hold the government to account for the fact that theres over 100,000 people dead due to government failures regarding covid and inadequate services and infrastructure, pay and conditions at work and a lack of a proper safety net for working class people. It really is depressing and alarming.
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What stands out for me is that poorer kids are not getting the laptops they were promised & their education is suffering disproportionally. University students are being ripped off £9pa for 3hrs a week of online lectures & the best our Secretary of State for Education can come out with is this bollocks. Just Tories throwing red meat to their core support. “Let’s defend the statues” “Statues of who?” “err dunno”.
What stands out for me is that poorer kids are not getting the laptops they were promised & their education is suffering disproportionally. University students are being ripped off £9pa for 3hrs a week of online lectures & the best our Secretary of State for Education can come out with is this bollocks. Just Tories throwing red meat to their core support. “Let’s defend the statues” “Statues of who?” “err dunno”.

"They put you in jail now, just for saying yer English!"

The way I understand it , the government want to fine institutions if they deplatform someone for being a bit racist-y or antisemitic-y. Either a fine or the 'victim' can sue them.

So they book a speaker, who then says something racist-y on twitter , they decide they don't want the racist-y fuckwit to speak on account of their racist-y ways, the fuckwit can then sue the uni or whatever institution? Kind of an incentive to be racist-y or controversial?
It’s a relative term. It’s in the eye of the beholder. It depends on there being a mainstream that extremists are outside of. But what if the mainstream is intolerable?
It's an odd one. Promoting ideas that any small child would recognise as reasonable, such as that limited essential resources need to be held in common so that everybody gets a fair share, can get you branded an extremist. Strange world.
The way I understand it , the government want to fine institutions if they deplatform someone for being a bit racist-y or antisemitic-y. Either a fine or the 'victim' can sue them.

So they book a speaker, who then says something racist-y on twitter , they decide they don't want the racist-y fuckwit to speak on account of their racist-y ways, the fuckwit can then sue the uni or whatever institution? Kind of an incentive to be racist-y or controversial?
We should find some suitable candidate and encourage them to do it. There still exist other laws, such as the 2010 equality act, that can cause them to fall flat on their stupid faces. I suspect such a case might not turn out the way the government promises in court.
We should find some suitable candidate and encourage them to do it. There still exist other laws, such as the 2010 equality act, that can cause them to fall flat on their stupid faces. I suspect such a case might not turn out the way the government promises in court.

Well fortunately Gavin knows just the case(s).

Justifying his decision, Williamson cited the case of Felix Ngole, a mature student who was expelled from a university social work course in 2016 after he declared to his classmates that God “hates” homosexuality and accused gay people of committing a “wicked” act.

Ngole’s expulsion from the University of Sheffield was later ruled unlawful by the Court of Appeal after the 40-year-old brought a legal challenge backed by anti-LGBT+ pressure group Christian Concern.

“Todd” refers to Selina Todd, a University of Oxford professor who claimed to be “silenced” after she was uninvited from a feminist conference over her ties to the anti-trans pressure group Woman’s Place UK, while “Carl” refers to a Cambridge academic who was sacked over alleged links with far-right extremists.
so is this just more of the "poor little racists" stick that be floating around the US for years

Racists must have a safe space

fuck that
They have safe spaces all over the dark web.
And Mumsnet.

oh but the government is going to give them access to Students because they don't have enough coverage

jebus and the same sort of people called remain policy's as Project fear

the Whole right Stick is Project Fear it all ways the "other" trying to taking something away from them

even when they are in power
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