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War on Woke: Conservative Cultural Campaigning

I've always assumed it was just PC gone mad recycled.
Nah, it was there before PC. I can remember people of my grandparents' generation prefacing appallingly racist remarks with similar appeals to some nebulous agency that meant they weren't able to be racist. Charitably, I assume it to be some sort of long-buried latent conscience, but I could be very wrong there.
It's a manufactured folk devil. Like "PC gorn maad" before it, and any amount of "you can't say this anymore, but..." bollocks.

There's some of that in there but I think in intent and in effect it's closer to being the latest incarnation of the right wing idea of 'The Will of the People' tbh. That's what gives it a greater range - it can be applied to anything very right wing types don't like, and carries the implication at times that 'the Woke' are borderline traitors, the enemy within etc. I don't think those elements were there with 'PC gone mad' which was more restricted to 'you can't say explicitly racist things without someone calling you a racist' type of stuff. Like a lot of far right stuff it's ridiculous when it's not accompanied by any power but sinister when it is.
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In a joshing way, my uncle refers to me as the "woke." We might have talked about the Colstone thing,I live in Bristol, and also don't like Johnson, Brexit etc. ... He's a decent guy and we actually get on OK but normally avoid politics at the dinner table...
Mail's at it again about how Dept of Health staff are only planning on going 'back to work' (I think they mean 'office') 4 days a month. :rolleyes:
woke pope soap onna rope
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