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War on Woke: Conservative Cultural Campaigning

Sadly my dad's going in the 'muttering about wokeness' direction, which is a shame as though he is right wing I'd generally thought of him as smarter than that, but maybe it's a getting older thing. For all this, he's at least been fine with our oldest identifying as non-binary and nephew being trans. He's always been someone who i think feels deeply that prejudice against race, gender, sexuality etc is beneath contempt but at the same time I don't think gets contemporary understanding in terms of privilege and structual racism/misogyny etc, or how much of it is 'invisible' to him.
I think we're at the point where neutralising the term would be pretty easy.

Like ETH's woke tactics cost United yesterday.

I tried.making this woke Fat Bikers recipe for dinner. It wasn't very successful.

I need some new jeans. Tried some on in TK but they were too woke for me.

...and so on.

I very much doubt you’ll find woke jeans in TK.

V. expensive.
The fairytale of New York drama was a mad example too, all they did was bleep out the word faggot. Because nothing has ever been bleeped out of a song before to make it friendly to BBC audiences.

And the pogues (who know all too well what real censorship is - streets of sorrow) judging by their statements were as bemused by it all as I am.

It did lead to one glorious moment when the pogues, via their Twitter feed, told Laurence fox to 'fuck off you little herrenvolk shite' though
now we all have to sing 'you scumbag, you maggot, you've taped over Taggart' because of the PC brigade
Insufferable wokery down at Shakespeare's Globe, apparently.

Playwrights abusing free speech to manipulate pronouns. I'm off to see the Tempest tonight, so shall boo Laurence Fox should be turn up with a Swastika collage flag.

Actually, I was there last night too, and Brutus and Cassius were both women as was Brutus's wife. Somebody should alert GBNews
The fairytale of New York drama was a mad example too, all they did was bleep out the word faggot. Because nothing has ever been bleeped out of a song before to make it friendly to BBC audiences.

As ever it's impossible to "win" this sort of argument since you can slice it any facile way you want it.

Bleep out the word "faggot" from Fairytale of New York?
Woke Liberal Snowflakes Censor Beloved Songs - Will Christmas Be Banned Next?

Don't bleep out the word "faggot" from Fairytale of New York?
Out-of-Touch Media Elite Show Their True Colours Promoting Homophobia and Drunken Violence as "Christmas Values"

Sadly my dad's going in the 'muttering about wokeness' direction, which is a shame as though he is right wing I'd generally thought of him as smarter than that, but maybe it's a getting older thing. For all this, he's at least been fine with our oldest identifying as non-binary and nephew being trans. He's always been someone who i think feels deeply that prejudice against race, gender, sexuality etc is beneath contempt but at the same time I don't think gets contemporary understanding in terms of privilege and structual racism/misogyny etc, or how much of it is 'invisible' to him.

Most Aunt Sally's happily accept exception clauses to cater to this sort of eventuality though, that's the beauty of keeping things deliberately vague. Having your own gay/black/jewish/womble relation/friend is fine because "they're one of the good ones" and "it's only these forms of $other that are the bad ones". The distinction between one and t'other is wholly down to the preconceptions of the person involved and openly invites hypocrisy - some of my best friends are wombles, etc, so any bad things being done to wombles aren't being done by me personally, but by No True Scotsmen.

now we all have to sing 'you scumbag, you maggot, you've taped over Taggart' because of the PC brigade

Taggart was a DCI.
Insufferable wokery down at Shakespeare's Globe, apparently.

Playwrights abusing free speech to manipulate pronouns. I'm off to see the Tempest tonight, so shall boo Laurence Fox should be turn up with a Swastika collage flag.

Actually, I was there last night too, and Brutus and Cassius were both women as was Brutus's wife. Somebody should alert GBNews

They'll be saying her name was Jeanne next.
Another thing many people say, who dislike "wokeness" without really being able to give an example of it or even define what it is, is "they shove it down your
throat." Now this used to be a staple of older male members of my family when talking about "the gays", but now the phrase has taken on a "woke" life all its own.
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Another thing many people say, who dislike "wokeness" without really being able to give an example of it or even define what it is, is "they shove it down you throat." Now this used to ber a staple of older male members of my family when talking about "the gays", but now the phrase has taken on a "woke" life all its own.
exactly this, someone I was talking to on Friday said they agreed with BLM but it had "gone too far" and that "they" were getting the jobs first because of wokeness, they still couldn't explain what wokeness was and instead tried to imply I was a race traitor for saying we had privilege and the playing field was nowhere near "level" let alone gone the other way, then then cunt wanted to shake my hand! And when I refused asked if it was because I was scared of covid :facepalm:
Saw some woman had tweeted that she just couldn't watch Strictly Come Dancing anymore because of all the 'token diversity'.

Now, come on Linda, it's not because you are appalled by the 'tokenism' is it? It's because there's too many brown people, so what you're saying is that you preferred it when there was only one person who wasn't white aren't you, Linda? What you're objecting to is called 'representation'.

And I think this is a thing a lot of 'anti woke' fall into, they act as though 'Well, it's just virtue-signalling tokenism isn't it?' - uhm, so please tell me what the correct amount of diversity isn't tokenism, but isn't 'going too far'?
Saw some woman had tweeted that she just couldn't watch Strictly Come Dancing anymore because of all the 'token diversity'.

Now, come on Linda, it's not because you are appalled by the 'tokenism' is it? It's because there's too many brown people, so what you're saying is that you preferred it when there was only one person who wasn't white aren't you, Linda? What you're objecting to is called 'representation'.

I expect it's more the same sex partners tbh
Saw some woman had tweeted that she just couldn't watch Strictly Come Dancing anymore because of all the 'token diversity'.

Now, come on Linda, it's not because you are appalled by the 'tokenism' is it? It's because there's too many brown people, so what you're saying is that you preferred it when there was only one person who wasn't white aren't you, Linda? What you're objecting to is called 'representation'.

And I think this is a thing a lot of 'anti woke' fall into, they act as though 'Well, it's just virtue-signalling tokenism isn't it?' - uhm, so please tell me what the correct amount of diversity isn't tokenism, but isn't 'going too far'?
Remember Laurence Fox's objections a couple of years ago to the black family in the Sainsbury's ad? That set one of my relatives off on a rant about how the BBC are London based so therefore they should have all UK people presenting their programmes and not "token" Welsh people like Alex Jones or Scottish or Irish, and speaking of tokenism, why do programmes set in England forget we're a "white country".

Me: First of all, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are part of the UK too.
Secondly, London is an international city, so not all stars will necessarily be from the capital, let alone Britain. Thirdly, it's no longer realistic to only have white people in a TV show because that doesn't represent Britain of today. And why would you automatically assume tokenism when you see a non- English or non-white person on telly anyway? Why can't it just be that the producers thought they were right for the job?
Also, some people try to be all 'just being rational about it' by going 'But black people are only X% of the propulation so anything else is unrealistic and alienates white people' :rolleyes:

When the fact is that people of colour are probably still not altogether overrepresented on telly/in advertising and, even if they are - good. That tends to be what it takes to actually get people to recognise diversity.
Also, some people try to be all 'just being rational about it' by going 'But black people are only X% of the propulation so anything else is unrealistic and alienates white people' :rolleyes:

When the fact is that people of colour are probably still not altogether overrepresented on telly/in advertising and, even if they are - good. That tends to be what it takes to actually get people to recognise diversity.
"When a person is accustomed to privilege, equality can seem like oppression." I'm not sure who said that but yeah, some people seem to see rights and opportunities as some kind of zero sum game or slices of pie that run out at some point. But one group having rights doesn't take away the rights of another group. And I think the ones who assume that assume it because they would take away everyone's rights but their own if they could.
Wasn’t sure whether KM was talking about the Jean of Arc thing.
I think she was but it's all part of the same thing really. FWIW, I'm generally chary of labeling historical figures, especially female ones, as trans unless they said anything to suggest they identified as such, though if I understand correctly in the case of this Joan of Arc thing, the Globe theatre have said this is just one interpretation of Joan - they're not campaigning to have Joan's pronouns changed globally.
Insufferable wokery down at Shakespeare's Globe, apparently.

Playwrights abusing free speech to manipulate pronouns. I'm off to see the Tempest tonight, so shall boo Laurence Fox should be turn up with a Swastika collage flag.

Actually, I was there last night too, and Brutus and Cassius were both women as was Brutus's wife. Somebody should alert GBNews

What a fucking idiot. Clearly knows nothing of Joan Of Arc as she was known for cross dressing and indeed persecuted for it and has often been portrayed and claimed as non-binary, intersex or even beyond gender as a symbol of national resistance and religious martyrdom.
And it’s at The Globe ffs, where they put on modern productions of Shakespeare. They’re supposed to be looking back through the lens of the present day and no one can deny that gender issues are in the public eye right now
Oh, it's definitely gone 'loony left' > 'political correctness' > 'woke'.

But yes, lots of random shit seems to have been wrapped up in 'wokeness' by people who haven't got a clue what they're talking about.

I think the more strategically minded people on the right specifically encourage this because a lot of what is called wokeness is actually regulation of capital, such as health and safety or Covid regulations, equality laws, environmental protections etc. I think it's very likely we'll see an attack on the Equality Act undercover of anti-wokeness in the next Parliament which has been a long standing ambition of the Tory right and was first proposed in 2011.

In addition wokeness is a useful scapegoat for unpopular aspects of capitalism amongst their own supporters. When the long standing pub at the end of my UKIP uncle's road shut down and re-opened as an Indian restaurant (excellent trolling Goddess) his chat was all about how a never quite defined 'they' had done this for some malign woke reason and not the fact that no-one, including him, ever drank in there and so it went out of business. It was the same capitalism that he so fervently supports that shut down his local but he wasn't having any of that. Capitalism needs scapegoats whether immigrants, lone parents or unemployed people and wokeness has rolled them all up into some sinister nebulous blob that is particularly useful for soothing the cognitive dissonance that comes from being a working class Tory.
Oh yeah, human rights being 'woke' - I always think it worth pointing out again and again that it is never in your interest for people to have fewer rights and/or less access to justice. This ultimately only ever serves those in power, but it comes cloaked in 'We're just doing this to stop cases like [something that is a total outlier or has been completely misrepresented in the media]' and that's all fine until you or someone you know needs those rights.
It's fair to say that if the term woke appears in a headline or the first paragraph, then the paper's not one I'd be happy to have my chips wrapped up in.
Except you can´t! Because "the woke élite" have banned eating chips from newspaper. You couldn´t make it up! :mad:

Seriously, though, excellent post. :thumbs:
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