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War on Woke: Conservative Cultural Campaigning

So woke is now. . .
Healthy living
Agreeing with science
Being aware you yours and other peoples feelings.
Any attempt to educate yourself
Doing the right thing
Not being selfish
Not being sexist
Not being racist
Being concerned about the environment
Just generally trying to be a better person

How can it be spun that these are 'bad' things to roll your eyes at?
So weird.

That's all fine but taking that list as a whole, as to describe what one is. I just thought yuk. I mean if you declared you were for all that out loud, you'd have a few people rolling their eyes at the cringey ernestness of it, maybe calling you woke.
I knew it'd be Brendan before I even clicked. His ability to talk absolute nonsense with absolute confidence is one of the wonders of modern ... not journalism, er ... social effluent I guess?
I knew it'd be Brendan before I even clicked. His ability to talk absolute nonsense with absolute confidence is one of the wonders of modern ... not journalism, er ... social effluent I guess?

No! Surely not! I mean this in the article is spectacular iconoclastic thinking....

"His reign of terror can be seen as a violent manifestation of what has since come to be known as wokeness."

One minute you're asking someone's pronoun, the next you're committing globally significant acts of terror that kill thousands.
That's all fine but taking that list as a whole, as to describe what one is. I just thought yuk. I mean if you declared you were for all that out loud, you'd have a few people rolling their eyes at the cringey ernestness of it, maybe calling you woke.
You don't have to declare it out loud. I am almost certainly into all of those things, but perhaps forget other peoples feelings from time time.
The problem is more that anyone is attacking any of it. Sure you can list the whole thing and someone will roll their eyes and sarcastically say "wow you're so great", but politicians, leaders and political ideologies should be down with all these things, and shouldn't be afraid or ashamed of doing the right thing.

If I blabbed on about helping out in the community, fund-raising and helping my neighbours if they are in difficulty, you might call me a 'flipping goody goody', but it's a bit bonkers to attack someone for it on a political level . . . but here we are.
Partly in response to this:

View attachment 328099

I know that the Daily Mail are trying to make anti-woke hay out of this, but if that study is at all representative, then that headline is the mardy death rattle of the old world passing on. They're literally mad about the fact that "builders", those pillars of oldschool rough-and-tumble toxic masculinity in their worldview, are nowadays often prepared to emotionally open up to their co-workers, as well as having close to coin flip odds of engaging in more academic interests.

Sounds like relatively good news to me, and I doubt that UK tradesmen are going to change their work habits and interests just because the Daily Mail gets their starched bloomers in a twist about them.
The thing is to flip it, I'd think. Such as:

I'm against living healthily, disagree with science, dgaf about other people's feelings, am proud of my lack of education and don't care about doing the right thing. I'm quite happy to be openly selfish, sexist and racist, I couldn't care less about the environment and I'm not interested in "being a better person."

If this sounds like a sociopathic attitude, that's yer state of play on the panicky right atm.
The thing is to flip it, I'd think. Such as:

I'm against living healthily, disagree with science, dgaf about other people's feelings, am proud of my lack of education and don't care about doing the right thing. I'm quite happy to be openly selfish, sexist and racist, I couldn't care less about the environment and I'm not interested in "being a better person."

If this sounds like a sociopathic attitude, that's yer state of play on the panicky right atm.
So Tory then
The thing is to flip it, I'd think. Such as:

I'm against living healthily, disagree with science, dgaf about other people's feelings, am proud of my lack of education and don't care about doing the right thing. I'm quite happy to be openly selfish, sexist and racist, I couldn't care less about the environment and I'm not interested in "being a better person."

If this sounds like a sociopathic attitude, that's yer state of play on the panicky right atm.
Well it's like the great idea I heard when people used to go on about 'political correctness'. Just replace 'political correctness' (or indeed 'wokeness') with 'treating people decently'.

'All this treating people decently has gone too far!'
Honestly the real problem with being "decent" and "polite" is that people expect you to do it all the time. You make one slip up and call someone a racial slur or demand someone show you their genitals before they use the loo and people jump down your throat. I give money to the NSPCC dammit!
The thing is to flip it, I'd think. Such as:

I'm against living healthily, disagree with science, dgaf about other people's feelings, am proud of my lack of education and don't care about doing the right thing. I'm quite happy to be openly selfish, sexist and racist, I couldn't care less about the environment and I'm not interested in "being a better person."

If this sounds like a sociopathic attitude, that's yer state of play on the panicky right atm.

Wtf is “disagree with science” meant to mean, anyway? :D

And very few people are interested in being a better person. Not nearly as many as those who are interested in appearing to be a good person in front of others.
Almost everyone wants to appear to be a good person, at least in front of those they care about or who are useful to them, so yes I imagine they're more numerous than those who genuinely want to be better people. I don't think the latter are as rare as all that though - most people manage to be passably decent, most of the time, given their circumstances and beliefs, in the face of being brought up within a really very individualist and ideologically nasty system.
Almost everyone wants to appear to be a good person, at least in front of those they care about or who are useful to them, so yes I imagine they're more numerous than those who genuinely want to be better people. I don't think the latter are as rare as all that though.

It's good to face Mondays with optimism.
You don't have to declare it out loud. I am almost certainly into all of those things, but perhaps forget other peoples feelings from time time.
The problem is more that anyone is attacking any of it. Sure you can list the whole thing and someone will roll their eyes and sarcastically say "wow you're so great", but politicians, leaders and political ideologies should be down with all these things, and shouldn't be afraid or ashamed of doing the right thing.

If I blabbed on about helping out in the community, fund-raising and helping my neighbours if they are in difficulty, you might call me a 'flipping goody goody', but it's a bit bonkers to attack someone for it on a political level . . . but here we are.

But I think that's what's being weaponised. An individual picking up litter isn't going to be offensive to anyone but these acts have been roled into a characature of the do gooder, stopping old fashioned fun things, language policing etc.

The public are receptive because most people find a po faced hectering do gooder iritating. (see annoying student language policing stories that barely warrent coverage beyond the campus.) The UK is mostly small c conservative still.
It's useful It for keeping contrarian or out of touch dull old gammony bloke journos in a job. People still publish Richard fucking Littlejohn. FFS.
It's cheap for newspapers to produce.
The right weaponise it to distract or capitalise on populist sentiment.
None of these are funnier, or dafter, than Spiked tried to claim that Al Qaeda were woke.

The wokerlists at Spiked blocked me for making sarcastic comments about their guru. If, they'd asked me I would have been willing to preface future Tweets about Furedi with a trigger warning.
Paradoxically not being a relentless cunt to anyone who's a bit overweight is definitely 'woke'.

Although there's a handy anti-woke misogyny element in that they can take advantage of.
Well obviously you don't have to shout it from the rooftops. I was thinking more in terms of science fact that nobody wants to be reminded of.
Maybe . . .
"Suns out, isn't it great!! but do take care, put on sun cream as it can cause skin cancer"
"Bloody woke do gooders, spoiling it for everyone with science rules. . .we didn't have this when we was kids"
Well obviously you don't have to shout it from the rooftops. I was thinking more in terms of science fact that nobody wants to be reminded of.
Maybe . . .
"Suns out, isn't it great!! but do take care, put on sun cream as it can cause skin cancer"
"Bloody woke do gooders, spoiling it for everyone with science rules. . .we didn't have this when we was kids"

I've totally missed the sunscreen element of the culture war.
Then again, I think you'd be about 80 or older to have not had sun cream about when you were a kid.

These octogenarians are notorious for their un-woke ways.
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