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War on Woke: Conservative Cultural Campaigning

The Woke mafia cancelling Jim Davidson and it ain't half hot mum was a like a massive green light to putin.
Obviously a nation so effete that it objects to overt racism in its popular culture will be too shandy pants to object to a military invasion of Ukraine.
I've heard that ALL of our military personnel are now pacifist vegans, and the ones who are in control of our nuclear weapons would rather fight the Ruskies with meditation and foot massage.
Making a clear play for 'woke' as the big lefty boogieman at next elections it appears: Tory party chairman says ‘painful woke psychodrama’ weakening the west

Complaining of 'groupthink' around, you know, ending police racism, people loving who they want, women being treated as human beings, but demanding a nationalistic groupthink to protect us from the Forriners instead. :rolleyes::mad:

Those Heritage Foundation guys are dodgy as fuck.

Speech is absolutely barking.

The Woke mafia cancelling Jim Davidson and it ain't half hot mum was a like a massive green light to putin.
Obviously a nation so effete that it objects to overt racism in its popular culture will be too shandy pants to object to a military invasion of Ukraine.

I like how eagerly they've rushed to warn of the dangers of cancelling that footballer who yeeted his cat across the room.

Half the papers seem to be saying what a poor guy.

Absolutely insane.
The Woke mafia cancelling Jim Davidson and it ain't half hot mum was a like a massive green light to putin.
Obviously a nation so effete that it objects to overt racism in its popular culture will be too shandy pants to object to a military invasion of Ukraine.

If they were to make a programme like "It ain't half hot mum." today, the wokeratti would insist on there being at least one non-binary character, the officer class would be effete nincompoops and, I fear, it show the British Army as a bunch of shirkers - unwilling to engage the enemy.

A wave of attacks on “woke” charities by rightwing politicians has “backfired”, generating an outpouring of public support for the targeted charities and helping drive a surge in social justice activism, say campaigners.

The findings of the Sheila McKechnie Foundation survey come as charities report huge concern over the “chilling” impact on civil society of a raft of proposed legislation designed to restrict public protest and legal challenge.

However, the survey also found the attacks persuaded many charities to re-examine their mission and refocus on campaigning, and had revealed heartening public support for social activism. A third of charities said they were now “more likely to speak out”.

In another high profile case, the RNLI – the UK’s national lifeboat charity – was accused by Nigel Farage, the former leader of the UK Independence party and Brexit party, of running a “migrant taxi service” for rescuing migrants at risk of drowning in the Channel. It robustly defended its work, and received massive public support and a surge in donations as a result..
:thumbs: .
If they were to make a programme like "It ain't half hot mum." today, the wokeratti would insist on there being at least one non-binary character, the officer class would be effete nincompoops and, I fear, it show the British Army as a bunch of shirkers - unwilling to engage the enemy.
As was pointed out on Twitter, the main reason you wouldn't be able to make Only Fools and Horses these days is that it would be seen as insufficiently deferential to veterans.
Excellent read , how someone can describe the National Trust as Marxist has always made laugh 😃

These are all people who just say stuff and feel no obligation to think about it first. And then they get angry when their idiot rantings are ignored, and this anger in turn fuels more idiot rantings.

Ultimately it's all just rage against the dying of the light; or rather the dying of the days where you could insult jews and pakistanis in public without being tutted at by someone younger than you.
These are all people who just say stuff and feel no obligation to think about it first. And then they get angry when their idiot rantings are ignored, and this anger in turn fuels more idiot rantings.

Ultimately it's all just rage against the dying of the light; or rather the dying of the days where you could insult jews and pakistanis in public without being tutted at by someone younger than you.
The whole National Trust thing was ridiculous, an organisation which looks after historical buildings & estates, looked into the history of those estates & found slave links , which is no surprise , and suddenly it is the vanguard of a Marxist revolution 🤔
The whole National Trust thing was ridiculous, an organisation which looks after historical buildings & estates, looked into the history of those estates & found slave links , which is no surprise , and suddenly it is the vanguard of a Marxist revolution 🤔

It really points up the degree to which 'history' is essentially just propaganda to these people doesn't it. None of that actual history thanks, with it's messy slave money and the like.
The whole National Trust thing was ridiculous, an organisation which looks after historical buildings & estates, looked into the history of those estates & found slave links , which is no surprise , and suddenly it is the vanguard of a Marxist revolution 🤔
It’s not just them being dim, though, it’s a wholly deliberate adoption of the Breivikian notion of cultural Marxism. Anything that questions the powers that be, that encourages us to view history from the side of the losers….it’s a threat to our very way of life.
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