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War on Woke: Conservative Cultural Campaigning

From Urban’s second-favourite tabloid:

”The York Dungeon has refused to change the name of its newest ride. Woke parents said the name of the Dick Turpin carriage ride was offensive and so should be changed to Richard”
From Urban’s second-favourite tabloid:

”The York Dungeon has refused to change the name of its newest ride. Woke parents said the name of the Dick Turpin carriage ride was offensive and so should be changed to Richard”

"Woke", which - let´s not forget - originally just meant open-minded, aware, tolerant, has been co-opted by the lazy right, in lieu of having an argument, to mean pretty much anything they don´t like. How is it "woke" for parents not to want to their young children to hear the word "Dick" for example? I´ve said this before, but when people who sloppily use this term are asked to provide an example of "wokeness" their answer is always either a) vanishingly trivial, or b) entirely fictional, or c) they get angry for lack of being able to provide one and say something like "you´re not allowed to say anything any more" (to your face) or "you´re a nonce" (online).
I saw a comment on a match report earlier describing cancelling the classified football results readout as 'woke'. OK it's just one idiot on a message board but it struck me as a good example of how flexible it is. It's not happened because every single person who might want to listen to them has already checked the scores on their phone, it's communists or something. Damn modern world.
I saw a comment on a match report earlier describing cancelling the classified football results readout as 'woke'. OK it's just one idiot on a message board but it struck me as a good example of how flexible it is. It's not happened because every single person who might want to listen to them has already checked the scores on their phone, it's communists or something. Damn modern world.
Thats barmy , on Twitter it was the old fogey dinosaur left like me that were having a go at the BBC
its handy that you can call things 'woke' as if you have to get into specifics its either 'people objecting to my loud racism/other bigotry' or picayune shit like 'they wanted to change the name of the fairground ride'. Better to pretend theres some grand movement or sweeping social change called 'wokeness'
I've just been thinking that all this complaining about 'wokeness' is presumably not that much different than pearl-clutching about the 'Loony left' in the 80s.

People were complaining about the excesses of 'Loony left' councils and how everything was all about black disabled lesbians now, and oh my God, look at those smelly lefty students, they're going to wreck society when they're in charge with their crazy ideas. The same old same old from the wealthy and empowered that 'Oh no, we are powerless against these Lefties, look they're taking over'.

And they didn't take over, although I would say the 'Loony Left', though very much not without its faults, did start to bring about some good stuff - eg, taking seriously the funding of minority groups (as my mum witness on the London Borough Grants Committee in that era - she was on the Tory side), and combatting racism, sexism and homophobia. I dare say others would complain that it was the start of 'identity politics' that is apparently too divisive and we should stop talking about because all the differences will go away if we ignore them.
I've just been thinking that all this complaining about 'wokeness' is presumably not that much different than pearl-clutching about the 'Loony left' in the 80s.

People were complaining about the excesses of 'Loony left' councils and how everything was all about black disabled lesbians now, and oh my God, look at those smelly lefty students, they're going to wreck society when they're in charge with their crazy ideas. The same old same old from the wealthy and empowered that 'Oh no, we are powerless against these Lefties, look they're taking over'.

And they didn't take over, although I would say the 'Loony Left', though very much not without its faults, did start to bring about some good stuff - eg, taking seriously the funding of minority groups (as my mum witness on the London Borough Grants Committee in that era - she was on the Tory side), and combatting racism, sexism and homophobia. I dare say others would complain that it was the start of 'identity politics' that is apparently too divisive and we should stop talking about because all the differences will go away if we ignore them.

^^^^ this. It´s what the right always do. In the absence of, y´know... having an argument, they resort to these lazy hate terms. Check also: virtue signalling, PC (gorn maaaad), tree hugger, snowflake, remoaner, feminazi &c. &c. &c.

ETA: I think where "woke" differs is that it is more encompassing. The terms you and I have mentioned largely are restricted to the struggle for equality by minorities. "Woke" has the novelty of meaning pretty much anything a Mail/Express reader dislikes. So, a parent (allegedly) asking for their child not to have to hear the word "Dick" is "woke"; the decision (alleged by a caller on James O´Brien) by an Islamic community centre to "ban" bacon in its canteen (probably actually to withdraw it because there was no demand for it) is "woke"; even speed cameras, you guessed it, are "woke".
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"Woke", which - let´s not forget - originally just meant open-minded, aware, tolerant, has been co-opted by the lazy right, in lieu of having an argument, to mean pretty much anything they don´t like. How is it "woke" for parents not to want to their young children to hear the word "Dick" for example? I´ve said this before, but when people who sloppily use this term are asked to provide an example of "wokeness" their answer is always either a) vanishingly trivial, or b) entirely fictional, or c) they get angry for lack of being able to provide one and say something like "you´re not allowed to say anything any more" (to your face) or "you´re a nonce" (online).
One of my favourite Stewart Lee jokes involves his nan at the hairdressers. She complains that they won’t serve her a cup of tea under the dryer, and says it’s ‘political correctness gone mad’, to which he points out that she’s confusing political correctness with health & safety.
there was a genuine perfect made up from nearly whole cloth one about banning rule brittania from the proms recently. It was a suggestion about changing the music from one musician at a meeting and quickly dismissed. By the end of the week the woke left had cancelled the proms (I mean, I would, but thats not the point here)
Oh, it's definitely gone 'loony left' > 'political correctness' > 'woke'.

But yes, lots of random shit seems to have been wrapped up in 'wokeness' by people who haven't got a clue what they're talking about.
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Oh, it's definitely gone 'loony left' > 'political correctness' > 'woke'.

But yes, lots of random shit seems to have been wrapped up in 'wokeness' by people who haven't got a clue what they're talking about.
One of the days during the July heatwave, I think a school got labelled "woke" for sending the kids home. Like, what's closing due to extreme temperatures got to do with wokeness???
Even Gorgeous has railed against "woke"; a sign that he's spent too much time around rabid right-wingers. He even repeats the same language used by the likes of Looza, Dug Murray and Sp*ked.

Here he is calling Fox a "fine actor". For someone who claims to be so working class, he spends a great deal of his time kissing upper middle class arse.
Oh, it's definitely gone 'loony left' > 'political correctness' > 'woke'.

But yes, lots of random shit seems to have been wrapped up in 'wokeness' by people who haven't got a clue what they're talking about.

This is certainly the exact same trajectory my true blue family's lexicon has followed over the decades (although I might say it also deserves a 'political correctness gone mad' between the last two); I'm not sure if it's torygraph-specific or common to all the right-wing rags. As an Aunt Sally it's straight out of the Goebbels school of statesmanship - tell a lie often enough and people will believe it - and so vague as to be extensible to whatever your personal pet hates are. As my overworked and overwrought headline generator might call it (sadly I don't think much rhymes with Turpin):
Dick Turpin - Invoke Clickbait Smoke Shtick to Cloak Thick Folk from Slick Woke Bloke Joke

It's fair to say that if the term woke appears in a headline or the first paragraph, then the paper's not one I'd be happy to have my chips wrapped up in.

My father was genuinely surprised when I said I wouldn't be voting for Lawrence Fucks for Mayor of London, who apparently was the only sane choice to take a stand against the wokery engulfing the capital. He couldn't specify what the wokery was, or why and how Saddiq Khan was pushing such insidiously invisible plots, and genuinely didn't believe me when I said Fox was a hate-spewing gak-fuelled anti-vaccine paranoid lunatic (something the paper apparently forgot to mention, and I'd obviously been reading too much Graun who were obviously mischaracterising this plucky british hero). Growing up in a household with the torygraph as the main paper and once home to some half-decent if centre-right-slanted journalism, its tone these days is fucking batshit hatstand hysterical. I guess its pan was boiled slow enough that regular readers didn't notice...?

Making up tales of PCGM/wokery out of whole cloth certainly isn't anything new either. There was a certain hack years ago, who I think wrote for either the torygraph or the smectator, who used to continually invent such tales as a pleonastic form of pearl-clutching. I seem to remember him complaining he wasn't paid enough but he was eventually fired for his congenital lying IIRC and was going to branch in to politics. Can't quite recall where he ended up but as a reprehensible cunt he's sure to have gone far in the tory party.
The fairytale of New York drama was a mad example too, all they did was bleep out the word faggot. Because nothing has ever been bleeped out of a song before to make it friendly to BBC audiences.

And the pogues (who know all too well what real censorship is - streets of sorrow) judging by their statements were as bemused by it all as I am.

It did lead to one glorious moment when the pogues, via their Twitter feed, told Laurence fox to 'fuck off you little herrenvolk shite' though
The fairytale of New York drama was a mad example too, all they did was bleep out the word faggot. Because nothing has ever been bleeped out of a song before to make it friendly to BBC audiences.
That's what's hypocritical about the pearl clutchers. They don't object to, say, swearing or sexual references being bleeped out - because think of the children! - but they're fine with harmful slurs. I used to have a boss like that who'd think nothing of using racist words despite repeated requests from all of us not to, but apparently it was sooo much more offensive to use the word fuck.

Also David Cameron - before he was PM - opined that rudeness was worse than racism. I shouted at the telly "Oh no it's fucking not, you fucking cunt!"
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